Let’s say these drugs we’re taking, whether our dealer is named Walgreens or Pookie, actually do perform preferential bonds that make the job of telomerase 100 times easier. It can find and assemble things it needs or is looking for, even faster or with fewer molecules.
Perhaps this is adaptive, in response to things you have been “inoculated” against, or are no longer available in the poisoned, nutrient deprived garbage we call food.
Your body goes, whee, this is easy! Now I can burn/metabolize all this fat!
“I have so much energy!”
“I feel good!”
And then you withdraw that substance — legal, illegal, or an over the counter cold remedy — and your telomerase is searching endlessly for that substance it has been trained , to use as a shortcut, to create copies of chromosomes to insert into your cells.
And what are the symptoms of telomerase activity?
That’s right, “cold” and “flu” and “aids” and “covid” and “polymere fume fever” aka PTFE pyrolisis poisoning.
And you know, the people responsible for contaminating our planet are desperate for justifications for why the byproducts of their industry are actually beneficial.
Get this.
Maybe some of these chemicals actually ARE creating shortcuts for telomerase with unexpected results that I decline to speculate are harmful or beneficial.
“What is the difference between a bumper car and a bumper sticker?”
It took me 13 years to answer this: A “bumper car” is a genetic sequence, and they can appear anywhere, as if parallel parked, in a line of cars. A Telomere end cap is the “bumper sticker” , it is like the sealed part on the end of a shoelace. “HIV” and cancer and a number of other aberations, if you are lucky, are essentially harmless, and non infectious when it is a “bumper car,” but due to timing/folding errors, if it ends up in the bumper sticker, it is a problem.
You do not want those “sealed” into the bumper sticker.
But they can break free of that under weird circumstances due to scavenging, substitution, or timing errors.
Or , notably, “inducing your g2 cell cycle to restart” which they currently do by absolutely destroying your immune system with chemotherapy; and you may also be able to apparently do with ivermectin. I warn you that I am not persuaded that daily ivermectin, for a long period of time, which effectively pauses the cell cycle , is a good thing any more than taking chemo every day for the rest of your life is. Whether that means two days a week, I am not qualified to give dosing advice.
The problem with geneticists playing god, is that they cry “EUREKA! This sequence MUST spell ABC12344” in the same location on the BUMPER STICKER.
They don’t know, from their “pcr test” whether they are looking at the bumper car or the bumper sticker.
Something harmless in the bumper car, may be malignant or fatal or cancerous in the bumper sticker. And the system god already gave you for this, is smart enough to say “well I cant make ABC, but AAA is compatible, so AAA it is.” And these black and white all or nothing thinkers try to short circuit the adaptive systems god gave you, to insist that it is ABC or nothing.
In the real world, if you want a real example: “GAG” is a marker for a DNA repair checkpoint observed as one of the main mRNA codons in “HIV.”
“GAA” is one of the main 24 codons seen in “covid.”
Yet, GAA and GAG are the same thing – glutamatic acid – witnessed in the same type of DNA repair checkpoint, in both “hiv” and in “covid.” Even though GAA and GAG are the same thing (analogs: dinucleotide substitution) they claim that they are indicators for totally “different” illnesses or conditions.
And when they say “these patients all have the same 9 genes” or “they all have a sequence of exactly 27” (*) is that true, or is it three groups of three or 9 groups of 3? Are there immunodeficient patients who otherwise meet the criteria of being “aidsy” where somewhere in this pattern of 999 AAA is ACA , or they only pattern match 18 of the aforementioned 27 (*) – but the sequence is otherwise identical, and what does that mean?
(*) 27 is arbitrary for the sake of discussion, no other reason than divisible by 3.
There is no explanation under the hiv/aids hypothesis for why “hiv negative” people have the same genetic sequences attributable to hiv/aids, on a PCR test.
Maybe about two years ago I was stuck on ¨building blocks have ABCs, just like in the nurseries” and hilarity ensued.
Telomeres are magnetic building blocks.
They know the way to go because they’re magnetic and they’re attracted to each other in magnetic order. You cannot “edit someones genes” and make those telomeres appear , attract, or repel one another in a different order.
Your liver dictates what that order is through nucleotide/dinculeotide substitution, for example, if you express G6PD, you will make a substitution that someone who is G6PD- does not. Therefore it is reckless to roll out a “one size fits all” genetic therapy because one size does not fit all, you’re not even testing for it.
And that’s just … negligent and irresponsible …
Immunodeficiency is like when I go to Target and want to rearrange the Christmas stockings to spell ” F J B ” for the thirtieth time this week, but the staff are pissed off and put all the letter “F ” ‘s back in the stock room!!!!
And alternate telomere lengthening is when I pout and spell out “L G B ” instead and sulk away.