{"id":13971,"date":"2023-11-03T10:22:23","date_gmt":"2023-11-03T10:22:23","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/fadingstar.mx\/?p=13971"},"modified":"2024-02-23T01:04:19","modified_gmt":"2024-02-23T01:04:19","slug":"xtacular","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/v4.fadingstar.mx\/2023\/11\/03\/xtacular\/","title":{"rendered":"The cult that recruits from AA meetings"},"content":{"rendered":"\n
There was a lot in here about the group being your attacker and your savior, about icing someone out cold after being of service a long time and “throwing them in the trash” which has been a recurring topic<\/a> here. And more of the whole sabotaging interpersonal, romantic, and\/or recovery relationships whether inside or outside of “the group”, not to mention some of the kookier\/more esoteric\/1st century “””christianity””” stuff.<\/p>\n\n\n\n I wasn’t into it immediately until he started talking about how insane people were at the sober living.<\/p>\n\n\n\n Like most mind control cults, sometimes they “tear you down and rebuild you into something else” (like the military) and then sometimes they just “tear you down” and indeed, throw you in the garbage.<\/p>\n\n\n\n You’re told to stop talking to your “old” friends and then after you’ve shut the door on them as instructed they start to sabotage and chip away at your new ones with gossip and ‘warnings’ or they do shit like this to you with people outside of the group<\/em> and you’re like “how do you know that?”<\/p>\n\n\n\n Like any abusive relationship, there’s always an implied threat that “if you leave, you will relapse and die” “you have to keep coming no matter how badly anyone treats you and silently endure absolutely anything they do to you” “i will take all your friends away and isolate you” “i will tell them you’re crazy and lying” “if you ever tell anybody what i did to you i will beat you \/ stalk you \/ k*ll you” everything<\/strong> those people did to me is what domestic abusers<\/strong> do.<\/p>\n\n\n\n On the surface it was allegedly a reprieve for people “who had been harmed by organized religion” but much like organized religion, chock full of Harper Valley hypocrites crowing pridefully about their “spiritual progress”, “god helping me find a parking spot at the mall” and other such “miracles<\/em>“, (“i guess that god’s not that great”) or their so called “clean time ” as they go home to drink alcohol, beat or fuck their kids and wives, and drag them down the stairs by their hair. I had seen many such cases in the Jehovahs Witnesses in their plastic “Sunday church nice” and knew what they were like when they didn’t have to smile for the group anymore. I was hard to fool, and yet<\/em>, enough of a fool to not like… run… immediately<\/strong>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n One of the reasons I even took a “service commitment” in that hellhole was because the people who ran it at the time were obscenely <\/strong>giddy about taunting newcomers and using them as “punching bags” with about as much empathy and respect for them as one of the guests might receive on Bill O’Reilly’s show. They found a girl in an alley, a 13 year old was said to have committed suicide over his ban and nothing and i mean nothing<\/strong> stirred their conscience. I wasn’t having a better time in what had been my face to face groups at the time and I’ve already said plenty about that<\/strong>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n No wonder these people were volcanic and absolutely threatening to beat me, murder me, and incarcerate me for documenting in detail exactly what kind of fucking garbage they do to people. <\/p>\n\n\n\n Professor John Wilson Sr (apparently substantiated<\/strong><\/em> by Texas law enforcement) taunted me that he’d have group members anonymously mass report me and file frivolous “cyber tips” with the FBI and DEA to have me surveilled and harassed as a “””drug trafficker””” , may he rest in piss.<\/em> They not only threatened<\/strong> to do that to me, they, in fact, did it<\/span><\/strong> and there is absolutely no way to review or appeal it or even get them to admit I’m on that list. I had formerly supported Donald Trump right up until he was on TV talking about executing all the “drug traffickers” and I realized “well, according to some list<\/strong> they’re going to hand him, that means me<\/strong>.” There is nothing<\/strong> I can do about that designation or his apparent desire to execute everyone so designated and that<\/strong> is terrifying. <\/p>\n\n\n\n The guy who sits on truth social 24\/7 moaning that the prosecutors and courts are “rigged” and “unfair” and “corrupt” and engage in “witch hunts” , that the DOJ is “weaponized” is … going to take their word for it and start killing everyone else on their “list” ? “ohhh ok they seem like really nice people, im sure none<\/strong> of the rest of this is politically or personally motivated!” \/s Obama and his “lists” and their extrajudicial killings were what Trump campaigned on ending<\/strong>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n I don’t want to be that one character in Aeon Flux who tries to scale the wall and escape from her 15-minute Smart City, only to get her leg sliced off by one of the robot laser arms she was assembling in her factory job. <\/p>\n\n\n\n And that’s just something some asshole (supposedly) in NA (supposedly) with years clean who you never met and do not know can call up some “good ole boy” from one of your ceepee chats over there in Mississippi and do to you over an internet grudge. Welcome to America: Land of the free. Employer of the federal fascist.<\/p>\n\n\n\n I remember reading a book about one persons early experience going it alone against cult advice. She had a website and a small following of people who also weren’t having a great time or a safe experience in those meetings. In her book she only had one tactful statement to say about AA itself, and it was simply “I tried it and it wasn’t something that worked for me.” maybe to not alienate people who were in AA or found it helpful but<\/em> fuck being lukewarm.<\/p>\n\n\n\n I don’t know why she shut her website down and withdrew from the public eye – I did the same because it was a toxic and endless fucking nightmare, so I don’t assume anything <\/em>– but the rumors were practically flying around nationwide that she’d “relapsed” and shut it all down in “shame” and people were pleased to spread the news, like “see, another <\/strong>one tried to get away and failed!” <\/p>\n\n\n\n<\/figure>\n\n\n\n