midsection bloating is something seen in both “covid” and “hiv” , and that I think, is an overall problem with digestion, breaking down, and absorbing protein.
in the case of “hiv” it was easy to single out “gays.”
but they do a couple of things that you (probably) don’t.
first one, is giving themselves an enema with something called a “shower shot.”
(dont do that, please, use reverse osmosis or distilled water up there.)
in the highlighted aquifers , this amounts to putting nitrate contaminated water directly into your colon:

some of you may recall the “popper” hypothesis in “hiv” , well, those are nitrates as well… amyl, alkyl, butyl (etc) nitrate and all the other countiess analogues.
are either of them enough to do it on their own? do these work together?
alcohol use has often been a co-factor in “hiv/aids” , I can’t imagine it helps.
“what about iv drug users?” hello, they were injecting nitrate laden tap water.
in “covid” you have the same problem in straight people who aren’t using drugs or blasting tap water up their asses, but they could be 40 years behind the curve in terms of what the nitrogen/nitrate in their water supply has done to them.

I think some of the obvious symptoms of a gut problem could look like complaints about “gluten intolerance” “leaky gut” , or obesity.
in “covid” I would just ask, when is the last time your stomach “gurgled” regularly , do you no longer pass gas, do you have pain down there?
I had been plugging betaine hydrochloride to replace stomach acid, which should help with breaking down proteins and clearing waste in your tissues. I was able to do that for about two months and it surprisingly helped my spine.
I am not able to obtain that here however and as of late I simply drink about 1/8 cup of apple cider vinegar with 12 oz of water in the morning.
That is doing something to restore my stomach acid and digestion to where its productive on its own again with neither the betaine nor the vinegar …
..and unexpected things like psoriasis starting to clear up ..
psyllium husk is great stuff too (you might know this as Metamucil) but in an era of corporations trying to maximize every 1/1000th of a cent out of their seed oil saturated hogslop you’re not finding these compounds in your “food” anymore.
clean water: this is easy. just collect/recycle water from your environment with a dehumidifier (or the drain line from a heat pump.) a dehumidifier generates about 10-20 pints a day which is 1-3 days of drinking water for a single person…. yeah it consumes a lot of electricity but so does desalination… depending on your climate and temperature a dehumidifier can offset or even replace an air conditioner which also uses a lot and isn’t producing water.
are you one of those people who has a rain barrel , and also, a central dehumidifier that drains into your sewer even though it probably produces cleaner water than whatever comes out of the tap? its okay. I was, too.
want to live “off grid” or have emergency water during the “upcoming water crisis” WEF’s threatening everyone with this time? a dehumidifier is a cheap, easy “water producing device” you only need about 300-700w of solar/battery capacity to produce your daily household drinking water needs. you can also have a pretty relaxed attitude on battery: “so what” if it doesn’t run 24/7?
(I don’t own my land and im not paying to drill a well here so im a combination of three water sources, some of which are good enough to shower or flush the toilet but I do not necessarily want to drink unless I will literally die if I don’t. im certainly not sticking that water up my hooha or injecting it either.)
are you bored of this, good , me too , I would very much like to get out of my house somewhat again and discuss other things …. or even nothing at all.
im of the opinion you might want to look at why you’re not breaking down a protein before you look at how to permanently alter the protein genetically.
I would like to put that out there to see if that alone helps people before I get into the topic of boofing various medications that might not even be necessary. but that one will circle back to “mycoplasma incognitos” or “gulf war syndrome” and the question of, so what happens if you eat the doxycycline backwards?
For all the BS I’ve babbled about or shitposted (facetiously or seriously) that’s the only question that straight up got nuked immediately without archiving.