oh, hi there, its 1976 andwe’re in the middle of a “pandemic”

lets have everyone in the entire nation SHARE NEEDLES

Walter Cronkite said it was okay! (archive: https://archive.is/NTb5G)

America trusts Walter Cronkite!

You’re not ScAreD of NeEdLeS, are you?

What could go wrong?

you know, uh, malaria, is antibody reactive to p24 and p40 – and “hiv” is antigen reactive to p24 and multimers of p40 e.g. p43, p120, p160″- – and malaria – especially for doctors who hadnt seen it in 30+ yearsif ever -is indistiguishable from “pcp” and “vape lung” on an x-ray… maybe AI would see it .. maybe a 70 year old crank would..

We were having an outbreak of fatal, treatment resistant p. falciparum among injection drug users in 1975 .. characterized by night sweats, lymphadenopathy .. it just happens to have all the exact same transmission factors as “hiv” and most of the symptoms … but who caaaaares, it’s just junkies, they deserve it, go ahead , share the needle. This needle’s safe! It doesn’t have DRUGS on it!

CBS says its OK!

Do you want to tell the class where all those “narcotic injectors” with p. falciparum came from, since the CDC claims malaria was eradicated here?

Oh and, “””aids””” was actually circulating by then according to the CDC, but who caaaaaares its just homosexuals, “they deserve it”, go ahead, share the needle. CBS says its OK!

The military uses jet injectors! They never have problems! Safe and effective! Oh wait, what’s that you say, every single fucking “pandemic” we’ve ever fucking had in our nations entire fucking history started on a military base? Cause the VA and the Army were too cheap to use a clean needle on you? Fascinating. Used needles for soldiers! $80 billion in equipment for the Taliban!

Except that last one, where the military (DARPA) and Moderna were trumpeting their exciting mRNA results in may 2019 , and then “something happened.”

inb4 “CHINA DID IT!”




Bats eat 1,000 to 4,000 mosquitos (malaria carriers) a day, brainlet.

Ladies and gentlemen.. “the science has spoken.”

Good thing they have “freedom of reach” ahahahahhaha

And what did CBS learn from this?

Oh, nothing apparently.

They’ll kill again. 🙁

look mommy, this is what CBS does with their “freedom of reach.” Is the Late Show with Stephen Colbert what Linda Yaccarino means by “lawful but awful content” ?

Shortly after the national campaign began, 3 elderly persons died after receiving the vaccine in the same clinic. Although investigations found no evidence that the vaccine and deaths were causally related, press frenzy was so intense it drew a televised rebuke from Walter Cronkite for sensationalizing coincidental happenings.


So uh whats thiiiis?

February 2023:

oh, uh, well, even if this subtype “””evolved in humans””” “”””by accident,””” its still a good thing!(tm)

no, you god damn idiot, none of this is good.

August 2023:

Oh, wait, oops it’s not evolution anymore, now its *shuffles deck* your “prior infection history!”

It’s just a CoInCiDeNcE.

Like the CoInCiDeNcE that anti-malarial drugs reduce “hiv viral load,” which the University of Washington discovered isn’t even a real thing – its malaria parasitemia lol – quit fucking around already guys YOU know it, Bill Gates knows it, DARPA knows it, cut the fucking shit already.

But they won’t announce that or release an updated clinical test until it “proves moderna works.” Moderna my ass, the DoD invented this shit. And no, its not a bioweapon and I am sorry I have stated otherwise in the past , but it is going to kill people if you dont screen them for ARDS/anemia/complications and this is NOT something the checkout girl from Kroger or CVS or Publix can assess you for or prescribe an intervention so , again, cut the shit – suppressing this risk , violates informed consent and voluntary participation under Nuremburg and CFR 45 46, it carries a prison sentence of 10 years, or death if it kills someone.

I’m sure its just a CoInCiDeNcE that all the relevant stakeholders have paid them $830million USD.