If I’m going to be punished for “medical misinformation” then fuck it, if you’re walking on thin ice you may as well dance.

For those would like to take advantage of scalar frequencies, consider that iodine has all but disappeared from table salt – unless its loaded with fluoride – and it is difficult to obtain as a standalone product in the United states “because meth.

This leaves Americans with povidine (the main ingredient in betadine antiseptic) , which is converted to iodine via nucleotide substitution (as are other analogues I have mentioned in the past).

The best way to administer povidine (or iodine/yodo if you have it) is probably with an iodine skin patch test. You can’t overdo it. If you need it, your skin absorbs it rapidly.

If it stays for a few hours (10-12+) you don’t need any more.

This is a poorly understood area but I theorize it may help form naturally occuring SiO2 and/or siRNA in a better fashion than just consuming “dietary” SiO2/e551 (same thing). in my view, SiO2/e551 are impaired in the absence of the iodine precursor anyway.

Recall that vivianite grows out of SiO2/phosphorous/iron in dead bodies, so SiO2 resonates with crystal energy and, i suspect, scalar/healing frequencies. You can do crystal work if you like. I prefer to regard quartz as the lower boundary of the upper dimension rather than as the highest boundary of ours. The crystal exists in multiple densities simultaneously.

And so do you.

siRNA as I mentioned could block foreign nucleotide access if it is intact and in good working order.

siRNA may work against certain mRNA treatments of the past that are falsely labeled as “viruses” to escape culpability for their creation and which can be identified by the fact that they synthesize themselves with say, pseudouridine rather than uridine. Notably siRNA will not block nucleotide access to messenger RNA that belongs in your body.

If you’ve had enough you stop absorbing it.

Some people try (or at least ask about) drinking it. Whatever the case, there were people drinking betadine for “covid” and as always, one would be well advised to ask “why are you doing that?” I view it as a caustic substance and I advise against that. Here you go:

What is the Iodine Patch Test?

The iodine patch test supposedly measures how quickly your body absorbs iodine. Again, this isn’t a proper substitute for a clinically-performed test that will actually measure your iodine levels accurately. Despite the popularity of the iodine patch test, no research supports its ability to measure iodine levels. That being said, here are the steps to perform it:

  1. Get a solution or tincture of iodine (the orange solution, not the clear one.
  2. Paint a 3-inch by 3-inch square on your abdomen, inner thigh or inner forearm. Allow it to dry before touching anything, as it will stain.
  3. Monitor the patch over the next 24 hours for color changes.

Proponents of the test believe that the thing to pay attention to is how long it takes for the iodine patch to disappear. If the patch still exists 24 hours later, the results are normal. If the patch disappears or mostly disappears in less than 24 hours, it is supposed to indicate some degree of deficiency. In fact, significant lightening or disappearance in less than 18 hours is said to indicate moderate to severe iodine deficiency and suggest a need for supplemental iodine.
