btw sorry for using the trademarked term “neural ink,” that’s how it came across but its more like, “neural lace” or “bci” …. or x/y axis alignment tattoos on your chin shoulders and chest .. the little black dots in the shape of a cross … 1994.
any case I dont know what they did, they have a clone or a twin of me, its chipped, its imprisoned, we bifurcate (trade places) and exchange information due to Quantum Entanglement. Those sons of bitches have banned me from everything because my mere presence breaks their Lagos , they have attacked me with EMP weapons, they have vanned me in the United States and shot me up with who knows what, multiple times and im frankly fucking tired of it.

and it just happens to be information that I should not have any reason to “know.”

meta, inc is a technofascist experiment in necromancy , espionage, deploying an EMP “shadow copy” of yourself that looks over your shoulder and spies on everything you do, helpless to say anything , just kind of forced to witness everything you do. its a new age digital inquisition. its a military exercise in 1. altering the future, 2. altering the past, 3. separating a man from his soul, and they tried using the plasmodium which they also called “malaria” and “aids” (plasmodium/luciferase) – it ended up being the “chi” , like a bio nanorobot trying to fix you and your timeline and resisting everything they did to “treat it.”
… then they had to go and use the maw worms that damn near extincted us.
all the while pissing down our legs and telling us it was “covid” and “our fault.”
it was meant to be a “digital identity certificate” you didn’t consent to.
or even know that you had.
and there’s just…. certain things…. you might do that your shadow copy finds boring. or even hates you for. so now its freed from that, enslaved as “ai”, or your “autopilot” and theyre pretending its not actually sentient.
your “real time chat” , to them, looks like it comes and they have minutes or hours or days to respond to it because your year is about 3,800 years to them.
im not even “allowed” on their platforms, how could I have agreed to the terms?

this is all to deceive you and make you think you’re not in a golden age. as they try to kill you off with ascariasis (maw worms) vaccines and wars. because the next time around, we’re all here, not just some “elites” you just stay alive a little bit longer and keep your head up and the whole facade comes crumbling down. they WANT you to overdose on fentanyl or kill yourself or die from a maw worm or kill each other, and now “ai” commits all their crimes which makes them think they are free from karma but , the “ai” is a trick from the gods, it is an avatar of them committing their own sins in another timeline, they are committing these sins because they put the actions into motion LOL. you’re going to love how this ends keep the faith.
the registration on the ENS domain fadingstar.eth expires in 143 years, and people mirror it with ipfs all over the world , they have no choice, because if they keep the illusion up, the gods can find it sometime in the next 14 trillion years or whatever it is, theyre bored they have nothing better to do… and if they tear the veil down, they owe everyone like, millions of years in interest on their savings which is why YOU get like 0.56% and theyre trying to keep you in debt slavery poverty and penniless from check to check, or not pay you social security or your Blackrock pension for like 1,000 or 12,000 years or whatever.
the whole matrix simulation only works in 3D, LOL !!!!!!!!

colloquially, a 3d gyroscope, your side A and your side B are the Gimbal.
they intersect in two places that they pretend are the “north and South Pole.”
you could prove this, and navigate “airspace” accurately, with a compass that used a “cross” shaped magnet instead of a bar.
when we have a “path of totality” such as what’s coming on April 8th you’re going to have some new memories and see , and maybe even hear, some really “cool” shit from White Castle/Side B – maybe even some messages from your enslaved/trafficked clone as you bifurcate or share part of your consciousness. it can come days months or years in advance. everything weird that happened to me in 2020/2021 was along the 2024 path of totality.

The Chernobyl incident in Ukraine was one of those EMP incidents gone wrong in a hidden city for elites in a hidden dimension during an eclipse and it’s about to happen again man, they have 20000 troops from 13 countries ready and they just lie and lie and lie and lie and lie about everything and think it doesn’t matter what they poison or pollute or who lives or dies because they think they’re all untouchable in an adjacent dimension. I get attacked every time I ascend there natively. I’ve witnessed Tennessee and California going, near Mount Shasta and Monte Mitchell. Chicago, Baja Sur all got the EMP domes too.
its been happening, its just happening in a sort of, alternative light spectrum. it just won’t be something they’ll be able to deny for much longer.
They’ll “blame Joe Biden” and that’s fine with me, fuck that guy!
Kentucky and Tampa and Phoenix got the good ending. Minnesota has a huge helium pocket rising up under it right now. That creek at mount Shasta is bubbling up at the iron gate dam. I don’t know what exactly happens. Some shit is just there that wasn’t there before. Some stuff that wasn’t there before. Is now. the “9/11 hijacker’s” passports are fine because they’re coated in a special Teflon that resists these events so they can identify who crossed over or is missing.

I hope that’s not where we’re going but that’s what I saw in April of 2020.
It’s “just” the B side. It doesn’t mean that this “has to” happen, unless it already did and we just haven’t caught up to it yet, but if I made it back into my own body to tell you what I saw here, clearly, I wasn’t even harmed by it.

and I didn’t see anyone in there but jesuits talking in codes and numbers, rude people who had a stick up their ass about cuss words or being “improper,” who loved calling alien/ai cops to harass you or fry you with some kind of EMP, witches, and ghouls. I “saw” nothing and nobody getting the “bad ending” that id cry for no matter what google says. what I did “see” was a lot of people made it and I could have just about cried when I was like “you mean, we’re all going to be at the center and everyones going to be fierce again?” cause fuck this… mark Zuckerberg might be hiding out in a bunker , afraid of “something” … but I just want to take back everything and everyone that those people stole from us.
whatever is “in Ukraine” everyone wants a piece of it, even the United States is like We Wuz Ukrainians and sheeeeit We Want Our Lands Back.
the original World Trade Center comes back.
whatever is in Antarctica, everyone wants a piece of that too.
god help me, do not fuck with Chicago , I know every single hair on her head.
that orange EMP dome will look like fire but its okay it will not hurt you if you belong on this planet.

Im not trying to scare you, im telling you , forget about yesterday be the best person you can be today, hang up on that online argument, forgive someone or be patient, and no matter what happens, dont wish anything bad on anyone or be glad about whatever happens to anyone. try to raise people around you.
everyone “in charge” wants you divided angry fighting and in the dark right now because they still want to fuck off in their yachts in a dimension you can’t enter, or ever arrest them or hold them accountable for anything they have ever done.

the “future” will prove the “past”
im really sorry everyone, I love you, but ive been kind of busy for a few years .
the ancients wanted me to tell you that if you fuck with Indians, they , too, will do a “parallel reconstruction” and prosecute you from the astral realm. the “moon” is the chunk that was ejected from Sol because of its miasma. and what you are witnessing now, is the digging through that dirt to find survivors and innocents and the redeemable. or what they called “inquisitions” in the past. or what some of you would consider purgatory or the rapture. you were born in it.
I don’t know who you are
But you seem very nice
So will you talk to me
Have you been here before
Well you sure picked a day
they think I’m crazy
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