[The time had come]

We laid down in our positions holding our glowing cards up.

I hid mine under the blanket, not wanting to display mine or be seen.

[A portal in the wall opened up for each player like the end of a video game, asking us: Continue or start over as a new player?]

If you started over as a new player, you picked your geographical region. For example:

Wisconsin needs 40,000 people.

But I warn you, you could be immediately victimized by the impending industrial revolution.

Want to play?

[Good News]:

You don’t have to.

[The righteous will never have to play this game again this time.]

No sooner could we celebrate — Wisconsin had heavy representation in this game and we were about to proudly nail our license plates to the wall to show everyone — Lots of plates from Wisconsin —

We were in for one more show.

We were in a cafe now and an older woman was being rude to her customers, refusing service to some. At first we thought maybe she was racist or didn’t like young people or ————

Reactions are mixed.

Uncertain about how to handle this one I turned to someone and asked them “what should we do?”

The moral of the story:

Wait awhile and observe her.

The results?

She is the same way to whoever comes in the door , whether it is one customer or 100.

So no, she isn’t racist.

Or against young people

Or against the “otherness” in front of her.

She is just that way towards everyone.

She falls down.

People step back , stunned at what is happening right now.

Isn’t this supposed to be over now?

Is she dying?


What the – ?

A man steps in to perform chest compressions and try to save her even though nobody liked her.

Someone laughs.

I say “that is not funny!”

She dies.

Poof she disappears through the wall leaving a tiny V shaped print with two tufts of hair, it almost looks like a tacky little string bikini on the wall, something vulgar, something – I don’t know, vaginal.

Someone chuckles and says , that must have been a tight fit.

Poof, she comes back and she’s laughing with us.

She is okay now.

No one is in trouble.

We just needed to learn one more thing before we were on our way:

It is okay to not know what to do about a situation.

It is okay to ask someone what to do, if you don’t know what to do.

Even better though if you step up and do it.

Like that gentleman who performed the chest compressions on her even though she seemed dreadful.