The 1967 “””marburg virus””” outbreak in Germany and San Diego was more than likely a failed mRNA based malaria vaccine or a bsl-3 lab fuckup. The timeline, the people involved, the dissolution of GMEP, and the opening of new funding for malaria in July 1963 all lines up:

yes, that would be the same Behringwerke AG plant that produced Bio-N-Tech’s “covid-19” vaccine. source: “The Coming Plague” (1993)

And that’s not entirely true. It had been all but eradicated by chloroquine but it was re-emerging as a chloroquine resistant form at that point. Malaria had evolved into something very curious, which led to the subsequent discovery of “mRNA” in the 1960s. (At this point, Dr Robert W. Malone was barely a teenager, he didn’t “discover” mRNA.)

And the thing about “curing malaria” completely is it takes away your low level adaptive immunity to it. Millions of people had malaria and were not sick or symptomatic at all. Until it was cured. Then, they were at risk of ARDS and other serious complications in the short term- and a loss of adaptive immunity to malaria now. So the mRNA/adaptive immune model is actually kind of a shitty template for a treatment or vaccine because it kinda requires persistent/chronic infection which is terrible unless you want people on “hiv” meds or “covid boosters” on a lifetime subscription model.

And yep, it was mRNA. 100%.

And not just any mRNA, because it has a defective non human NEP, as a matter of fact, ANY BULLSHIT THEY INJECT YOU WITH that contains Luciferase, nano-LUC , or the dozen other variations/analogues of it, are all either 1) MALARIA, or 2) SYNTHETIC. ALL OF IT KAREN ALL OF IT. The NEP in “HIV” is NEF, and it is related to Luciferase which means that whether it was a “bioweapon” or an “accident” or an “iatrogenic form of malaria” , “hiv” can not and DOES not occur naturally in humans. In fact it even has CDNA, and that DNA is 100% FOREIGN to your BODY.

Microscopic studies revealed that the Marburg virus could be found in two different forms. The first looked like a caterpillar, with its long, thin, tubular shape coated with “fuzz.” Inside the tube was RNA (ribonucleic acid), the genetic blueprint of the virus. The “fuzz” along the outside of the virus’s protein tube was a constellation of extruding protein receptors the virus used to gain entry into target cells.

In its more mature and dangerous form, the viral tube was rolled up into a tight round coil that appeared virtually invulnerable to assaults from the cells and antibodies of an ailing creature’s immune system.

What was the mistake? Well, where to begin.

How about. “It has 10 ORFs, not two.” They were attempting to edit genes when they hadn’t even discovered 4/5 of the genome involved (they discovered those in 2019) , and furthermore incorrectly calculated the ratio of codons to nucleotides (theorized to be 3:1, it’s actually 1:1) and, well, Marburg happened.

And they’ve been in on malaria since the 1930s. With some good success. And the chloroquine resistance of the late 1960s isn’t anyone’s fault, that wasn’t a good reason to besmirch their founder’s name or legacy. But the coverup is!

“I wasn’t prepared for my COVID symptoms to include visions of flying mammals.”

(hah. amateur. you ever seen Angels in America? its fucking malaria)

Maine Voices: The coronavirus made me batty ( ), Portland press herald 16 ago 2023

Ivermectin alone doesn’t cure it. Alternating cycles of ivermectin and clindamycin/plaqunil every 30 – 90 days appears to. There are more effective and rapid acting things “i can’t get” and nobody seems to want to test, screen, diagnose, or treat you with.

Separately, I have been testing whether neomycin and/or etfak do, in fact, impair NEF/NEP. If I have to be a guinea pig and take something untested or unproven then I’m doing it on my terms under the premise of treating malaria and/or knocking out NEF.

I think the most likely cause is that the VA gave it to other soldiers using dirty shared needles for “mass vaccination”, fact is, some of those vietnam dudes were shooting up and whatever to cope and nobody knew. But I spent years being stigmatized for being gay and therefore “at fault” and this here is my “fuck you” to that system.

It’s been spread/mutated and has other names to cover it up. “mycoplasm incognitos” blah blah, every single “pandemic’ in america, ever, started on an army base except for Marburg (“mrna vaccine disaster” in Germany/San Diego in 1967) and that caused a lot of “bioweapons conspiracies” about Fort Dix and others, but they’re just not competent at all. Fauci is a god damned moron. The bioweapons conspiracy you SHOULD be investigating is Marburg/San Diego from 1967 – because THAT was mRNA – and the Paul Ehrlich Institute installed Saul Paul Ehrlich Jr. as Ford’s Attorney General and got him to remove any kind of liability or reparations for vaccine manufacturers just three months before he came back and said “oh by the way, hahah, pandemic, we have to give this swine flu vaccine to 200,000,000+ americans.”

The “swine flu vaccine” endeavor was cancelled because they acknowleged people were getting Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome (GBS) and guess what else gives you GBS? Malaria.

The idea was to tell those 200,000,000+ americans “sorry, you chose to get the shot, no one forced you, no refunds.”

And history repeats itself.

It started as “let’s deny this and deny our “”heroes”” benefits” and how’s it going? 50,000,000+ are dead, “aids” cost trillions of dollars (and counting) and lie after lie after lie ended America as we knew it and bankrupted it.

Fun fact: Mosquitos are not attracted to LED bulbs.

“And then all of a sudden for no reason at all, incandesent bulbs are illegal.”

It’s malaria, it’s malaria, it’s fucking p. falciparum, if I am going to be censored, deplatformed, “permanently punished” by DARPA and their stooges over at Twitter and Meta and 4chan and elsewhere – banned, stigmatized, hated, friendless or whatever else – i mean, people threatened to beat me, murder me, or incarcerate me for a quarter of my life already for the sin of running a free public website that attempted to encourage addicts – or otherwise for what I have to say – then this is the hill to die on and these are the words I will leave up until “they” get their way with my blog next.

They couldn’t get the entire nation to do it “voluntarily” in 1976, 2012, or 2021. So now its another litany of lies about how its “in the meat” or “in the produce” or “muh bill gates mosquitoes.” Lies.

“climate change” means that the optimal breeding grounds for Anopheles moves further north than currently acknowledged and the surveillance/medical tyranny state in America can no longer deny that p. falciparum and other forms of malaria exist in america. they can no longer gaslight you and deny you screening/treatment.

All this vaccine passport bullshit unravels.

Victim blaming goes in the TRASH where it belongs.

Perpetrators will be named – everyone participating in silencing the people is a co-conspirator to their crimes.

The emperor has no clothes.

It took a white skinned american “dumb redneck” male to figure this out.

A “””right””” winger, too although I agree that the GOP, in fact, all american politicians, are diseased corrupt absolutely abhorent liars.

Cope and seethe. You people will go extinct without us.