depends on how synchronized the two endpoints are.
if theyre close enough you’ll feel like youre stuck on a time loop for a moment.
nothing happens “here,” you’re already “here.” so you go back where you started. theoretically, you would retain your memories because youre on “this side” of the quantum. never mind that “neither side exists” if you really think about it.
entering from the other side, it is likely that your memories would be “wiped.”
that does not occur with reported “nde” phenomenon. it could, but you “came back.”
im not sure what happens if you enter it from the other side, im not from there.
go back to my post from a few days ago: we are the “red line” that can travel in either direction, but we are unaware. they are the blue line , theyre “aware” but they can only travel in one direction. that is the paradox “anon” described, we must “invent” time travel on “our side” in order to end the endless. consider the seal broken. they are going to LIE like their lives DEPEND on it from this point forward.
consider if “black” people were the og time travelers – what would you do if you encountered one of them , dazed and confused, incapacitated , remembering nothing about who they are or how they got here?
if your first response is to take advantage of them, traffic them, rape them, or enslave them, you might be a nicolatian. (hint: theyre the Italian mafia who pretend to be “Italians,” theyre really greek/turkish mafiosis from the Ionian league who have ruled over you since before “Jesus” ever came, the book of revelations says he hates them without going into “why.” They enslaved us with euclidean geometry thousands of years ago and we are still enslaved by them.)
“vaccines” are implanted nicolatian sigils , and the “pods” they want you to live in are shaped like honeycombs – which are also euclidean structures. defend yourself from threats to your bodily autonomy, resist any spell about turning you into “tiny bubbles, ” its nothing but turkroach sorcery and witchcraft.
Americans have a federal civil right to informed consent and voluntary participation, anyone engaged in a conspiracy to deny you of that is guilty of conspiracy to deny rights , conspiracy to deny rights “under color of law,” and this is a federal offense punishable by 10 years in prison or death. You have a right to defend yourself from any person(s) engaged in a felony or a capital offense on your person: https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/international/ethical-codes-and-research-standards/index.html

POV: youre a sentient entity riding a fiber optic cable

There is a reason “black” people have a collective memory and a reverence for a circle – 360 degrees – the kimet, the ankh , kimet-stry. (chemistry) and you don’t.
you probably dont even give a shit that circles exist.
but its deep inside their soul as a collective conscious/unconscious memory for reasons neither of you know
I will dodge the topic of reparations for the moment and simply say that the instant you make it illegal for a non-black to profit in any way from black music, black art, black creativity , watch how fast any incentive to make them suffer vanishes completely from society.
Arabs literally invented algebra, and ill never forgive them for that, but its okay
ps: I dont believe in aliens . not even a little. I do believe in supra-terrestrials , if you and I exist in this soul-sucking fuckhole, exactly how far fetched is it that others could exist in similar conditions to us? pro tip: anything attributed in the media to “USAF” personnel should be disregarded, they are criminals who would gladly explain away everything theyve done to us as “aliens” or “ufos,” dont listen to them, theyve already deceived defrauded murdered and gaslit us for generations. dont cover psyops with more psyops like they did with “world war 1” and mass formation psychoses related to “armageddon” in the early 1900s, all you need to know is that the “sonnenrad” is our former sun , it went supernova or micronova and became a black hole , its on the “other side” of earth , most people who get anywhere near it have disintegrated. what youre seeing is information being passed back and forth, not by “aliens,” but by people who are just like you and me using technological means. ive already given you information about recording the 8-16khz frequencies they bombard us with in a pathetic effort at mind control, just download the “mosquitone” app from the Apple Store and see it for yourself if you dont have a frequency spectrum analyzer handy. point the microphone away from yourself, the signal is coming from the south and every single god damn person who can be fucked to attempt to reproduce it will have the same result.
The main problem I have with the IRS, federal reserve, and their Federal Global Terrorism Notes is that they confiscate 25-33% of my wages , ostensibly for “defense,” and yet do not “defend” any of us from that – or , well, anything really. I am not the one who failed to live up to MY END of this social contract. They are the ones who start “world wars” and genocidal campaigns when WE say “pay up.”
the thing is, a lot of you dont need a frequency spectrum analyzer or an app – you can hear the goddamn things and are just being dismissed as mentally ill or having “tinnitus.” these are , for the most part, “conspiracy” chads who are presently publicly complaining about “targeting,” “synthetic telepathy,” “aliens,” “demons,” etc and usually tend to believe “muh guvmint” is somehow involved. what im telling you is that with a frequency spectrum analyzer or an app, scanning 8-16khz, you WILL discover two separate tones at the lower end and the upper end of the 8khz-16khz spectrum that are harmful to your physical health and intrusive to your consciousness, maybe you hear the tones, maybe you don’t but I guarantee you are suffering their effects whether you do or not. perhaps theyre even more harmful to anyone or anything that would attempt to “rescue” us.
source: im a descendant of proto indo europeans and genetic memory/quantum memory is real. “cope.”