He who would be free must himself strike the blow ā€” Frederick Douglass

Category: Uncategorized (Page 13 of 19)

Millions of Chinese Firms Face Collapse If Banks Donā€™t Act

Watch closely, Bloombucks is implicated in this.

And by that I mean. ā€œALL of this.ā€


(mirror https://archive.is/ig3NU )

And when China was slipping due to Trumpā€™s tariff wars, increased shipping costs , idle ships off the west coast that canā€™t unload their goods and freights : reduced demand for AND capability to fulfill chip / electronics orders ā€” 

What better scheme to rescue the tanking Chinese economy, than cheap bullshit stitched together on filthy floors like ā€œface masks,ā€ ā€œhand sanitizer,ā€ ā€œprinted arrows you can stick on your floor,ā€ ā€œcheap plastic partitions for every cashier;ā€ and mass produced worthless ā€œrapid testsā€ ?

COST and SHIPPING COST no object due to Muh Pandemic?

PRIORITY SHIPPING via sea , air, and truck , when all other cargo tanks sit idle with their freight.

Food? Goods? Commerce? 


How can you even ā€œcompeteā€ with these products?

You canā€™t!

Your business canā€™t afford a $20,000 container shipment that was $1,000 ā€“ $2,000 a year ago!

That is what fucks JIT (just in time) shipping systems.

In a billion or trillion or , fuck it, jazillion dollar ā€œstimulusā€ or ā€œemergencyā€ package, what difference at this point does it make ā€” hereā€™s your blank check. May as well make it a $100,000,000 cargo container shipment!

Oh no, you arenā€™t getting an iPhone this year. Sad! /s

When China canā€™t deliver electronics or cheap plastic shit to consooomers who donā€™t have money, thatā€™s okay, the treasury can fund Chinaā€™s economic renaissance by making sure every man woman and child gets 0.40 sub sub subdivided acres and 999 face masks!!!!!!!!

Things You Can Do out in the Desert

ā€“ See contrails for miles. āœˆļø
ā€“ Read a book by moonlight šŸŒ™
ā€“ Track satellites with the naked eye. šŸ›°
ā€“ Remember your name, ā€˜cause there ainā€™t no one for to cause you no pain. āœ…

October / November Repurchase Agreements

October 2019 repurchase agreements:

Totally exploding and approaching 200,000 in October 2019 and sustaining through the present day.

Eclipsing the 2008 level of 130,000.


The short answer for why they do this is to keep interest rates from skyrocketing. It props up bond markets, money markets, etc. Youā€™d clean out all of those accounts and empty them today if you could get a 10% return on your money. Theyā€™re not going to let that happen.


For their part, the Fed is saying the economy is ā€œin a good placeā€ and they ā€œwill act as appropriate to sustain the expansion.ā€

What they mean by that is that the major financial entities are fucked and panicking in the background, the Fed is dumping hundreds of billions into commercial banks because absolutely nobody else will lend to them right now.

Professional analysts from ā€¦ wait for it ā€¦ financial firms such as Chase Bank and Morgan Stanley are weighing in to say this is fine and weā€™re totally not fucked!

Ok. šŸ¤­

If you say so. šŸ¤

I realize this is purely anecdotal but I visited the trucking company I used to work for this month.

They have plummeted in orders and revenue across all sectors.

Normally if agriculture sucks, John Deere stops shipping tractor parts. If automotive sucks, Detroit Diesel stops shipping engines and so on and so forth, weā€™d usually have a barometer of how everyoneā€™s doing long before anyone acknowledged the problem and Iā€™m going to tell you this: Everyone is fucked and slowing down and not talking about it yet.

I donā€™t know if weā€™re sliding into a recession or if Trumpā€™s tariffs are completely fucking us.

Iā€™d start dumping financial / banking stocks and hold off on the half million dollar house or the new car right now. Save every cent you can right now ā€” for those of you who have any cents to save.

ā€˜Merica, fuck yeah!

I live in America and you can either cry about our unfair and fucked system or you can rape and pillage it like everyone else. You have two classes of investors: The group thatā€™s about to start plunging out of windows, and the group thatā€™s rubbing its hands gleefully and saying ā€œ$10,000 houses and condos ā€¦ here I come.ā€

Itā€™s about that time to get out of the markets and shore up your cash balances and scoop up some real estate assets. Unless you want to rent it from someone else for $3000 a month in about five years from now. Thatā€™s how this works.

Theyā€™re gonna blame it on the Bad Orange Man and that would depend on whether this is a consequence of his administrationā€™s tariff war but itā€™s worse than that:

Nobody will pump money into banking/finance anymore ā€” so why should you?


Weā€™re on the highway to Spring Grove.
All the leaves have fallen off of the trees.
The road is littered with the unfortunate carcasses
Of skunks and squirrels and stupid fucking raccoons.
Letā€™s stop in the next town and buy helium filled mylar balloons
That say ā€œget well soon.ā€

Houston smells like cow shit:
Everyone drives thirty miles an hour.
A Toyota Prius is in my fucking way.
Itā€™s always a fucking Toyota Prius,
That ends up in my fucking way.

Itā€™s almost as if theyā€™re all heading nowhere
Itā€™s almost as if they have nowhere to be.
I wonder why people people even live out here.

You held my hand on a chilly Minnesota night
Without any other cars or people in sight
Not even a stray deer my headlights had captured.
I wondered, is this the apocalypse or the rapture?
If it is then I know what has happened to all of the animals
And Iā€™m afraid you and I are in very big trouble.

We stared into each otherā€™s eyes
Not knowing how long weā€™d behold our gaze
Whether weā€™d hold each other in our hearts
For what would only be a few moments
Or until the end of time?
Just like we had all the other times before,
Jā€™ adore. 

Out here the wild horses thrive.
They seem to know,
That in order to survive
They should not run out in front of my car.


Days or weeks on end in bed until the pain and inflammation subsides.

Weeks on end in bed, knocked out cold.

Vividly dreaming.

Flying through one sequence after another.


A little bit of ā€œwhat I had and what I lost.ā€

But if only it were that trite.

I donā€™t even know what day it is half the time.

Itā€™s 6:00, I bid you both good morning and good night.

All my life I’ve (failed to) fight to stay.

Iā€™m going to answer, protecting
It can be so hard to forgive
Itā€™s not what I thought, and itā€™s not what I pictured
When I was imagining my manĀ 
You are so nervous all of the time,Ā 
living the classics
I know that imagining my man
Imagining, imagining my manĀ 
All my life Iā€™ve had to fight to stay
You were right, love takes time, hey, heyĀ 
You have this dream, apparently Iā€™m not done
I leave and itā€™s dreadful
If you get there
Be honest, respectfulĀ 
All my life (hey!) I never tried to stay
You were right, love takes time, hey, heyĀ 
I hope one day we will get that way
Lucky to be given the chance
I do not have the answer
But I donā€™t have the wish to go backĀ 

“don’t judge me or think I’m bitter for the evil god allows me to see”

I didnā€™t say anything when he handed me a slip of paper and said it was a repair estimate from the dealer.

It wasnā€™t.

It was his HIV labs, and he had been laying all this guilt and baggage on me for being poz while he was “neg.”

We’d been friends for like a decade , what a fucked up thing to lie about.

I’d just offered to fix his cracked intake manifold.

I was flustered and kicking rocks again cause I’d always had a thing for him.

I set it down and I didnā€™t say a word about what Iā€™d just read.

I guess I appreciate being slapped in the face with the fact that heā€™s a liar right here and right now before I get too invested in that and get my heart busted again.

ā€œEh bien, continuonsā€¦ā€

The Day They Found the Cure

Thereā€™d be dancing in the streets, Iā€™d thought, the day they found the cure.

 Our world would be better when we were all connected, or so Iā€™d thought for sure.

 Did you ever spend your life fighting for something and then wake up one day to a headline announcing that it went your way or that we were all going to be okay?

 The change you wanted to see, the change you wanted to be in the world had arrived under the cover of darkness without any warning and the moment you waited your entire life for meant nothing to anybody, not even to you at this point.

 And so we buttered our toast and folded the paper up on the table for later as though we would ever have the time to sit down and read the rest of it before tomorrows edition arrived.

 The damage was done and not a damn thing in this world would ever wipe all of our cheeks dry but Iā€™m going to be late for work if I sit here and dwell on this any more than I already have.

 Neither our victory nor our defeat were even worth a like or a retweet, itā€™s just that we all woke up one day and queers didnā€™t matter to anybody or even to each other anymore.

 Young men and women: ā€œYouā€™ve got to go to the city,ā€ theyā€™d said.

 ā€œThe world isnā€™t as stupid as where you are from.ā€

 Iā€™ve been to the city, it turns out they are also quite dumb.

 And the only people left alive are what you and I have become.


I donā€™t need to hack them, Gary will just set the room +r and they delete their fucking website constantly without any help from me.

Girl Iā€™m so 31337 I can hack into your shitty website from a homeless shelter with neither a laptop nor an internet connection? 

I hate them so fucking much it’s fucking unreal.

Alcoholics and addicts always have someone to blame.

Like my dad, when he started drinking again, he yelled to his wife: “It’s all Robbie’s fault! He came over and left the vodka on my porch!”

And so it is, when Gary fucks up and sets his room +r and nobody can join.

“Robbie hacked us!” and in come the hate filled fucking emails and threats as I’m sitting here on a cot minding my own business and trying to “move on.”

I hate twelve steppers. They’re paranoid, deluded , violent, deranged lunatics.

Even “resigning” or deleting the website doesn’t spare me from that madness.

Instant cringe, instant block when anyone calls me “Robby” or “Robbie” – you’re one of them – and I do not fucking know you, nor do I want to.

Cindy wasn’t co-signing that shit, she went, “ah, no? I don’t think he came all the way here from Arizona and did that?”

Unfortunately she’s the only sane person in my life with a grip on reality.

Cause while Iā€™m getting blamed ā€¦ for whatever.. with full page interstital rants about whatever I ā€œdid to youā€ now, heres my view from Haven for Hope in Texas:

In the rooms “ESH” means ā€œExperience, strength and hope.ā€

On Reddit, it means ā€œEveryone Sucks Here.ā€ 

Fun fact:

“Scapegoating” is a Hebrew word.

There is no equivalent term for this concept in proto/Eastern European dialect.

You can … think whatever you want about what the fuck I mean by that.

Pro tip: If youā€™re going to fuck with someone make sure heā€™s not already a diseased fucking pariah and already widely loathed by all of his tribes. šŸ‘šŸ»


2:38 PM <Emi> Hey you guys
2:38 PM <Emi> I fucking love being sober
2:38 PM <cristan> yeah me too
2:38 PM <Emi> Itā€™s great
2:38 PM <cristan> feels so much better
2:38 PM <sub0hm> Emi: STOP LYING ALL THE TIME

2:55 PM <ā€¢poppi> have you heard that song cos i got high
2:56 PM <ā€¢north> yes
2:56 PM <ā€¢tilatequila> yes
2:56 PM <ā€¢poppi> dats u
2:56 PM <ā€¢north> lol
2:56 PM <ā€¢poppi> lol
2:56 PM <ā€¢tilatequila> ā€œi was gonna work the steps and then i got highā€ oooooooo
2:56 PM <ā€¢tilatequila> my sponsor said ā€youre gonna die!!!!ā€
2:56 PM <ā€¢tilatequila> then i got high

Postcards from West Texas

Some advice about digging trenches from a gentleman in Abilene:

The first week, youā€™re like oh noā€¦ woe is me, Iā€™m in a trench.

The second week, itā€™s ā€œfuck you God, for putting me in this trench.ā€

Week three: God, give me the perseverance to remain in this trench and keep digging.

Things happen: Clairvoyance and Paranoyance

If we’re gonna be truth-telling, then let’s tell the truth: I saw something shiny and pretty at AA , he wanted a ride , and my dick said “yes.”

I knew better.

And, yet.

Wrote a blog entry about it, want to read it? Here it go!

I picked somebody up at an AA meeting, he was cute I guess but heā€™d be a lot cuter if he wasnā€™t on the shit.

I could tell he was still going through it, he wanted me to take him home with me and I was like sorry dudeā€¦ weā€™re sitting in my home right now. I donā€™t have anywhere to go.

He asked me where I was going, and I told him.

I was going to go to Monterey to stand out on the coast and try to relax.

He asked if he could come with me.

Or could he come to [I donā€™t want to name my next destination.] ?

I asked him if he knew anyone there or what heā€™d do when he got there.

He had no idea.

I asked if he had clothes or belongings or anything. You want to go ā€¦ just like that?


I drove around and talked to him a little bit and we exchanged stories.

Then I saw his hands: They were bright red like a steamed lobster all the way down to his knuckles.

I said ā€œshit dude this isnā€™t good youā€™re malnourished and dehydrated.ā€

You need to give yourself a break from the drugs, eat, hydrate, rest.

ā€œIā€™m not saying you have to stop forever and ever and ever but you .. need a break.ā€

I donā€™t have facts to back me up but if your hands look like that you probably have some inflammation in your brain. And youā€™re not giving your heart any nutrients and youā€™re making it work that hard oh my god. Iā€™m not going to tell someone that if theyā€™re tweaking though.

I stopped and got him a pizza and some stuff to drink.

For a little while he grabbed my other phone and picked the music.

I liked his selection and taste.

And then ā€¦.

He grabbed a container of bug spray and leaned out the window and started wiping my car with it.

He started smearing it all over the inside of my windshield.

Okay, here we go.

ā€œUh please donā€™t do that on my side, I need to see the road.ā€

He started rubbing the bug spray all over his hands.


ā€œHeyā€¦ do you ā€¦ put a lot of bug spray on your skin? Iā€™m wondering if youā€™re poisoning yourself.ā€

No answer.

Oh fuck is he huffing BUG SPRAY?

Mentally, I latched on to this question about why his hands were so red and so dead looking. What is wrong with his health? What does this mean?

He grabbed the wheel and rocked it a little bit and I asked him to not do that either.

He asked me if he could drive.

I said absolutely fucking not.

(Okay weā€™re done here: I did a U-turn.)

Then he turned on my dome light and started staring into the back of my car.


I turned on the master switch for all the interior lights.

He stared at me and said ā€œyou look old now.ā€

I sighed. I was drained at this point.

Fergieā€™s ā€œBig Girls donā€™t Cryā€ came on the radio.

I said ā€œyou know Fergie was a tweaker right?ā€

ā€œShe was?ā€

I know a thing or two about MasterSketch Theater.
Tina talks a lot of shit.

Sheā€™s a bitch.

I read him an excerpt of this interview:

In the early Noughties, Fergieā€™s vice was crystal meth, an addiction she beat before finding fame with Black Eyed Peas.

ā€œAt my lowest point, I was [suffering from] chemically induced psychosis and dementia. I was hallucinating on a daily basis. It took a year after getting off that drug for the chemicals in my brain to settle so that I stopped seeing things. Iā€™d just be sitting there, seeing a random bee or bunny.ā€
Her hallucinations became so severe that she thought the CIA, FBI and a SWAT team were tracking her. She eventually sought solace in a church, probably on some level, she thinks, because of her Catholic upbringing.
ā€œThey tried to kick me out, because I was moving down the aisles in this crazy way, as I thought there was an infrared camera in the church trying to check for my body. I bolted past the altar into a hallway and two people were chasing me.

ā€œI remember thinking: ā€˜If I walk outside, and the SWAT teamā€™s out there, I was right all along. But if theyā€™re not out there, then itā€™s the drugs making me see things and Iā€™m going to end up in an institution. And if it really is the drugs, I donā€™t want to live my life like this any more, anyway.ā€™ I walked out of the church; obviously there was no SWAT team, it was just me in a parking lot. It was a freeing moment.ā€

ā€œThe drugs thing, it was a hell of a lot of funā€¦ until it wasnā€™t. But you know what, I thank the day it happened to me. Because thatā€™s my strength, my faith, my hope for something better.ā€

Not everyone would have turned themselves around, and then go on to become a super-successful singer. ā€œItā€™s so incredible, I know. I think I must have guardian angels.ā€
We rode in silence for awhile.

He started arguing with ā€¦ I donā€™t know what ā€¦ about a ā€œtransferā€ and how heā€™d been cloned and they were having sex with his body and fisting it right now.

He kept asking me about the ā€œtransferā€ and I said Iā€™m sorry but I donā€™t know what that means.

He asked me if I wanted to score drugs with him.

I pulled over and said okay Iā€™ll take you back to where I picked you up but youā€™re going to stop this right now.

I started driving again, a little more apprehensive now.

He started punching the pizza box and yelling that he wanted to see my dick.

ā€œUh, thatā€™s not happening.ā€

He punches the pizza box even harder, emphasizing every word with another punch:


ā€œNot happening and thatā€™s definitely not how you get my dick hard.ā€

He repeated what he said and I said Iā€™m going to treatment, I donā€™t care what you do but Iā€™m not getting high.

He says ā€œI just want to score some crystal.ā€

And Iā€™m like ok cool you have choices about how to end or spend tonight, weā€™re going back to where I picked you up and you can do that.

Sad part is , out here in San Francisco or Los Angeles these guys will encounter someone in this condition and pump you full of even more drugs and fuck you ā€” looking at you, Ed Buck.

He started rambling about how weā€™re going to get some stuff and a cheap seedy hotel and how heā€™s going to find three guys to fuck me.

ā€œItā€™s just what you like, donā€™t fucking lie. Youā€™re going to a do a shot!ā€

Fuck I am, not with my blown up and trashed ticker Iā€™m not. Thereā€™s a reason I donā€™t give a fuck what anyone thinks about me or what I have to say anymore.

He says ā€œgreat, thanks for making me fall out of love.ā€


I was already about 0.2 seconds away from stopping the car and telling him to get out when he dumped the pizza all over me and started clawing at me and punching my window trying to break it.

ā€œLet me the fuck out!!!ā€

ā€œNo problem.ā€

I came to a halt on the 101 and he couldnā€™t figure out how to unlock the door. He was kicking the door frantically and screaming and clawing at me like a feral cat and I was like ā€œplease just let me unlock the door for you thatā€™s all Iā€™m doing Iā€™m not going to hurt you.ā€

He spit out the thing heā€™d been chewing on the whole time:

I got the door open and he darted off onto the 101 like a startled deer.

Heā€™d upended pizza and soda all over my car.

I pulled off at the next exit and got on my knees to thank God I was safe, and to pray that dude doesnā€™t get hit by a carā€¦ or attack someone elseā€¦ or get tazed or worse.

I didnā€™t see the accident happenā€¦ but I learned the next morning that a northbound SUV swerved to miss him and killed two or three of its occupants.

Okie dokie God, I just put in a good word for you all but a few hours ago and I said that your fingerprints are all over everything. Where are we going with this one?

I looked up from where Iā€™d knelt down and I was kneeling in front of the sign for the hotel chain I usually stay at.

*mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, long pause*

I was done with my car and I was done with this trip.

[The vehicle, too. I took it over to my cousinā€™s and gave him the keys and title and told him I never wanted to see it again.]

I was told once that ā€œinsanityā€ is not ā€œintoxicated behavior,ā€ if you give Grandma enough crystal meth sheā€™ll hop up in a sling and get gang banged or let you fist her and peek out the windows and take apart the lawnmower, too.

ā€œInsanityā€ means ā€œI want to use that shit even though itā€™s doing all of these horrible things to me.ā€

I was staring at that tonight.

This guy was in this condition and he was like ā€œI want to score some crystal.ā€

That is the ā€œinsanityā€ we ā€œcome to believeā€ will be removed from us.

I want to live. I want to go watch the ocean from the coast in Monterey today.


I love everything about this post and thread:

A Burden Shared:


Archive link:Ā https://archive.fo/ODVm

i was neveralone and when his footsteps were not in that sand there were others in his name walking with me -maybe they were not carrying me but they certainly held me up andstopped me time and again from falling down those terrible deep.holes of despair and hoplessness.

Donā€™t look for the footsteps: Dust for fingerprints and youā€™ll find Godā€™s hands on everything.

“Can’t be your Superman”

I put it out there that Iā€™m sleeping in my car and trying to figure shit out, and I said I donā€™t want help because Iā€™m tired of sexual motives.

And they go both ways.

Nacuntie was right, he was like, make sure theyā€™re not just using you for sex.

I was cavalier about it, like fuck yeah I want to get naked and cuddle with this dude.

I know, I knowā€¦ weā€™re all just there to get better and I donā€™t usually do the 13th stepping shit.

[edit: two years later I am comfortable rephrasing this , and saying ā€œlearn the difference between ā€œloveā€ and a ā€œtrauma bondā€ or live with the consequences.ā€]

Everyone wants to be loved or held, quit your bullshit.

That dude felt amazing in my arms and I loved watching him sleep.

He was like Iā€™m going to ask my sponsor if I can keep you.

And then in the same breath he was like, I can do better than you and I just want sex.

Ouch. I got what I wanted and itā€™s not what I wanted.

Fuck, whatever dude, shut up and let me hold you until your prince arrives.

Iā€™m cool, itā€™s Los Angeles, everyone wants some fucking quid pro quo.

And if you feel that that good in my arms, fuck, I donā€™t mind.

Maybe your prince did arrive and you were too stuck up to notice.

Iā€™m not putting myself in a ā€¦ ah, situation again.


Spotted on a billboard: ā€œToday is the day for you to know that you are enough and you always have been.ā€

Maya Angelou had a hard ass life and she hung on by the only thread that kept her from leaving this world as a 21-year-old drug addicted Black prostitute.

Probably someone the whole lot of you would have said was hopeless, too.

Be kind to people who are fighting battles you donā€™t know anything about, they have weapons and tools that you also donā€™t know about.

Harper Valley PTA

I wanna tell you all the story ā€™bout
A Harper Valley widowed wife
Who had a teenage daughter
Who attended Harper Valley Junior High

Well, her daughter came home one afternoon
And didnā€™t even stop to play
And she said, ā€œmom, I got a note here from the Harper Valley PTAā€

Well, the note said, ā€œMrs. Johnson
Youā€™re wearinā€™ your dresses way too high
Itā€™s reported youā€™ve been drinking
And a-running round with men and goinā€™ wild
And we donā€™t believe you oughta be a-bringinā€™ up
Your little girl this wayā€

And it was signed by the Secretary
Harper Valley PTA

Well, it happened that the PTA was gonna meet
That very afternoon
And they were sure surprised
When Mrs. Johnson wore her miniskirt into the room
And as she walked up to the blackboard

I can still recall the words she had to say
She said, ā€œIā€™d like to address this meeting of the Harper Valley PTA

Well, thereā€™s Bobby Taylor sittinā€™ there
And seven times heā€™s asked me for a date
And Mrs. Taylor sure seems to use a lotta ice
Whenever heā€™s away

And Mr. Baker can you tell us why
Your secretary had to leave this town?
And shouldnā€™t widow Jones be told to keep
Her window shades all pulled completely down

Well, Mr. Harper couldnā€™t be here
ā€˜Cause he stayed too long at Kellyā€™s Bar again
And if you smell Shirley Thompsonā€™s breath
Youā€™ll find sheā€™s had a little nip of gin
And then you have the nerve to tell me
You think that as a mother Iā€™m not fit

Well, this is just a little Peyton Place
And youā€™re all Harper Valley hypocrites
No, I wouldnā€™t put you on because it really did
It happened just this way

The day my mama socked it to the Harper Valley PTA
The day my mama socked it to the Harper Valley PTA


Fentanyl for the Soul

I escaped from the clutches of some holy rolling treatment center in Arizona.

ā€œJesus is Fentanyl for my soul!ā€

ā€œGive him 40 CCā€™s ā€” Christ Conquers!ā€

They kept talking about suiciding me and I half expected some sinister figure to approach me and say ā€œHillary Clinton sends her regardsā€ before bashing me with a dumbbell or whatever.

They meant suicide precautions.

Oh, whew. Glad we cleared that up.


backs slowly towards the door

This nurse was going to refuse to give my my heart and HIV meds to make an example of me for being late for medication.

She reconsidered when it was starting to look like I was going to embed her medication cart in the drywall before her shift was over.

The next day I pointed out that theyā€™d release the fucking hounds to remind everyone to attend AA, but that as a licensed medical facility they were dead set against reminding people to take medications.

The place is designed like a fucking casino.

Why the fuck would anyone have any concept of time in there?

They quickly changed some policies and started announcing medication times on the PA.

Speaking of the F word, their thing was clean language, clean living.

I tried to come up with a little song:

ā€œFrack frack frack a duckā€¦ say how do you do to a kangaroo? Say good morning gang to the orangutans, a wholesome outing at the zoo!ā€

I bonded with the other gay Eskimo in our tribe.

He talked about how the gay meetings were all toxic here, too.

Et tu, Brujas?

So Iā€™m sitting there in my Britney Spears T-shirt making penises out of play-doh and sticking the bendy figurineā€™s legs behind his head.

This volcanic bitch asks me if Iā€™m re-living the trauma of my addiction.

I lost it and just about cried laughing.

One of their chaplains started talking about one of the churches I attend.

I was like hey, Iā€™m from there!


Yes girl, Iā€™m a SPY, they sent me here to END you!

Just kidding, no really, thatā€™s the one all my Liturgy Service posts are about though.

I signed out against medical advice. Frack that place.

Their program consisted of hour after hour after hour of idiots at the pulpit droning in about how AA works yā€™all!

Iā€™ve been around 11+ years and Iā€™ve spent hundreds of hours listening to men and women give the oleā€™ tired and true formulaic Saturday Night Special from the podium.

Half of them are drunk or high now.

My story might be fucked up but you know what, at least itā€™s mine and itā€™s not ā€œhurrr durrr hurrr my daddy beat me and I started drinking wine. And then I drank some more wine. And then some more wine. And muh steps and muh sponsor and I lived happily ever after.ā€ šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ

If you really want to piss me off, give me and the tattoos the once over and tell me ā€œitā€™s okay, you donā€™t have to believe in god right now.ā€

Thatā€™s a rullll purty book you brought, SHIT, thatā€™s the same color blue my aunt turned when they narcanā€™ed her, yā€™all! Maybe you and the other missionaries can teach me how to read it someday. šŸ™„

A few of the staff came by to tell me Iā€™m probably going to relapse. Blah blah blah, I know, Iā€™m Disobedient so Iā€™m going to DIE. Fuck you. You know when Judge Rutherford was going around in the 1800s with his ā€œMillions Now Living Will Never Dieā€ speeches, it was common for editors to quip ā€œMillions Now Living Would Rather Die Than Hear Judge Rutherford Speak.ā€

I so love it when Christians share the Good News with me.

What, do you mean I wonā€™t be a success story like the 20% of the people on the unit who have successfully completed your program one or more times and are back after a relapse? šŸ˜­

Another rehab scam that regurgitates BillShit and charges your insurance $3000+ a day for it.

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