As stated yesterday, I believe that there is a parasite involved in Cholecystokinin which consumes the nutrients and sugars in your small intestine and excretes product that is absorbed by your small intestines.
This product is more biologically compatible with the parasite – so you start assembling cells made with components that have been digested and excreted by it, and that is where you have the mysteries of “p falciparum” and the apicoplast – where RBCs and immune cells appear to be modified adaptively to be biologically compatible with the parasite, and your immune system cannot attack it without going into an “auto immune” disease (want a list of them?)
Ultimately you will stop breaking down the Cholecystokinin as well – because your cells are primed to recognize that as “self,” too.
edit 1: this could also be due to stomach acid and the small intestine having a neutral ph from PPIs or antacids or malnutrition or even a sludge of undissolved gelatin pill capsules , which could have the same cause.
edit 2: Q: “well how do I know if I have a plaque in my small intestine or a ph problem?”
A: I would think a main symptom aside from bloating despite not being “fat” would be urinary incontinence or leaking/dribbling after urination which I see all the time as a “covid” question and neither forgot nor had an idea or an answer for:
and then there’s this one, that between the flag and the “tone” it was posted in I went “wait, did I post that???” no, I didn’t. whoever you are, we should be friends:
If you have a layer of Cholecystokinin that is just stuck there, you will have a delay in “feeling anything” from sugar and nutrients because it can’t penetrate the layer of Cholecystokinin. You would probably feel like garbage , no amount of eating “right” or even eating “poorly” and loading up on sugar or carbs or whatever would get your motor started. This is probably the cause of diabetes.
I believe this is a likely candidate for where glutamic acid has a so called nucleotide substitution where GAA becomes the form GAG seen in “hiv” , and that this is where the genetic information from pol/env is coming from … that there is no “virus,” this shit is encapsulated in Cholecystokinin and the pills and injections can’t touch it. if correct this is why … if the Cholecystokinin is never cleared/treated/cured/resolved it continues appearing with treatment.
There is a living organism inside of you that is ingesting your Cholecystokinin, shitting it out in your small intestines, encoded with the “cdna” and so called “apicoplast” of that organism. Which is probably related to wolbacter and genetically more closely related to the plant kingdom than it is to you. If you are not able to create cells from copies of your own chromosomes using glutamic acid (GAA), at some point you will adapt to this by using its parasitic analog:
This was “mycoplasma incognitos.” Doxycycline could reach the RBCs involved and clear some of the symptoms for some time but it was/is not curative.
Folic acid and sulfamethoxazole (which they used to give hiv patients) are both known to interrupt this somewhat, by diverting the synthesis back from the parasite to the host. The fact that they already know this, is all you need to know. They already know exactly what the fuck this is. They did it.
The big “oh shit” around 9/11 was that they had completed decoding the human genome as well as the genome for “plasmodium falciparum” in July of 2001. All the receipts go back to this being something they gave people in Vietnam, who then brought it back home and here we are. All the missing trillions they announced the day before 9/11? Was probably on black research and unsuccessful attempts to treat or cure this thing they unleashed on the entire world. All that came of it was Truvada, which the US Government owns rights to for some mysterious reason. And a bunch of “covid” drugs Darpa made in 2014.
I am not a “NESARA/GESARA” person, but “what if” they had decided to set aside some money for their victims until the genome showed them that it was… literally… everyone by that point … ?
You know what wouldn’t have cost taxpayers a dime?
Not being a bunch of censor happy fascist fucking pukes.
Guess what, just about everyone fucking has it in one life stage or another and they didn’t (and don’t) know what to do about it so they’ve been trying to knock the whole damn house of cards over ever since. It’s a war crime and its treason.
Maybe “mrna” or the “spike protein” are on the right track if they are supposed to kill this theoretical parasite or target its cleavage sites (cathespins) , but if you have someone who has a LOT of RBCs and other cells in their body that were assembled using the , lets call it infected or compromised, Cholecystokinin , and all these cells suddenly just up and died in place, you would die, too.
All the RBCs pumping through your heart just up and die ?
So do you.
“Dementia” and alzheimers may be related to deficiencies in GAA as well, particularly as it pertains to Cholecystokinin in the brain, as it travels through mesenteric lymph nodes and systemic organs – unless the flow is blocked or being intercepted by an encapsulated parasite or encapsulated bacteria.
Why wouldn’t they want to announce treat or cure that condition?
Because it is a perfect location to deploy biological materials like tracking devices or “smart pills” that can be deployed covertly, non consensually, in food or embedded in say, illegal drugs, and goddamned nigh impossible to remove once they are encapsulated in there. Or so they would have you think.
Start with, where is the Cholecystokinin produced, where does it travel, when is it absorbed by the rest of the body, etc ….. one question will be, do the “hiv positive” actually have a successful innate defense related to mRNA or siRNA that has been mistaken for a “virus” in this condition, provided that you can clear the Cholecystokinin ?
What if the therapeutic approach theoretically could work, but it does not remove a parasite that is encapsulated in Cholecystokinin, and which continues to produce cells in this manner? “covid” will just keep coming back over and over and over again and the “vaccine won’t work” unless you clear the Cholecystokinin.
And why would anyone want to do that, if it causes impulse/behavioral problems that support peoples desire to restrict your movements or 2nd amendment, or criminalize your aberrant speech thoughts or behavior? If it makes you crave illegal drugs that go into somebody’s black budget? Or more overpriced junk food than one person even really needs to eat if you can resolve malabsorption?
I think you’d find we would have plenty for everybody and that “overpopulation” wouldn’t be a concern if you weren’t – if I may? – literally eating for two or three. Maybe fast food companies wouldn’t be under pressure to produce 2-3 times as much food at a consistent taste appearance and quality while making a profit. Not to excuse half of them for some of the ways they go about making it ….
When I make derisive comments about the orange vaccine salesman, yes, I posted in maga cosplay to try to make Fred laugh , or others cry , and yes, I fell for what he was selling too… but … understand where im coming from is a guy who brags about reducing the price of insulin , when I’m like what if diabetes was just something we could … get rid of .. or cure …
… same for “hiv”, plasmodium, tropical diseases, so called “covid”… imo they’re different life stages of the same god damned thing and most people have it…. p43 is defacto evidence that its parasitic and has bone marrow involvement, and that’s probably the only reason “bone marrow transplants” have “cured” hiv so far, and then of those cured, they end up dying of cancer or whatever , you should give those people ayahuasca or something that clears Cholecystokinin and then see what their eosophinil counts and long term prognosis are …. I doubt the marrow transplant is even necessary…
… psoriasis is “just” clumps of interferon bundling on your nerves and being diverted from your body… if cured, macrophages would come back to the site, break those clumps down and recycle them in your body , producing new interferon ..
… herpes is “just” interferon deficiency from all your interferon being used..
… probably curable, even in places they dont think they can get to including your spine and frontal lobe.
… they infected 93 million Americans with their “polio vaccine” , everyone in the world gets socialized medicine except for us. ever wonder why? … as simple as this is, one lie became another lie, another new billable “syndrome” was invented……. every new “vaccine” and every new “treatment” for every new whack a mole symptom and syndrome declared a success.
all I got from the bad orange man was promises of new pharmaceuticals or cheaper existing pharmaceuticals
.. and no access to anything that I actually even wanted or needed.. unless I went into tractor supply in a trench coat, like “heh heh heh its for my horse!”
… all his administration had to was let Americans speak to one another ..
.. and they commanded The Peoples Republic of Twitter to silence as many as Obamas admin did.
I noped out of Truth Social and cannot speak to whether that was at least a sincere attempt to rectify that. At the time, you couldn’t join it from outside the United States or with a foreign telephone number… and then by the time they changed that policy I had no desire whatsoever to read about uniparty political theater, “owning the left,” whatever “based” thing some dickhead politician said today , or “trusting the plan” , okay “may we see the plan? oh really? why not?”
I admit that watching people gargle the orange dick all day is not quite as toxic or annoying as people having their 80th TDS outburst of the day on Substack.
But really I’d rather not participate in either.
Go on VK, it’s all like, nature, scenery, travel, astronomy.
Totally chill.
The news comments aren’t all pozzed psyslop for boomers as long as you dont follow RT or other news sites in their English formats… I just read the news in Russian or Spanish these days so I don’t have to see Muh Trump Muh Biden Muh Jews Muh Vaccine .. and all manner of barf and cringe inducing tantrums…. it does seem to be mostly contained to English speaking news and commentary …
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In this house, I believe: I live in a society that destroys its sentinels. The difference between a "conspiracy theory" and a "scandal" is approximately two years. Censorship is brute force deprivation of knowledge, and thus, power. To deprive others of power by coercion and force is violence. You have two types of people in the world: Those who would want to make everyone suffer the way they do, and those who would do anything to make sure no one else ever has to suffer the way they do. My favorite conspiracy theory is the one where people think everyone is going to be okay. There is nothing left out there for me in trash world. Los socialistas viven con miedo a las consecuencias de sus actos. "I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air."