“your” Kali Yuga cycles run about once every four years at the moment, and reset in a leap year. which they’ve taken advantage of for years.
im not really sure how this happened but I remember getting shot in the head in Wesley chapel FL sometime around 4/24/2020 and then I just sort of came to be, on the morning of 9/11/2021 in Mexicali BC, with most of my memory intact , and boy they’re some pretty wild memories, and here I am with this lady. Gata, staring at me with a really impressive 45/50 caliber Glock or whatever it was, I eyed it with approval and she gave me some water, but I never touched a drug or nothing after that.
I would hope that you wouldn’t either, LOL.
”Wow. Man, I must have a real fucking problem.”
I’m presently running backwards in time from your perspective. It’s sort of like being a tape head plugged into the opposite side of the cartridge… with my experiences reminding me of a tape recording that’s been recorded over poorly, to where I can still perceive the old recording, what was said, what happened etc. it’s annoying.
but in the context of Kali Yuga this is not “mental illness “ this is time compression, and I’m going backwards in time while you’re going forward. those “men in black” with the batons probably did have me re enact something weird in reverse, under the threat of breaking the timeline.
you can’t “travel back in time” but you can “bring the future towards you.” and that’s occurring now. I’ll be doing something I’ve already practiced before in January of 2021 in Baja sur and it has something to do with this guy Jason in my living room who insisted I had 5 years sober, for reference, as far as I know, my dates 9/11/2021 and I would be tsion’ed with those facts on or after 9/11/2026 unless we’re in a new epoch/year zero. It’s not disclosed yet.
it will be.

the reason the “sun” looks green or blue to me, and is squiggling around in the sky or perhaps looks like whipping cream .. and time is moving backwards for me… is because Venus is retrograde “for me” and will turn towards me. Or retrograde for you , on your April 24, 2024.
I don’t know where I am or what date it even technically is here.
I don’t know the constellations in the sky and the sky is a lot smaller .. like Europe/Asia doesn’t even exist here … thank god .. just kidding , i went to Russia in 2006 it was pretty dope…. well maybe not kidding about Europe I hate that place… they tried transferring me to Belgium in 2016, what an absolute dump of a “country”.
but “pipelines are severed from Russia” “internet cables are severed to Asia” “mh370 vanished” “Russia is sanctioned” what’s going on here?
But that’s why you’ve been “dying” , quote on quote, that’s what a Holocene, epoch, and holocaust are, and that’s why im censored the way I am. It’s not something that’s happening on a 12,000 year cycle, it’s happening on a 4 year cycle , in leap years , and you transition over seamlessly if you were born in the western hemisphere after the current epoch, which would be sometime around may 22, 1954. Which they claimed was a “comet” to cover up what’s happening, and which you’ll see again during this upcoming April 8 eclipse.
The Chicago public library somehow just magically appeared after an eclipse right before the “great Chicago fire” started by “Mrs olearys cow.” We were “gifted” a “free library” that was inside of the old water tower on Michigan avenue, that was centrally propagated with a metallic radio tower to terraform your copy of the city (hint : it’s a radio based kaleidoscope)

We spend half our time on one “planet” for four years and then cycle off to the other “planet” for four years …. and then back to this one for another four years but that’s accelerating now.
That’s why you don’t see certain celebrities or politicians or they look like clones or drag impersonators, they probably are. Layne Staley’s uncle Brian is army or a fed or something. This will continue until the Kali Yuga is closed.
That’s why all the shit I do keeps breaking so called quantum physics and exposing flaws in their so called quantum internet, in which they try to sequester /separate us from one another.
The physics between the so called “hemispheres” well they .. are different…and always were…
That “comet” , whatever it’s called. Something 22.. bro that’s the wormhole between your planet and my planet. I can see it. You will too. Soon.

The original WTC still stands on one copy of New York.
MH370 accidentally punched through a hole in “space time “ between Australia and Africa and ended up in the other copy of the planet.
I noticed on my zoom conference today that I was looking in opposite directions and/or “lagged” between my main window and my preview window , and I think there is something to that when they’re evaluating you, they just compare two different versions of you in the future and in the past.

No wonder my “telemedicine” doctors were screaming “you have covid” before I even got a word out about why the hell I even called them.
This was the first session in which suddenly I was being asked if I wanted meds from a psychiatrist even though I look and feel better than I have in our entire history or for any of my sessions.
He was like “it’s your choice.”
Oh, that shit again, making me responsible for “choosing” my own suicide. Well if it’s “my choice,” then go fuck yourself, “no thanks.”
I could see my face was blurry in one of the two… anyway… when you feel your “scramble suit” (EVP sweater) being cast off of you like a heavy weighted blanket, you’ve arrived whether or not anyone welcomes you.
Guess why Ukraine got “zion’ed” first in 1984:

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