For every “detectable” (or latent) mRNA sequence in your body that they’ve deemed to be “HIV” , you should know that 19 out of 20 are defective. They’re totally replication-incompetent and non-infectious.
One of the biggest lies about the “virus” is that it’s permanently in your DNA or genome. That is false, it is mRNA, and its “permanency”depends on ongoing unpacking and replication in compromised cd4 cells. (“T-cells”) , which can continue spitting out immature TAT sequences or buds even as they’re dying and tagged for apoptosis/cell death.
The only silver lining here is VPR-1, which keeps these infected , tagged, apoptopic, dying cd4 cells from cloning themselves via mitosis before they die!
Only 1 in 20 of those mRNA sequences that they refer to HIV , is even capable of reproducing and infecting other t-cells. 19 out of 20 of them “frameshift” between the Gag and Pol segments and are excised through DNA repair. The leftover proteins can be scavenged or attacked with various things I’ve already named.
“Covid” does the same thing, except through an analogue of GAG, to wit: GAA, which is one of the 24 most common codons in “covid” mRNA.
One I have not mentioned before are the guanosine-quartets. One of which is guanosine, found naturally in your lymph nodes, and also in coffee, clover, and “acy-clovir” (clover).
This also does some “mutation” (or frameshifting, if you like) on its own- but that is circumvented by VIF, which is why your naturally occurring — and heavily overloaded — sources of guanosine in your lymph nodes (and artificial sources of it like acyclovir – or natural sources of it like clover) are not curative.
You can, however, execute frameshifting attacks BEFORE VIF (in vpr-1 by means of inhibiting importin a/b) or AFTER VIF by cracking NEF at the tail with Concanamycin A— and once you’re in NEF, game fucking over, we have passed VIF and this final opportunity to exploit HIV with a frameshift attack is immediately before the stop codon, with no further overlapping exons or codons – meaning there are no further escapes in place to circumvent this final opportunity to execute a frameshift exploit, “abnormally” terminating the sequence immediately before the stop codon, resulting in having it excised.

Your DNA repair process is already activated and working on it if we even get to the tail end sequence where NEF and the stop codon reside. Your immune system is already activated, it’s already frameshifted and excised 19 out of 20 of the fucking things- listen, your body already knows it doesn’t belong there, or the checkpoint process wouldn’t even exist.
The codon that we refer to as “pol” is expressed by the dna repair process independently of HIV. It’s when pol intersects with “gag” and a third “envelope” codon consisting of TAT , where we call this HIV, and this is where (and why) 19 out of 20 of the pol/gag sequences are excised by means of frameshifting via your DNA repair subroutine.
The area where VPR1 and VIF reside are a bridge between GAG and ENV, however , guanosine-quartets- to include those that reside in your lymph nodes and are part of your adaptive immune system – scramble them in an attempt to reverse or terminate or excise them , in what would otherwise be a +1 / -1 frameshift opportunity in VIF. The 1-in-20 mRNA encoding sequences called “HIV” , are the “fittest” for survival and replication because they already got through the first frameshift at gag/pol, and they easily skip through this frameshift attempt in VIF. Although it’s possible that some of them don’t, and the transinfectivity potential is even less than one in twenty.
You have FIVE opportunities to attack HIV with frameshifting techniques. The first one I mentioned, already happens all on its own. I just described two other opportunities to execute frameshift attacks in VPR and NEF. I will do my best to explain those.
But first, I would like to present another frameshift/attack vector in TAT , which is vulnerable to aminoglycosides – I’ve been talking those a lot recently (search this blog for “etfak”) and I’m not done talking about aminoglycosides.

The current “lifecycle model” being taught is inaccurate – it’s not just hijacking the nucleus of a T-cell to make copies of itself, there is a component of it called TAT , it’s nanocellular , it’s all over the fucking place and TAT is capable of transferring to other adjacent cells such as macrophages and cytoplasm through intracellular messaging.

Nearly all current available treatments attack portions of the “pol” segment (protease, integrase, I get to that part and identify a few others below) or they’re fusion/entry inhibitors that prevent nuclear import into a naive/uninflected t-cell. They do not prevent or address the intracellular messaging and transinfective properties of TAT and that’s why none of this shit is curative, and never will be.
Having “500 t-cells” is better than having none, but they don’t really get to the bottom of how many of those CD4 cells are CD45ra or cd45ro (naive, versus actively creating hiv copies.)
Remember, how we discovered mRNA in 1961 and nobody wants to name a single one of the “large number of people involved” , yet have nonetheless spent over a half century desperate to commercialize it (who? DARPA) and force it into every man, woman, and child’s arm – at gunpoint and/or the threat of exclusion from society and commerce in order to force “compliance” with taking it if necessary?

Prep does not work, it does nothing to inhibit TAT – which infects cytoplam, microphges, monocytes — the whole “HIV replication lifecycle” as visualized in a t-cell is a goddamned lie and here I will explain why.
HIV isn’t a “virus” it’s mRNA.
“A” problem with the US federal government denying any responsibility for the fact that prep doesn’t work and we now have a bunch of “hiv negative people” with AIDS symptoms is that the DHHS took Gilead to court in 2019 and sued them and said “no! this is OUR invention, this is OUR technology! give us the patent!”

Current treatments do not work — nor are they intended to – and that’s a problem because as I said before , the US federal government’s “invention, technology, and patent” that the DHHS so vigorously sued Gilead Sciences for is destroying organs and bones.
Oh no no no no no no DHHS sisters! IMO they’re bankrupting America on purpose so they’ll never have to pay you reparations or be held accountable for this.
I have the worst handwriting on earth but this is easier to draw than explain.

I am going close this by saying that due to “scrambling” behavior in VIF, it’s possible for a CD4 cell to be cross-infected with (at least) two slightly different codon groups that are unique but nonetheless “HIV.” I have previously speculated that “covid” and “HIV” could theoretically cancel themselves out , and the reason for that would be that cross-infection/trans-infection within the same CD4/t-cell is PROBABLY enough for your body to say “okay, destroy this fucking thing.”
I found and corrected a couple of errors: 1) TAT is not on POL, 2) TAT is / (is in) ENV (frameshift candidate #4) , next to NEV (frameshift candidate #5) here’s a better illustration.

I don’t mind correcting errors – lying about mistakes and covering up what you did is the government’s job.
Someone’s mad. They tried to break in 104 times today!

You know it’s never enough, they can ban me from the planet and from their screechy little cliquey gay IRC chats , share my information across 11 different sites that work together to ban anyone who exposes their death cult.
They can mass report me until I’m automatically suspended on or The Peoples Republic of, they can text Elon or Allison or Eliza or whoever to remove me.
When you finally nuke me and my website from orbit, I’ll be there in town square with a can of spray paint. I will put the tweets I was banned for on sandwich boards and march outside of twitter HQ.
Fuck you.