“AIDS” and “COVID” both activate transposable elements that make mammals lay eggs.
![](./../../../../wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Screenshot-2024-02-29-at-8.55.50 p.m.png)
This might explain why people started trooning out during the Weimar Republic and during this most recent episode of Weimar America.
And why some of them were so obsessed with … pregnancy , breast feeding..
I’m not going to lie, it sounded like a disgusting paraphilia to me, yes, my initial response is that I cringed and I judged harshly.
[I just got owned for poor phrasing there. Fine. I walked right into that one. No, I don’t like kids. I don’t like grownups either while we’re on the subject!]
You know what my weird intuitions were?
That I was a “hermaphrodite” or had “vanishing twin syndrome.” Or a “two spirited person” in Native American parlance.
These things sucked all the albumen out of me and I almost died from ARDS and needed two transfusions… these were.. well.. the size of ovaries or eggs… and the “worm” really looked like an umbilical cord … they were still in there a year and a half later … due to being encapsulated in a layer of Peg or chitosan or whatever.
so guess what… we are hermaphrodites and we are evolving (or devolving) to grow / lay eggs by activating transposable elements in our “junk” dna.
This is why gay dudes get ass cancer.
This is why “covid” causes low “intestinal motility.”
I don’t know if this is a , well in software parlance we’d call this a code regression.
Or if it’s “evolution.”
But this proves my fucking point, “it’s not junk dna” and your vaccine was extremely ill conceived. You should have given it the four plus years research that I’ve just given it and published here. Fuck you, Elon.
Go ahead, take a look in one of your “low intestinal motility” “covid” patients who presented with low albumen or had ARDS. They may have round or spherical eggs attached by an umbilical cord or an epididimis and stuck in a layer of PEG , chitosan, or protein or whatever.
You heard it here first.
They will probably also be G6PD+ which is an awfully inconvenient fact for a certain victim identity class that isn’t G6PD+ and does not have this biological trait or these genes.
Speaking of “junk dna,” my skin colors changing. I’m turning brown LOL. The phenylaline in Diet Coke is stimulating that without sunlight! I wasn’t kidding about that!!
Kylon , you rancid racist bi***, I told you I wasn’t white.
I bet the FBI already knows about that and that’s what a “non investigative subject” in your NCIC profile is. We’re technically a new species, or perhaps a very old one I guess, no wonder they think “human” rights, due process, consitutional rights, representation in Congress or the White House, informed consent – and on and on and so forth- doesn’t apply to us. Fair enough, do “laws” apply to us then? Is this what NHI/AGI is referring to, by the way?
.. so they just tried to mass “vaccinate” all of them .. again …. just like when you bastards killed off everyone with smallpox , right ?
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