Although it would be correct in a sense to say that Bill and Bob plagiarized the Oxford Group’s “5 C’s”, which a lot of people are aware of, the fact that there are twelve steps and that they contain very specific and detailed steps that go above and beyond the 5 C’s, suggests that the 12 steps are actually from the Amidah. And further the work of finding the “lost” (lost in a bottle or a baggie or in sin and decadence or insanity) of Israel. Amazing Grace was about a lost and blind wretch, it wasn’t about a “winner” who was “spiritual” and only showed up in jail with everyone else for singing hymns too loudly during the service.

Convincing someone to attend meetings and recite the 12 steps at the opening of every meeting is a way to get the group to “pray the Amidah” or .. something akin to it .. very obliquely and indirectly in a controlled fashion.

Yes, it’s manipulative. Like Jews are in general.

Just as when Dr Bob said “bill you’re going to scare those drunks to death with that white flash spiritual jumbo” and so they dumbed it down for those “stupid drunks.”

Were they wrong? I’ve sat here railing and bitching and carping and flailing and flaming to the world about how stupid some of them are.

Maybe Dr Bob had a point.

If the “12 steps” make you feel closer to God or spirtuality hmm maybe where there’s smoke there’s fire… but as with clergy sex abuse , or with gays and lesbians being told theyre damned to hell in a church, AA and NA and their ilk are rife with spiritual abuse, gossip, sabotage, bullying, sex/financial predators that turn them of to “the program” and at some point we refuse to crawl back to our abusers even as they scream “you’re nothing without me” “shun the non believer! stay away from her!” or “you’ll die.” (or in the egregious example of the NA Chatroom, never mind drugs, the members threaten to kill you!) And that’s what makes AA/NA an evil and insidious cult in which neither god nor truth live.

1. In the first one we refer to G‑d as “The One who shields Abraham.”6

  • you can’t comprehend god until you recognize your own powerlessness

2. When Isaac was saved from near death at the Akeidah7 the angels said, “The one who resurrects the dead.”

  • note: resurrects could be “restored to sanity”, this is a context used by HFASS and Nadia Bolz-Weber in her book Pastrix. You would “need to”believe that this is possible in order to proceed with alchemy/transmutation .
  • THIS IS NOT NECESSARY IN ORDER TO GET , OR STAY , CLEAN AND SOBER AS MANY OTHERS READILY POINT OUT AND ATTEMPT TO OFFER ALTERNATIVES AND SECULAR OPTIONS FOR. To claim that This Is The Only True Way and The Only Way That Works or that It is Even a Thing That Works At All is wrong and it’s insulting. If you enjoy the alchemy, the great work, the 12 steps, etc , then all power is being removed from them and from you when you don’t know what you’re doing or why as you “choose” to undertake the work , to work with “clay” (sponsor and be of service to others) etc. Ideally you would be doing this for the sake of healing or helping others and / or I guess practicing Amidah for Dummies, if it’s just too damn complicated for you.

3. The theme of holiness is especially associated with Jacob,8 thus we conclude the third blessing saying “The holy G‑d.”

  • In 12 step parlance, “coming to believe” lays the ground work for even pursuing this further . It’s common for steppers to refer you to steps 1,2,3 rinse lather and repeat as necessary before you proceed to step four:

    With the fourth blessing, we begin to pray for our human needs:

4. We must ask for wisdom before all else since, absent of wisdom, we cannot accomplish anything at all.

5. After we have wisdom, we begin to recognize our faults and correct them. Therefore we pray for repentance after praying for wisdom.

6. Only after we have corrected our ways, we can ask for forgiveness for past wrongs; therefore we pray for forgiveness after praying for repentance.

7. After we have completed repairing our past misdeeds,9 and we want to continue to grow in our Torah study and service of G‑d, we recognize how the great difficulties in our lives hinder us from that growth, so here we pray for redemption from the general difficulties of life.

8. After we have emerged from the greater difficulties, we realize the various particular ailments we have that need to be healed, and so we pray for healing.

9. During illness there is no desire for food. So after praying for healing, we are ready to pray for abundance in produce and livelihood.

10. After we ask for our basic needs to be filled, we begin to pray for greater and more general blessings, namely the gathering of all the Jewish people in Israel.

11-12. The gathering of the Jewish people will be followed by reinstating the judges who will punish the wicked, therefore the next two blessings are the requests for reinstating our judges and for punishing the wicked.

13. This causes the exaltation of the righteous, which is the following request.

LOL but it’s Spiritual Not Religious! God they really prey on your ignorance, it is manifestly religious, it is literally Judaism. Unless you’re trying to tell me that Judaism isn’t a religion, in which case, why does anyone have to respect it?

Oh boy, I’m excited. When do we get to the punishing the wicked part? My body is ready.

Tricking the g-yim into practicing the Amidah.

Could you posssssssssibly get any more Jewish.

The gate to the Garden of Aten [eg St Therese and her “garden” of souls] 18 > 13 , the feather , the reed, the serpent (three) represented on the gate as “1+3” – or alternatively, represented as the feather / the reed and the oroboros “1+8” (infinity, 8). 18 is thirteen (adversity/strife) perfected , eg thirteen to the third power. 6 + 6 + 6 = 18. Left Hand Path. Right Hand Path, it doesn’t matter which one gets you to the top as long as the math works out. The “four rivers” are the oceans.

nice shirt btw, Pepe: