edit: these pill capsules still aren’t dissolved after 12 hours. adding a few drops of vinegar will probably do it.
that is what ive been restoring since December, taking betaine hydrochloride tablets (or 1/8 cup of apple cider vinegar with 12oz of water) every morning, is restoring stomach acid and the ph of my small intestine. this may have assisted in clearing the plaque.
edit 2: the other “tell” for having a mucoid plaque in your small intestine may be “GERD” (gastro reflux) / indigestion. It would be a sign that your “kitchen sink is backed up” and while youre still plenty ACIDIC, your small intestine isn’t porous and food/liquids aren’t going down the drainfield. what do doctors do? give you PPIs and antacids to reduce the acidity, making you even less likely to dissolve the mucous plaque in your S.I… well anyway that happened to me in 2014 and I only got worse and worse and worse from there. happily im an American so I can eat things like sawdust and motor oil and wood chips for breakfast and keep going…
this is just one idea about what that film is that was lining my small intestine until recently
and probably anyone else who takes a lot more of them than anyone really should:
pill capsules.

I would suggest you could hit a point where for any number of reasons (“microplastics” unless that’s just a cover for this, no stomach acid from proton pump inhibitors , antacids etc) you’re not dissolving them, or anything, really, anymore:

I mean.. serious question.. how many of these can you eat per day.. forever and ever and ever …. is anyone even checking that they actually are biodegradable?
How many- how long – or under what conditions might someone no longer dissolve these?
what about in a case like aids/hiv where they have malabsorption or malnutrition of even basic nutrients in the small intestine ? you’re expecting them to dissolve and absorb and digest plastic?
you dont immediately excrete this stuff, you know.
some of the goop goes into your lymphatic system, organs, and your brain.
I would think this could be a non-trivial source of malnutrition, obesity, hormone disruption, and/or birth defects.