Step 8: We simply denied harming anyone and continued to harm others.
If i knew in 2016 what I know today , when they asked me for “temporary help” as Bristol attacked their site, I would have told them this:
“The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.“
“previous admin” are you fucked in your head bill, that website was (and still is) a private personal asset i paid thousands of dollars to register and build in 2014 and this clown just up and locked me out of it and had the gall to “apologize” for the content of my private files on my god damned server. susie and her “oh i dont even talk to woody anymore lol” BS. fuckin women. fuckin addicts. fuckin female addicts.
“Limit the people you interact with before they limit YOU.”
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In this house, I believe: I live in a society that destroys its sentinels. The difference between a "conspiracy theory" and a "scandal" is approximately two years. Censorship is brute force deprivation of knowledge, and thus, power. To deprive others of power by coercion and force is violence. You have two types of people in the world: Those who would want to make everyone suffer the way they do, and those who would do anything to make sure no one else ever has to suffer the way they do. My favorite conspiracy theory is the one where people think everyone is going to be okay. There is nothing left out there for me in trash world. Los socialistas viven con miedo a las consecuencias de sus actos. "I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air."