Look up the etymology of the words “plague” and “ague.”



Plague is a made up word.
Ague is well documented as being cured by plants and the “jesuits bark.” Isn’t that weird that Tony Fauci and Donald Trump are jesuits who don’t know what malaria is or how to treat it?

Anyway: all the world wars brought malaria home. The United States was spared until Vietnam – as far as we know- maybe they lied about the cause of the “1918 flu” and stole that election too.

They were all endangered in the 1918 midterms over a war nobody wanted. Imagine how fast those people would have been sent home – or feathered in the town square – if the “1918 flu” was malaria the boys brought home from it. FDR would have never won if they told the truth.
And they got away with this all the other times – and for the last 55 years.

So uh, 22,000 in 1974 had turned into 100,000-300,000 by 1976 hey?

So – get this- for one death and 13 hospitalizations, Gerald Ford and Saul Paul Ehrlich Jr had this brilliant idea to have 50 million people share a needle.
Fuck yes they lied about and covered up everything ever since then.
Maybe we did get f falciparum from “heroin users in a prison in saigon” but if we did, they were our troops or they fucked someone who was.

Well I have an idea, let’s get Bill Gates in here!
Ever heard the Frank Zappa song, “Flakes” ?

Well we could- open up Canada and England and America’s borders to refugees from these areas so that mosquitoes can pick up their asexual parasites and infect everyone with them. That’ll fix everything for sure!
Nope – it’ll just launder and obfuscate how this happened in the first place all the way back to the 1960s/70s.
“We’ll just blame the homosexuals!”
“We’ll just blame the blacks!”
“We’ll just blame drug users!”
“We’ll declare a war on drugs and put everybody in prison!”
“We’ll just blame Kimberly Bergalis’ dentist on national TV!”
“We’ll just … change the definition of aids!”
“We’ll blame you for attending Christmas and thanksgiving or church with your family!”
“For not following the arrows on the floor.”
“For not wearing a mask that didn’t save lives in 1918, 2020, 2021, or 2022.”
“It’s your fault you got the vaccine!”
“It’s your fault you didn’t!”
If this is malaria, this is criminal because every thing you were frauded into complying with, does fuck all to inhibit transmission. “Oh lol, btw. Establishing a digital currency and censoring everyone, will stop the pandemic. Vote for me if you want to stop the pandemic.”
What a fraud.
Although other sources say 2019… The military actually suspected ivermectin might work in 2014. But they sat on this trying to rebrand, remarket it and then profit off of drugs and vaccines and mint new billionaires for 5 years

And what happened in 2014 after this was brought to DARPA’s attention?

While “qanon” people are interesting, sorry, that’s their plan and it failed spectacularly.
“We’ll just … blame the immigrants!”
Global warming just means it will spread to places I’m not even allowed anyway. ‘Contact tracing’ doesn’t accomplish shit if mosquitos are vectors. That’s communism, honey.
How will you know it’s a lie?
Because they’ve been caught red handed.
Guess what:
Nostradamus with his “arthritis,” “gout,” and hellacious “visions” that oddly enough sometimes check out ..
bet my left nut he died of malaria which causes 9/10 of what ailed him
anyway its not just the fact that the military infected america with this treatment resistant form of p. falciparum that raises an alarm. it fluoresces under mmwave, so you know that was part of the original “covid” plan when they were going to haul you away and pretend that you were infected because you didnt follow the arrows in the right direction in the supermarket or whatever. no its the fact that they ban and demonize anti malarial drugs and anyone who prescribes or dispenses them, that is suspect as fuck. its not just “oooops, how’d that happen” , i mean, they WANT you infected.