im not saying there aren’t frequencies that can’t provoke torture or torment people with t.gondii or other biological warfare agents, its going to be far easier to use something like biophotonics or quantum entanglement to interact with such an organism adversely than it would actually be, to do so with you.
And … just how long has this been going on exactly if its in the Bible?

what I arrived at with ‘targeted justice‘ is that I agree they’re suffering in a number of ways, and that they want to know why. I am interested in the details, also want to know why, and greatly hope for their ordeal to end someday.
what is up with the belief that “burning sage” cleared a room of “spirits” ?
have you ever grabbed a rolling paper from the tienda and smoked that shit?

Adding moringa resin and smoking moringa causes a brief o2 reduction down to 89% which picks back up to 99-100%, same behavior as apoptosis or altitude adjustment. Also helps with leg cramps and leg pain somewhat.
I don’t know about all of these claims:

it is possible that “something” was done to me, willfully and deliberately , in light of the other shit they did concurrently such as blue rooming me and other overt experiments with extreme isolation, dozens of drugs, so on and so forth.
(Along with one that was in a clear capsule and looked like a couple of balls with a wavy shiny piece of metal in it, which I had a pretty violent horrible reaction to. I now believe it was a microchip or transmitter that would entrench itself in cholecystokinin in a manner where it could not be digested or passed.)
I’m like 12..13..14 years old and they did that shit and they would (hopefully) all hang if anyone ever found out so… I guess it’s just easier to get rid of me.
Wouldn’t be surprised if they literally engaged in biowarfare against us, too. Since the population was 80-90% black and we all know what they do to blacks.
You should also look into the “luciferase” experiments they did covertly on young men in the Wisconsin State School for the Blind and Deaf in the 70s trying to see if tinkering with luciferase could cure congenital blindness. It just so happens that luciferase is the same shit they love to use for surveillance and mind control from Vietnam, which is also implicated in HIV (literally, HiV-LUC as in HiV-Luciferase as a “reporter virus”) , which eventually comes back to a parasite called Loa Loa, which also expresses luciferase and causes blindness.. and ivermectin works on… and the thing about it is, if you ever pull the curtain back on any of these things being connected (they are) the US owes , pretty much the entire fucking country if not the entire fucking planet , reparations.
Wisconsin is a bunch of evil fucking war criminals and it all comes out of Racine.
That particular lawsuit established it was being done at “one or two facilities” but im telling you it was being done at ALL of them since the 1990s, including several the ACLU didn’t identify, sue or name.
We didn’t “conveniently” die or go to prison for them so they just keep tightening a rope where their biowarfare makes people behave aberrantly – and then they keep increasingly trying to criminalize your thoughts, speech, and behavior.
That’s what I think the “Tuskegee Experiments” were really about, getting black men to behave aberrantly to justify imprisoning or executing them. It would follow that every type of germ warfare they deployed against their own “citizens” (e.g. unwitting and involuntary subjects) has the same objective including covid.
You wonder why the black panthers still have it out for you people …
I cuss out Elon Musk regularly for participating in continuing to “blue room” me or subject me to extreme isolation and unpersoning as an adult, too. He is, manifestly, a DARPA/DoD stooge and despite his regular barrage of lies and gaslighting about “removing censorship” and setting everyone “free” I remain very much removed under false pretenses on that platform and several others that DARPA is a defacto owner/controller of. I wonder if this kind of shit in any way resets the statute of limitations for what you did to me as a kid.
All in all though I installed Substack Notes for about 20 minutes – and look I don’t like Trump either – but the whole thing was just this endless tantrum stream of “RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA DRUMPH CHEETO ORANGE NAZI LOCK HIM UP” and it was the most toxic 20 minutes I’ve ever spent on an app in years….. eight years later and some of them still have a dozen outbursts a day about the man , its just embarrassing. Seriously.. are they all on drugs?
.. and I say that as someone who skims /pol/ a few times a week…
It made me realize that even if The Peoples Republic of Twitter unbanned me, it would disgust me.
The only “based” thing Elon’s done so far is kicking journalists off of Twitter.
Do I have “EDS” ? No, I mostly forget that moron or “his” company even exists.
Other than his endless publicity stunts and extremely ill-conceived attempts to get attention on 4chan and other forums to drum up more business.
“how do we get Muh Conservatives and Le Right back on the plantation?”
Well, start unbanning them you fucking retard. Process your fucking appeals.
If you don’t want to , fine, then please fucking GO AWAY.
I really couldn’t care less about how poorly he runs “his” company on behalf of the Saudi government, other than I am tired of seeing his gaslighting and lies stinking up the 4chan catalog every day.
“hahaha yusss so based, why haven’t YOU joined yet?”
“well, like most of the other people here you tone deaf asshole, I’m still banned, my appeals are still denied, and despite your attention seeking and pandering and begging us for traffic, you’re still a bunch of dirty communist shitbags.”
Read the fucking comments, every other one on “PDW” is like “im still banned wtf, and they denied all my appeals.”
I swear to god serial killers and convicts on death row get their appeals from the DoC granted more often than Elon’s “free speech platform.”
I would much prefer to not think about him or “his” shitty companies at all.
It’s even worse than getting spammed by Indian scammers.
Indian scammers might actually be trying to sell me something I need or want.
While I am not in the market to be treated poorly by another dirtbag company that claims its “bringing the world together” with a straight face…
.. I am in the market for a vehicle and a solar array…
… and let me tell you this, they won’t be products that have his name on them.
…. these emails from Solar City can go fuck themselves …
………… I definitely don’t want to drive a Tesla, can you even imagine what would happen if I left a “Nazi car” unattended and parked in Portland Oregon? Gurl. I’m not sure who would start my car on fire first! Antifa, or the car itself?
………. I literally threw a starlink radio in the trash.
…. you think I’m gonna pay $8 a month for the psyslop on The Peoples Republic of Twitter? rub a lamp and make a wish dude. im not crawling back to my abusers. they can go into the dustbin of history with a footnote about how all they did was kick sand in my face and laugh at my squeaks of protest and agony every step of the way.
I like their new thing: “main character syndrome.”
No bitch, you tried to give me “non character syndrome” — who the fuck am I supposed to collaborate with? who the fuck is in my story when im in your gay little fucking social media oubliette? — and I will have to make do without your shitty platform or the “reach” it supposedly offers. Someday I will ram the words “medical misinformation” up your ass and make you eat them publicly.