Okay, so I didn’t just casually invent “time” travel, but go on, go ahead and prove it! 😭

Would you like me to prove that I didn’t invent time travel for you? Very well:

It won’t work exactly like this after the dimensional merge and I imagine “they” have the means and the motive to keep things the way they are. It might be uncomfortable and some of us aren’t up to it physically- obviously I have questioned whether I’m even one of them.

Close: Time doesn’t exist – distance (as a dimension) does. You can travel along the “red line” pictured above, the blue line cannot. But let’s test your theory and not merely “invent” it but publish it, open source and freely then.
I know, I’m bummed, if I could do anything with this information I’d go back and invent post-it’s.
They can meet in the middle: i.e. “Antarctica.”
But the “sipapu decides” , again, “please cleanse this wicked world of everything that doesn’t belong here even if I am one of those things.”
I sat with that for three years and now it is time for you to sit with that.
I reasonably believe there is a qi/Che force that will mediate and heal things on earth as we know it. It only exists on “our” side of the hologram because we are not in a simulation- “they” are. That force doesn’t exist on their side, or they would have already blasted us to smithereens – do you doubt that for even one second?
Conversely, I believe there is an inter “dimensional” qi/chi that will resolve the split sort of like when you put a bag with a fish in a new aquarium so that it doesn’t die from temperature shock. You will see more talk of “alien “ or whatever the fresh new media psyop is at that point because that’s much easier than “okay so we lied about absolutely everything and I mean EVERYTHING.”
I don’t know about this “timeline” nonsense but when I was growing up there was an analog tape manufacturer whose logo was a trio of crystal wine glasses being shattered by the audio fidelity.
That reminds me of some theories around “time” and analog recording media- which they’ve gotten rid of – but let’s gloss over that for a moment. Mexico City is prone to quake damage because it’s built over a backfilled lake bed right? Buildings that are over 5 stories tend to collapse in liquefaction zones in CDMX because of the harmonic resonance of the buildings.
And so, “huehuehue stupid Americans make their houses out of wood” , right, well our matchbox houses won’t do that, although they have a Japanese-tier susceptibility to, well, never mind.
For the next 15 months, Holland and his team searched for the exact frequency that would directly shatter a living microorganism. The magic number finally came in the form of two inputs, one high frequency and one low. The high frequency had to be exactly eleven times higher than the low, which in music is known as the 11th harmonic. At this 11th harmonic, micro organisms begin to shatter like crystal glass.
That’s why you even have the meme of the shattering wine glass. It’s the same idea:

If you’re experiencing tinnitus and don’t have a decent commercial frequency spectrum analyzer handy, – you more than likely can detect and record tones in the 8khz-20khz range if you do- well, actually you more than likely can detect TWO tones, a low pass tone at 8-10ths and a high pass tone at 18-20khz –
The magic number finally came in the form of two inputs, one high frequency and one low. The high frequency had to be exactly eleven times higher than the low, which in music is known as the 11th harmonic. At this 11th harmonic, micro organisms begin to shatter like crystal glass.
if you’re not feeling so good and having unpleasant symptoms you’re not alone.
I am NOT “crazy”, I do have the equipment and I can — and do — record these tones.
For example, at the present moment I’m recording a low pass tone of 8.1khz at 38db.
And a high pass tone of 19.8khz at 27db.
The vulnerability works like hemisync/ binaural beats / Monroe/ gateway process.
It works exactly like that Muslim dude complained about. If they were able to prove psychological warfare operations in an unauthorized locations — you know, for example , my residence- where I’m recording this right now – the perpetrators are defacto engaged in warfare , combat , and psychological operations on US soil and they need to be dragged in front of a tribunal at GITMO and then hang for it.
I can hear this without any equipment. It’s literally debilitating people and making them sick, it’s a goddamn combat zone and this is a war crime.
I am not “hallucinating,” I have proof.
This is what so called “targeted individuals” are on about, and where I diverge with that crowd is that I’ve come to learn that there is no such thing.
Everyone is being targeted by this.
And only some of us can straight up hear it.