He who would be free must himself strike the blow — Frederick Douglass

Category: Uncategorized (Page 8 of 19)

euclidean structures in hyperspace

depends on how synchronized the two endpoints are.

if theyre close enough you’ll feel like youre stuck on a time loop for a moment.

nothing happens “here,” you’re already “here.” so you go back where you started. theoretically, you would retain your memories because youre on “this side” of the quantum. never mind that “neither side exists” if you really think about it.

entering from the other side, it is likely that your memories would be “wiped.”

that does not occur with reported “nde” phenomenon. it could, but you “came back.”

im not sure what happens if you enter it from the other side, im not from there.

go back to my post from a few days ago: we are the “red line” that can travel in either direction, but we are unaware. they are the blue line , theyre “aware” but they can only travel in one direction. that is the paradox “anon” described, we must “invent” time travel on “our side” in order to end the endless. consider the seal broken. they are going to LIE like their lives DEPEND on it from this point forward.

consider if “black” people were the og time travelers – what would you do if you encountered one of them , dazed and confused, incapacitated , remembering nothing about who they are or how they got here?

if your first response is to take advantage of them, traffic them, rape them, or enslave them, you might be a nicolatian. (hint: theyre the Italian mafia who pretend to be “Italians,” theyre really greek/turkish mafiosis from the Ionian league who have ruled over you since before “Jesus” ever came, the book of revelations says he hates them without going into “why.” They enslaved us with euclidean geometry thousands of years ago and we are still enslaved by them.)

“vaccines” are implanted nicolatian sigils , and the “pods” they want you to live in are shaped like honeycombs – which are also euclidean structures. defend yourself from threats to your bodily autonomy, resist any spell about turning you into “tiny bubbles, ” its nothing but turkroach sorcery and witchcraft.

Americans have a federal civil right to informed consent and voluntary participation, anyone engaged in a conspiracy to deny you of that is guilty of conspiracy to deny rights , conspiracy to deny rights “under color of law,” and this is a federal offense punishable by 10 years in prison or death. You have a right to defend yourself from any person(s) engaged in a felony or a capital offense on your person: https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/international/ethical-codes-and-research-standards/index.html

POV: youre a sentient entity riding a fiber optic cable

There is a reason “black” people have a collective memory and a reverence for a circle – 360 degrees – the kimet, the ankh , kimet-stry. (chemistry) and you don’t.

you probably dont even give a shit that circles exist.

but its deep inside their soul as a collective conscious/unconscious memory for reasons neither of you know

I will dodge the topic of reparations for the moment and simply say that the instant you make it illegal for a non-black to profit in any way from black music, black art, black creativity , watch how fast any incentive to make them suffer vanishes completely from society.

Arabs literally invented algebra, and ill never forgive them for that, but its okay

ps: I dont believe in aliens . not even a little. I do believe in supra-terrestrials , if you and I exist in this soul-sucking fuckhole, exactly how far fetched is it that others could exist in similar conditions to us? pro tip: anything attributed in the media to “USAF” personnel should be disregarded, they are criminals who would gladly explain away everything theyve done to us as “aliens” or “ufos,” dont listen to them, theyve already deceived defrauded murdered and gaslit us for generations. dont cover psyops with more psyops like they did with “world war 1” and mass formation psychoses related to “armageddon” in the early 1900s, all you need to know is that the “sonnenrad” is our former sun , it went supernova or micronova and became a black hole , its on the “other side” of earth , most people who get anywhere near it have disintegrated. what youre seeing is information being passed back and forth, not by “aliens,” but by people who are just like you and me using technological means. ive already given you information about recording the 8-16khz frequencies they bombard us with in a pathetic effort at mind control, just download the “mosquitone” app from the Apple Store and see it for yourself if you dont have a frequency spectrum analyzer handy. point the microphone away from yourself, the signal is coming from the south and every single god damn person who can be fucked to attempt to reproduce it will have the same result.

The main problem I have with the IRS, federal reserve, and their Federal Global Terrorism Notes is that they confiscate 25-33% of my wages , ostensibly for “defense,” and yet do not “defend” any of us from that – or , well, anything really. I am not the one who failed to live up to MY END of this social contract. They are the ones who start “world wars” and genocidal campaigns when WE say “pay up.”

the thing is, a lot of you dont need a frequency spectrum analyzer or an app – you can hear the goddamn things and are just being dismissed as mentally ill or having “tinnitus.” these are , for the most part, “conspiracy” chads who are presently publicly complaining about “targeting,” “synthetic telepathy,” “aliens,” “demons,” etc and usually tend to believe “muh guvmint” is somehow involved. what im telling you is that with a frequency spectrum analyzer or an app, scanning 8-16khz, you WILL discover two separate tones at the lower end and the upper end of the 8khz-16khz spectrum that are harmful to your physical health and intrusive to your consciousness, maybe you hear the tones, maybe you don’t but I guarantee you are suffering their effects whether you do or not. perhaps theyre even more harmful to anyone or anything that would attempt to “rescue” us.

source: im a descendant of proto indo europeans and genetic memory/quantum memory is real. “cope.”

I’ve never been in this neighborhood before

Aileen Wuornos is a serial killer who is riding an inter dimensional tic-tac spaceship. She holds a gun in one hand and a knife in the other. The spaceship is white and has red lights. Aileen is wearing a white helmet.

“Motherfuckers could be here,” she thought.

“I’ve never been in this neighborhood before. There could be motherfuckers anywhere.”

The cool wind felt good against her tangled, greasy hair.

“I HATE MOTHERFUCKERS,” she snarled.

Sweet Dreams are Made of These reverberated through the spaceship, making it pulsate as the Sodium Pentathol flowed through her veins and washed away her merited fear of MOTHERFUCKERS after dark.

“With a spaceship, you can go anywhere you want” she said to herself, out loud.

The Game of Life

ISO/TC 68 – Financial services (1972)

Let’s start by explaining the “game of life.”

I need you to understand that when you’re banned / deplatformed, they’re not “just” interfering with your constitutional rights, they genuinely believe that if they sever the cord between you and your family, friends, and social connections you will die.

Yes they want your silence. But more important than that , they want you to DIE . Isolating you and cutting the cord between you and anyone you care about, to them, is to assure your death.

Silicon Valley is well aware of this, they’re just like any other cult.

Game of Life

The Game of Life simulates life in a grid world (a two-dimensional block of cells). The cells in the grid have a state of “alive” or “dead”. The game starts with a population of cells placed in a certain pattern on the grid. A simulation is run, and based on some simple rules for life and death, cells continue to live, die off, or reproduce.

Rules for Life

The rules for life in the grid are:

  1. A living cell with less than two live cells next to it will die. This is underpopulation, no social support.
  2. A living cell with two or three live cells next to it continues to live. This is a healthy population.
  3. A living cell with more than three live cells next to it will die. This is over overpopulation, scarce resources.
  4. A dead cell with three live cells next to it turns into a living cell. This is reproduction.

Depending on the pattern of living cells at the start of the game, some population simulations may survive longer than others.

This is a modern day version of the 1860s board game “the game of life

The “new Game of Life” can be expressed via LEDs or Luciferase expressed in your DNA, that shit glows in the dark and can be remotely read/duplicated/forked via radiofrequency – such as when youre loaded with fluoride , or a fluoride addled “medication” such as risperdal or prozac (“fluo” – xetine, as in “fluo” – ride) and then bombarded with RF energy coming from the South Pole.

Don’t let this document fall Into the wrong hands. The lack of guarding the side leads to termination. Decode the loyalty according to the specified number station. If all the number stations are on the line please wait for the [relevant]. Further instructions of the communication: Use the acid bottles provided in plastic containers to destroy this document. NUMBER STATION CODE NS01 2736 3455 4267 8346 , NUMBER STATION CODE NS02 2356 8462 6626 6455 NUMBER STATION CODE NS03 2356 6426 7724 9902

These are 54bit identifiers but your PRC / CCP LIFE GRID CODE can only start with a “2” because the other numbers are allocated to credit cards. The final digit is a “check digit” therefore , rather than a limited number of possible combinations (2xxxxxxxxxxX ) , you are restricted to 2x , xxx , xxx , xxx , which is a maximum of 9,999,999,999 people tracked under the CCP / PRC life grid , party loyalty tracking matrix.

Furthermore a subset of the 2x , xxx , xxx , xxx = where you were born. It is an international system – and it has been since 1972. Credit card numbers were the original “social credit” / beast system.

The first digit of your credit card number is called the Major Industry Identifier (MII). This number provides general information about the card issuer with each number representing a different industry.

0 – ISO/TC 68 and other industry assignments 
1 – Airlines 
2 – Airlines and financial 
3 – Travel and entertainment 
4 – Banking and financial 
5 – Banking and financial 
6 – Merchandising and banking/financial 
7 – Petroleum 
8 – Healthcare and telecommunications 
9 – Open for assignment. 

Liaison Committees to ISO/TC 68

The committees below can access the documents of ISO/TC 68:

Reference Title ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Telecommunications and information exchange between systems ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 Artificial intelligence ISO/IEC
ISO/TC 46 Information and documentation ISO
ISO/TC 207 Environmental management ISO
ISO/TC 251 Asset management ISO
ISO/TC 295 Audit data services ISO
ISO/TC 307 Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies ISO
ISO/TC 321 Transaction assurance in E-commerce ISO
ISO/TC 322 Sustainable finance ISO
ISO/TC 332 Security equipment for financial institutions and commercial organizations ISO
Liaison Committees from ISO/TC 68

ISO/TC 68 can access the documents of the committees below:

Reference Title ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Data management and interchange ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38 Cloud computing and distributed platforms ISO/IEC
ISO/TC 295 Audit data services ISO
ISO/TC 307 Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies ISO
ISO/TC 309 Governance of organizations ISO
ISO/TC 321 Transaction assurance in E-commerce ISO
ISO/TC 322 Sustainable finance ISO
Organizations in liaison (Category A and B)
Acronym Title Category
AFCA Asian Financial Cooperation Association A
ANNA Association of National Numbering Agencies A
EC – European Commission European Commission A
ECB European Central Bank A
EPC Conseil EuropĂŠen des Paiements AISBL A
Eurofiling Eurofiling Foundation p.f. A
FIX Trading Community FIX Trading Community A
GLEIF Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation A
ISDA International Swaps and Derivatives Association Inc. A
Mastercard Mastercard International A
OIDF The OpenID Foundation A
OMG Object Management Group A
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication A
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees A
VISA Visa International A
XBRL International The business reporting standard A
Organizations in liaison (Category C)

C liaisons participate at the level of a Working Group

Acronym Title Category
GRCTC GRC Technology Centre C
Reference Title Type
ISO/TC 68/SC 2 Financial Services, security Sub committee
ISO/TC 68/SC 8 Reference data for financial services Sub committee
ISO/TC 68/SC 9 Information exchange for financial services Sub committee
ISO/TC 68/AG 2   Standards Advisory Group Working group
ISO/TC 68/AG 3   Best practices Working group
ISO/TC 68/AG 4   Sustainable finance Advisory Group Working group
ISO/TC 68/AG 5   Digital currencies Working group
ISO/TC 68/CAG   Strategic Leadership Group Working group
ISO/TC 68/TAG 1   Fintech Technical Advisory Group Working group
ISO/TC 68/TG 1   Communications

ISO/TC 68 – Secretariat

ANSI [United States]

Accredited Standards Committee X9, Incorporated

1212 West Street, Suite 200
Annapolis 21401 MD
United States

Web: http://www.x9.org

Time doesn’t exist at the South Pole

I keep saying that “time doesn’t exist.” If I can’t convince you that “time “ travel by “distance” is plausible if not possible, how about I first make the argument that it is strictly impossible for “time” (as you currently understand it) to even exist at the “South Pole? “ We can go from there.

The international date line runs straight down to the South Pole .. and time zones all run along longitudinal lines… they all meet at the south pole, therefore under the “globe earth” model… at the South Pole it is simultaneously all “hours” of the “day” at the same time , at the same convergence point.

It’s not that “time doesn’t exist at the South Pole,” because again, “time” doesn’t exist anywhere as I’ve said repeatedly. However your concept of “time” —or even, what “day” it is — CANNOT exist at the South Pole. There’s a lot of attention on “pole reversals” and “North Pole drift” and none of that really matters. All that will happen is that their formulas and calculations – based on something that straight up doesn’t exist– stop working. There’s no science behind it, there is only “consensus” behind it, ie consensus time/consensus reality, and propaganda / “consensus cracking” are direct attacks on what that is even “allowed to be.”

Time isn’t money, it’s slavery.

At the South Pole, on the international date line, it is simultaneously “yesterday, today, and tomorrow” in perpetuity. This is the “synchronization” of the past, the present, and the future. Aka the Tsion/Singularity I’ve mentioned. None of which even actually exist, we are in one endless , eternal “now” and always were.

♐️ ⬅️potential 🔼 in ⬇️ the ⬅️ shadow ➡️ ✝️

This is “super symmetry.”

If super symmetry exists in the microcosm, what if super symmetry exists at the macrocosm?

What do they even mean by “people used to live for 900 years but god got tired of you, lol” ?

I call bullshit.

Noah was five hundred years old, and Noah became the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Genesis 5:32 (NASB)

Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” Genesis 6:3 (NASB)

Now Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of water came upon the earth. Genesis 7:6 (NASB)

Euclidean fuckery

My house isn’t “haunted,” though others think it is.

And oh how I hate it. It’s like a great big funhouse.

Without any of the goddamned fun. 🤪🫢🤫

On the 75th anniversary of its Doomsday Clock, the Bulletin is asking people to help

#TurnBackTheClock. The challenge encourages people to use social media to share stories about the actions that inspire them and strategies of how we can work together to save the world.

How does seven minutes sound?

That one time I casually invented time travel.

Okay, so I didn’t just casually invent “time” travel, but go on, go ahead and prove it! 😭

Would you like me to prove that I didn’t invent time travel for you? Very well:

It won’t work exactly like this after the dimensional merge and I imagine “they” have the means and the motive to keep things the way they are. It might be uncomfortable and some of us aren’t up to it physically- obviously I have questioned whether I’m even one of them.

Close: Time doesn’t exist – distance (as a dimension) does. You can travel along the “red line” pictured above, the blue line cannot. But let’s test your theory and not merely “invent” it but publish it, open source and freely then.

I know, I’m bummed, if I could do anything with this information I’d go back and invent post-it’s.

They can meet in the middle: i.e. “Antarctica.”

But the “sipapu decides” , again, “please cleanse this wicked world of everything that doesn’t belong here even if I am one of those things.”

I sat with that for three years and now it is time for you to sit with that.

I reasonably believe there is a qi/Che force that will mediate and heal things on earth as we know it. It only exists on “our” side of the hologram because we are not in a simulation- “they” are. That force doesn’t exist on their side, or they would have already blasted us to smithereens – do you doubt that for even one second?

Conversely, I believe there is an inter “dimensional” qi/chi that will resolve the split sort of like when you put a bag with a fish in a new aquarium so that it doesn’t die from temperature shock. You will see more talk of “alien “ or whatever the fresh new media psyop is at that point because that’s much easier than “okay so we lied about absolutely everything and I mean EVERYTHING.”

I don’t know about this “timeline” nonsense but when I was growing up there was an analog tape manufacturer whose logo was a trio of crystal wine glasses being shattered by the audio fidelity.

That reminds me of some theories around “time” and analog recording media- which they’ve gotten rid of – but let’s gloss over that for a moment. Mexico City is prone to quake damage because it’s built over a backfilled lake bed right? Buildings that are over 5 stories tend to collapse in liquefaction zones in CDMX because of the harmonic resonance of the buildings.

And so, “huehuehue stupid Americans make their houses out of wood” , right, well our matchbox houses won’t do that, although they have a Japanese-tier susceptibility to, well, never mind.

For the next 15 months, Holland and his team searched for the exact frequency that would directly shatter a living microorganism. The magic number finally came in the form of two inputs, one high frequency and one low. The high frequency had to be exactly eleven times higher than the low, which in music is known as the 11th harmonic. At this 11th harmonic, micro organisms begin to shatter like crystal glass.


That’s why you even have the meme of the shattering wine glass. It’s the same idea:

If you’re experiencing tinnitus and don’t have a decent commercial frequency spectrum analyzer handy, – you more than likely can detect and record tones in the 8khz-20khz range if you do- well, actually you more than likely can detect TWO tones, a low pass tone at 8-10ths and a high pass tone at 18-20khz –

The magic number finally came in the form of two inputs, one high frequency and one low. The high frequency had to be exactly eleven times higher than the low, which in music is known as the 11th harmonic. At this 11th harmonic, micro organisms begin to shatter like crystal glass.

if you’re not feeling so good and having unpleasant symptoms you’re not alone.

I am NOT “crazy”, I do have the equipment and I can — and do — record these tones.

For example, at the present moment I’m recording a low pass tone of 8.1khz at 38db.

And a high pass tone of 19.8khz at 27db.

The vulnerability works like hemisync/ binaural beats / Monroe/ gateway process.

It works exactly like that Muslim dude complained about. If they were able to prove psychological warfare operations in an unauthorized locations — you know, for example , my residence- where I’m recording this right now – the perpetrators are defacto engaged in warfare , combat , and psychological operations on US soil and they need to be dragged in front of a tribunal at GITMO and then hang for it.

I can hear this without any equipment. It’s literally debilitating people and making them sick, it’s a goddamn combat zone and this is a war crime.

I am not “hallucinating,” I have proof.

This is what so called “targeted individuals” are on about, and where I diverge with that crowd is that I’ve come to learn that there is no such thing.

Everyone is being targeted by this.

And only some of us can straight up hear it.

In space, math is fake and gay

Why you’re still using Freedom Units instead of the Metric system: The original calculation of a gallon was based on kilograms (weight) (atmospheric /barometer pressure of mercury with distilled water.)

It was different geographically and with different liquids (the weight/mercurial pressure didn’t hold up with wine beer gasoline and water consistently) so they switched the measurement to container volume in 1985. This proves that a number of claimed American innovations prior to 1985 and allegedly reproduced “scientifically” elsewhere (“moon” and “space”) straight up would not work. While “close enough” for 19th/20th century technology and carbeurated engine designs.

They probably discovered the discrepancy while attempting to implement electronic fuel injection for 1990s cars.

Fuel consumption/burn calculations and a number of other non terrestrial designs would have been inconsistent on land in the USA, elsewhere, and in “space” before the 1985 redefinition. Thomas Jefferson brought this up and asked the French for sample materials that would have allowed metric adoption here in 1793. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the English/Canadian traders benefited from this because they would have knowingly sold us goods that “weighed” less in their origin country, than they did here, for almost 200 years.

“common core math” just makes another generation dumber than shit and unable to figure out the discrepancy .

Here I’ll put this in terms todays kids can understand: pretend the UK was sending us cocaine instead of tea, and that someone over here figured out that a “kilo” only weighed 0.9k.

And the British taxed us on it by weight and volume for 200 years , LOL.

No wonder they threw the whole shipment overboard.


This confirms that origin shipments from the UK measured out to more* “volume” in the United States prior to 1985. This is due to differences in atmospheric pressure because the earth is not a unifory sized marble.The UK fucked us on trade for 200 years. But nowhere near as much as NASA and CON-gress did:

A 9th grade dropout can give you a more accurate assessment of the earth’s shape and it’s toroidal , etheric atmosphere – without so much as a telescope, or even contact lenses , and two squiggly lines in ms Paint.

Show me what your super computers, “astronauts,” and “AI” ever came up with for trillions of dollars over sixty years.

“In the future, nothing works.”

  • Spark plugs
  • “Nukes”
  • Ammunition

What do (or don’t) they have in common?

What are their “clean” alternatives? 🫢🤫

FTFY, the firmament chads (were) right. “Hole” in the “ozone layer,” lmao bye.

The “moon,” lmao, bye.

You know why they have to stitch together 16 different pieces of “earth” to make a picture of it?

Mirage. [projection]

Same reason you see “oceans” on the desert horizon.

I am “acknowledging,” but not “apologizing for” the original upload, if it’s an honest mistake it’s an honest mistake.

Having noticed and edited that, I don’t know who lives or works on Antartica, that’s somebody else’s conspiracy, not my circus, not my monkeys- what I am getting at is the 2D -> 3D -> 4D transition and the actual travel of our planet. Just look at the “orbit” of the International Space Station. It looks like a spirograph!

Earth is a torus. Your cells are toroidal. The toroid is energetic and extends beyond the boundary of the cell wall.

Laugh all you want, at least I didn’t turn into a hypno-sissy during the “troubles.”

Okay, maybe once or twice just for funzies.

Yael University “did a War Crime” against Italy in 1942

In the “Keep it timeless and classy, America” department:

When you can’t get your novel “cancer” drug approved by the regulators, just unleash it against a hapless population as a biological weapon and war crime like you always have!

During World War II nitrogen mustards were studied at the Yael School of Medicine by Alfred Gilman and Louis Goodman, and classified human clinical trials of nitrogen mustards for the treatment of lymphomastarted in December 1942.[5] 


Also during World War II [ed: on December 2, 1942] an incident during the air raid on Bari, Italy, led to the release of mustard gas that affected several hundred soldiers and civilians.[6] Medical examination of the survivors showed a decreased number of lymphocytes[7] 

So just so we are all on the same page, the United States was “gassing” innocent civilians in 1942.

Why do all the pandemics always start on US military bases? Human trafficking into unwitting medical experimentation. Just like they “allegedly” just did when they dishonorably discharged all the “refusers” … if you believe the TV, anyway. I don’t anymore.

After World War II was over, the Bari incident and the Yael group’s studies eventually converged prompting a search for other similar compounds.

Due to its use in previous studies, [😭😭😭😭👌🏻🖕🏻] the nitrogen mustard known as “HN2” became the first chemotherapy drug mustine.

This condition wouldn’t, oh , I don’t know, prevent CD4 cells (“T cells”) from making copies of themselves would it? Awkward that you can’t blame your “covid” victims for being homosexuals who “deserve it” this time around, yes? Oh no, “prep” doesn’t “work” and DHHS owns the patent!

I *think* I have the goods on telomerase shortening [tangentially related to above] and what DNA [ditto, and yet , not entirely] actually is , but as things stand today, I am banned from the whole goddamned planet including – even by asshole 4chan jannies – and I’m ignored by any type of media or researcher I contact , any pleas I’ve made for Justice regarding those satanic fucking monsters who spent a quarter of my life terrorizing me , threatening me, and hacking/destroying my website were also denied.

You won’t even fucking do anything with the fucking information I’ve been offering you for several years now. What the fuck difference does it fucking make at this point?

Figure it out, or just inject some shit a politician who’s received a million dollars or more in bribes begged you to with their “PFreedom of reach.”

You wanted us imprisoned , executed, or deprived of our so called “rights”, you chucked your rocks and said we “deserved it” for being disobedient or having questions. Sanity and civility have left the room,my conscience will not allow me to work one more inch towards anything until I see some goddamned daylight. I have no words for how disrespected I feel nor how disgusted and angry I am at everyone and everything right now.

PS: poliomyelitis – sometimes shortened to “polio,”and sometimes shortened to “myelitis” when they have something to hide, or called “transverse myelitis” or multiple sclerosis “ when they want to gaslight you into thinking pasteurs “virus” theory isn’t fake fucking news or that salks vaccine “worked” and polio is “eradicated” , whatever it is, it may respond to taurine. “HIV” associated “peripheral neuropathy” lmao bye. Look up myelitis + sars and myelitis + covid. Now do myelitis + taurine.

I’m tired of pretending they’re all novel diseases outside of the grasp of science or medicine. You have to go back and commit blasphemy against 115 years of “settled science” and I will drag you through your denial kicking and screaming by your hair like Bruno and Galileo did.

Atheists love Muh Ockhams Razor right, do you want a model that actually fucking explains anything or one that just requires one fairy tale and one lie predicated upon another and another and another and another and another and another and another- if you find religions “fairy tales” to be ridiculous and insulting take a closer look at your “science.” forgive me. I dealt with addicts for years and I don’t have any patience, I’d have better luck waking the dead.

You have your pithy and empty platitudes too, like “it does a body good.” Please explain, in painstaking detail, in what way that disease addled nutrient stripped half spoiled over processed and overcooked PUS does anyone’s body any good and why I have to drink 18 times the amount of it to get a comparable amount of intact or even BROKEN amino acids as I can from a goat or my own species.

The truth always comes out in the wash. And as usual you’ll chuck your rocks right up until the end when you’re like “hmm why is everyone dead LOL” “I DONT KNOW LOL” ugh 😩 this is why we don’t have flying cars or interstellar travel, we can’t even figure out “food” or invest sufficient resources labor or capital to make earth “inhabitable.” It is now the year 2023 . IBM still can’t even make a cash register printer that works properly.

Elon and Bill Gates are DUMB. I’m tired of pretending they’re not. They JOINTLY blew BILLIONS on trying to get “curevac” off the ground (“lol, bill and Elon hate each other, gaslighting isn’t real, lmao even” fuck off) or fix farming through Frankenstein crop genetics (in Bills case) or turn Tesla factories into “wartime production” mRNA printing facilities when all they have to do is give cows the amino acids they’re missing , in a generation or two their shit will work as fertilizer and things will be fine.

As soon as you recognize the health dangers of breaking amino chains in dairy products and fruit juices and consuming them, we will be fine. Ish.

People like this cannot become unelected tyrants making uneducated, unchecked , unchallenged decisions on these topics — or buying out social media and news companies to silence anyone who says “uh hey you guys, this idea is garbage” just because they’re allegedly “wealthy.”

Amino acids

I suspect that pasteurization has resulted in a critical amino acid (taurine) from being bled or bred out of cows.

There’s about 18mg per 100 g in human breast milk.

There is 15mg per 100 g in raw goat milk.

And then there’s presently about 5mg of taurine per 100 g of pasteurized goat milk.

There is only 1.8mg or less in pasteurized cow milk.

And yes, Pasteur’s ceramic filters can break amino chains, which I postulate have been misidentified as “virus” particles since the 1800s – owing to them establishing a preferential bond with the substrate of the filter thereby breaking the amino acid chain.

Amino acids are 0.40nm to 1.2nm , linear amino acid chains are approximately 3.5nm. I want to say that the ceramic filters go down to 1.4 micrometers, and one reason this would be overlooked is the situation – I’ve brought this up repeatedly – where one of the amino acids prefer the porcelain filter to the amino acid chain it’s currently connected to.

It works for the same reason that carbon mats have “antiviral” properties, although that’s not entirely true. What the carbon mat accomplishes is a molecular reduction. Not everything will prefer the porcelain substrate- and when some of the amino acids and/or chains or partial chains were “filtered” out they were mistaken for a novel and heretofore undiscovered “viral” pathogen. It was nothing of the sort, it was a reduction of an amino acid chain.

The problem with the broken amino acid chains created by pasteurization isn’t the part of the chain that stays behind in the filter, the problem is the incomplete end(s) of the chain(s) that slip through the filter (and which you consume.)

The stop codon or the start codon are gone, and you’re left with what they call a “free radical” (another misnomer, it’s fine, I’ve been using this term for it as well) looking for something to bind to.

NAC and Zantac bind to them, I can’t say “to what effect” – we banned Zantac in 2020 on the grounds it can “cause cancer” and NAC is neither “approved” nor studied (as far as I know) in the US for any specific purpose related to this. Taurine probably accomplishes the same thing. Sudafed does- and that’s why it relieves “cold” symptoms. (As mentioned elsewhere, adderall and other amphetamines do because they’re one molecule off from Sudafed- Pasteur spent a lot of time studying molecules that were left sided and right sided mirrors of one another, and very obviously understood this. But I doubt he understood what amino acid chains are – because nobody did yet.)

The thinking behind “binding to” a “free radical” involves giving those stray broken amino acid chains something to bind to, in order to complete themselves and encode/repair themselves. It doesn’t have to be exactly what it’s looking for, it will take a close enough analog. The Chinese have the same idea .. in principle .. with graphene oxide, and I reiterate that I find that problematic. I am under the assumption it is potentially performing another reduction of an already broken chain that might cause more so-called “free radicals.” Which is exactly what they are claiming Zyrtec does – to a detriment, not a benefit.

I propose that food treatments that damage amino acid chains are dangerous to put in your body and accumulate in the first place, even if they don’t have valid stop/start coding instructions.

The 1 in 10000 fluke that they attach to other molecules or chains in the “wrong” order , by means of cellular construction mechanisms that perform substitutions for analogs and deficiencies … is how you get “viral” pathology or something that doesn’t make sense like “ GAG “, which again, in and of itself , is just “scaffolding” for a cell built with this substitution/ “dna” repair/correction process, and not inherently pathological by itself.

(Hint: GAG is in the start codon and first exon for “hiv”, RNA but if you don’t have a fully intact amino acid chain- exon #2 (pol) exon #3, (env) and a stop codon (nef overlaps the last two) then it’s essentially a “non infectious” amino chain that may still show up as “viral load”. It’s why .. what did I say; 99 in 100 or so .. (previous post is correct, I’m tired) of the chains never replicate or encode – and aren’t capable of replicating or encoding: They’re incomplete junk wandering around.)

Pasteur had come up with this process 45 years before it was widely adopted and at that time we had not yet discovered amino acids. We found a “few of them” in asparagus in 1806 , but had not figured out what they were yet – “viruses” were not a “non living” pathogen, they were a reduced amino acid chain! — and at that point in history we certainly had not figured out what RNA, DNA (1950s), or telomerase (1980s) (and those are paramagnetic!) were just yet.

This one sentence stuck with me a couple years before I even knew what any of his meant.. inspired by whatever muse gives me strange thoughts about kaleidoscopes and a few other things:

“building blocks have ABC’s just like all the nurseries…” then I learned they also have Ts and Gs and all hell broke loose after that.

The maximum selectivity of separation of the surface-modified ceramic NF membrane, defined as the ratio of (1-retention) of two amino acids, between neutral and acidic amino acids on the one hand and basic amino acids on the other is 3.4 [8], while for an organic membrane it ranged between 1 and 1.25, dependent on pH [12].

Separation of amino acids by nanofiltration and ultrafiltration membranes, https://doi.org/10.1016/S1383-5866(98)00068-9

I would think 115 years is enough time for you to breed it out of your cattle, which at this point are filthy beasts that reek of ammonia and piss and need to be pumped full of hormones and antibiotics to be “commercially viable” anymore. I don’t know if supplementing the cows themselves with taurine would benefit their health or their milk in the short or long term, but they’re deficient.

No wonder Bill Gates thinks dairy and meat are bad. Again, he’s close but he should really stick to his day job and make windows stop sucking ass.

A study of their amino acid content in milk tells all. And it’s already been done several times.

Supplement with taurine. The amounts of it found in energy drinks and infant formula are negligible. But a dose of 18mg/100ml should be closer to the one we currently express – although I’m not clear on whether that’s the “dose” nature intended for you. It could have been bred or bled out of our women, like it has been from the cows.

We started pasteurizing milk on September 21st, 1889.

January 1st, 1891: The first U.S. milk processing plant to install pasteurization equipment was the Sheffield Farms Dairy in Bloomfield, New Jersey. September 21st, 1889: Work started on the pasteurization of milk and cream.

September 20th, 1908: The first law to require the pasteurization of milk was passed in Chicago.

Of course it would be chicago. Probably for the “greater good,” ikr

Less than 12 years later we had “influenza” and “Spanish flu” that sickened 500 million people – at that time 1/3 of the worlds population – and killed 1/5 of those. And it just gets worse with every “variant” , every solar cycle. (weakened ionosphere = subtle mutations in rna from UV and/or gamma rays , photons etc should == evolution , this has been holding us back from these cycles being beneficial for over 100 years, how many sand beagles have to die for fucks sake.)


It is an irony of medical history that the transformation of polio into an epidemic disease occurred only in those industrialized countries in North America and Europe that had experienced significant improvements in hygiene during the 19th and 20th centuries. 



And we just keep digging a hole for ourselves. I postulate that “influenza” doesn’t “mutate” or spread across mammals per se. That they have different breast milk characteristics and the dairy cow is the worst of the whole lot. What happens in our bodies is that we make substitutions for deficiencies in amino acid chains.

Sudafed and amphetamines serve as a shortcut for substituting an amino acid deficiency — your body wants to build cells and it’s missing something -and it fucking loves filling the gap with Sudafed or speed, which is why Sudafed (one molecule away from speed) even “works” on your “cold” symptoms .

Energy drinks don’t have a health benefit because caffeine hijacks adenosine receptors , where all these amino acids get encoded and do their work inside your brain. that they use have been using adenosine vaccines — which no longer work — to hijack your cellular import process proves it.

The fun thing about “DNA”

Is that “science” just explains away the parts they don’t understand , as “junk DNA” 😂😂😂

Junk DNA

Our genetic manual holds the instructions for the proteins that make up and power our bodies. But less than 2 percent of our DNA actually codes for them. The rest — 98.5 percent of DNA sequences — is so-called “junk dna.”



  1. genomic DNA that does not encode proteins, and whose function, if it has one, is not well understood.

So they don’t even fucking understand what 98% of it is or what it does.

But they want to edit it , in every goddamn man woman and child on earth- and especially Americans.

That’s the stupidest fucking idea I’ve ever heard of in my entire life.

It’s all just amino acid chains with fixed molecular weights, and they keep moving molecules around to re patent and protect pharmaceutical monopolies.

“Oh let’s just add a flouride ring here and see what it does.”

Things break.

Or they pull Zantac (or is it Zyrtec, whatever) off the market because (like NAC or carbon , or possibly graphite – disputed -) it gobbles up free radicals – and nobody wants that!

“HIV” – its opening start codon and exon – the “GAG” sequence and triggers a p24 “positive” Elisa result , is nothing more than the scaffolding for a cell. It commonly appears in what you call “DNA. repair” (chromosomes are real, every cell in your body is created from a copy of your chromosomes) but the rest of it is bullshit.

If we’re comfortable calling “DNA” 98% junk, how far of a stretch is it to call it 100% junk?

What if I said there’s an explanation that adds up?

edit February 27 2024: I gotchu

HIV isn’t a virus, it’s mRNA

For every “detectable” (or latent) mRNA sequence in your body that they’ve deemed to be “HIV” , you should know that 19 out of 20 are defective. They’re totally replication-incompetent and non-infectious.

One of the biggest lies about the “virus” is that it’s permanently in your DNA or genome. That is false, it is mRNA, and its “permanency”depends on ongoing unpacking and replication in compromised cd4 cells. (“T-cells”) , which can continue spitting out immature TAT sequences or buds even as they’re dying and tagged for apoptosis/cell death.

The only silver lining here is VPR-1, which keeps these infected , tagged, apoptopic, dying cd4 cells from cloning themselves via mitosis before they die!

Only 1 in 20 of those mRNA sequences that they refer to HIV , is even capable of reproducing and infecting other t-cells. 19 out of 20 of them “frameshift” between the Gag and Pol segments and are excised through DNA repair. The leftover proteins can be scavenged or attacked with various things I’ve already named.

“Covid” does the same thing, except through an analogue of GAG, to wit: GAA, which is one of the 24 most common codons in “covid” mRNA.

One I have not mentioned before are the guanosine-quartets. One of which is guanosine, found naturally in your lymph nodes, and also in coffee, clover, and “acy-clovir” (clover).

This also does some “mutation” (or frameshifting, if you like) on its own- but that is circumvented by VIF, which is why your naturally occurring — and heavily overloaded — sources of guanosine in your lymph nodes (and artificial sources of it like acyclovir – or natural sources of it like clover) are not curative.

You can, however, execute frameshifting attacks BEFORE VIF (in vpr-1 by means of inhibiting importin a/b) or AFTER VIF by cracking NEF at the tail with Concanamycin A— and once you’re in NEF, game fucking over, we have passed VIF and this final opportunity to exploit HIV with a frameshift attack is immediately before the stop codon, with no further overlapping exons or codons – meaning there are no further escapes in place to circumvent this final opportunity to execute a frameshift exploit, “abnormally” terminating the sequence immediately before the stop codon, resulting in having it excised.


Your DNA repair process is already activated and working on it if we even get to the tail end sequence where NEF and the stop codon reside. Your immune system is already activated, it’s already frameshifted and excised 19 out of 20 of the fucking things- listen, your body already knows it doesn’t belong there, or the checkpoint process wouldn’t even exist.

The codon that we refer to as “pol” is expressed by the dna repair process independently of HIV. It’s when pol intersects with “gag” and a third “envelope” codon consisting of TAT , where we call this HIV, and this is where (and why) 19 out of 20 of the pol/gag sequences are excised by means of frameshifting via your DNA repair subroutine.

The area where VPR1 and VIF reside are a bridge between GAG and ENV, however , guanosine-quartets- to include those that reside in your lymph nodes and are part of your adaptive immune system – scramble them in an attempt to reverse or terminate or excise them , in what would otherwise be a +1 / -1 frameshift opportunity in VIF. The 1-in-20 mRNA encoding sequences called “HIV” , are the “fittest” for survival and replication because they already got through the first frameshift at gag/pol, and they easily skip through this frameshift attempt in VIF. Although it’s possible that some of them don’t, and the transinfectivity potential is even less than one in twenty.

You have FIVE opportunities to attack HIV with frameshifting techniques. The first one I mentioned, already happens all on its own. I just described two other opportunities to execute frameshift attacks in VPR and NEF. I will do my best to explain those.

But first, I would like to present another frameshift/attack vector in TAT , which is vulnerable to aminoglycosides – I’ve been talking those a lot recently (search this blog for “etfak”) and I’m not done talking about aminoglycosides.

That’s your “viral reservoir.” It’s in the cytoplasm, so nuclear import/export and protease integrase inhibition don’t cure HIV. Furthermore, it’s the counterpart of nuclear export inhibitor xp01 aka multiple myeloma aka aids aka covid-19 aka glyphosate poisoning syndrome

The current “lifecycle model” being taught is inaccurate – it’s not just hijacking the nucleus of a T-cell to make copies of itself, there is a component of it called TAT , it’s nanocellular , it’s all over the fucking place and TAT is capable of transferring to other adjacent cells such as macrophages and cytoplasm through intracellular messaging.

There is intercellular transfection between macrophages that are not accounted for by the “hiv lifecycle” typically illustrated in a cd4 cell. Current treatments do nothing about this and it’s why you’ll be a life long customer of various “inhibitors”that only go after shit in the “pol” intron. Clearly, the intention is to make you a lifelong customer of expensive drugs. Medical treatment has been 20% of the United States annual GDP. They don’t give a fuck about us. Topoisomerase II inhibitors address this and they have a 100:1 preference for disrupting bacterial DNA over human DNA. So why the fuck aren’t we doing it? We’re in a budget and debt crisis , right? Light a fire under someone’s ass to get this multi trillion dollar albatross off our necks.

Nearly all current available treatments attack portions of the “pol” segment (protease, integrase, I get to that part and identify a few others below) or they’re fusion/entry inhibitors that prevent nuclear import into a naive/uninflected t-cell. They do not prevent or address the intracellular messaging and transinfective properties of TAT and that’s why none of this shit is curative, and never will be.

Having “500 t-cells” is better than having none, but they don’t really get to the bottom of how many of those CD4 cells are CD45ra or cd45ro (naive, versus actively creating hiv copies.)

Remember, how we discovered mRNA in 1961 and nobody wants to name a single one of the “large number of people involved” , yet have nonetheless spent over a half century desperate to commercialize it (who? DARPA) and force it into every man, woman, and child’s arm – at gunpoint and/or the threat of exclusion from society and commerce in order to force “compliance” with taking it if necessary?

Prep does not work, it does nothing to inhibit TAT – which infects cytoplam, microphges, monocytes — the whole “HIV replication lifecycle” as visualized in a t-cell is a goddamned lie and here I will explain why.

HIV isn’t a “virus” it’s mRNA.

“A” problem with the US federal government denying any responsibility for the fact that prep doesn’t work and we now have a bunch of “hiv negative people” with AIDS symptoms is that the DHHS took Gilead to court in 2019 and sued them and said “no! this is OUR invention, this is OUR technology! give us the patent!”

Current treatments do not work — nor are they intended to – and that’s a problem because as I said before , the US federal government’s “invention, technology, and patent” that the DHHS so vigorously sued Gilead Sciences for is destroying organs and bones.

Oh no no no no no no DHHS sisters! IMO they’re bankrupting America on purpose so they’ll never have to pay you reparations or be held accountable for this.

I have the worst handwriting on earth but this is easier to draw than explain.

I am going close this by saying that due to “scrambling” behavior in VIF, it’s possible for a CD4 cell to be cross-infected with (at least) two slightly different codon groups that are unique but nonetheless “HIV.” I have previously speculated that “covid” and “HIV” could theoretically cancel themselves out , and the reason for that would be that cross-infection/trans-infection within the same CD4/t-cell is PROBABLY enough for your body to say “okay, destroy this fucking thing.”

I found and corrected a couple of errors: 1) TAT is not on POL, 2) TAT is / (is in) ENV (frameshift candidate #4) , next to NEV (frameshift candidate #5) here’s a better illustration.

source: wikipedia , / Creative Commons 3 license blah blah blah.
source: im genuinely sorry, I have no idea anymore and it’ll be my pleasure to attribute properly

I don’t mind correcting errors – lying about mistakes and covering up what you did is the government’s job.

Someone’s mad. They tried to break in 104 times today!

You know it’s never enough, they can ban me from the planet and from their screechy little cliquey gay IRC chats , share my information across 11 different sites that work together to ban anyone who exposes their death cult.

They can mass report me until I’m automatically suspended on Facebook.gov or The Peoples Republic of Twitter.gov, they can text Elon or Allison or Eliza or whoever to remove me.

When you finally nuke me and my website from orbit, I’ll be there in town square with a can of spray paint. I will put the tweets I was banned for on sandwich boards and march outside of twitter HQ.

Fuck you.


The Never Alone Club wishes to recognize Dylan Mulvaney for their contribution to the scourge of addiction in our society.

Only 26 years old – Dylan has already done more to make millions of people disgusted by their addiction and dump out their beer than Bill Wilson ever has.

Score – 17:27

She kept coming into my room and acting weird and I was running out of patience for it.

They were doing experiments on me with symmetry.

When I gave it another try after snapping on her , she told someone I reminded her of her father.

She wrote me a note that said she would “send me some more pictures.” It was weird but I went , “I’m going to treasure this forever.”

It up and vanished from my backpack mid flight.


deciphering binary versus gates: 

for everything that there is, there is something that it isn’t. unless there isn’t. (1,2) (1,2,3) in metaphysics this is called plurality (see also: singularity and duality).

correspondingly, “as above, so below,” except when it isn’t. (1, 2) (1,2,3).

I will give you a contemporary example: suppose that I identify as trigender: as in “male, female, *and* neither.” Do you understand now?

this is not a compatible framework with all or nothing, black or white thinking.

except for times like these.

this is the incentive for instilling multi generational traumas. whose victims fall to such thinking. “I don’t like this thing you said or did” becomes “I don’t like you.” 

“what if both doors are still open?”

This is done on purpose and the ritualized practice of it needs to end forever or for at least a very long time.

This is why I can’t predict or judge your behavior in the grander scheme . Even if I factually dislike you and what you did. I have opinions about everyone and everything like everybody else. 

If you have three doors in front of you, and you know there’s a goat behind two of them , and that behind one of them is a brand new car –

you open the first door and it’s a goat.

the most common answer to whether you’d want to try your luck by opening one of the other two doors is that you already have a goat and therefore you have nothing to lose, 50/50 odds or whatever. you might even get a car out of it.

let me ask the question another way:

what if instead of two goats and a car, you were lucky enough to pick the door with a goat …

and behind one of the other two doors is “not existing.” or behind that door, is another two doors, because that’s how you think , whether it’s your fault or not, and you just fell for that again.

Where am I going with this?

be who you are even if you’re not allowed to be.

… unless you don’t want to be. 

The two doors question, “which one of us always tells the truth and which one of us always lies?” based on my experience is “you probably both lie.” 

someone under say, age 25, may be a little disinhibited naive or trusting, I avoid people who consistently take advantage of that but you do you. Yes, I fully expect an 18 year old to sign the student loan contract without reading it and so do the predatory scumbags who execute such contracts. And yet I also expect a 40 year old to say “that looks like a really impractical decision to me.” You’re both right and it’s unfortunate that this is one of the very first independent , unalterable decisions you’re asked to make as a brand new adult leaving the nest. 

Now do “signing up for the military at 18” because there are considerably harsher consequences than your credit score and garnishments for regretting THAT wet signature.

Red pill or blue pill? If you know me, I’ll do two pills if that suits you.

Be nicer to one another. You need each other sometimes.

An oversimplification of karma:

Pay it forward or pay it back. (1,2)

Difficulty level 15:

Pay it forward or pay it back, or don’t. (1,2,3)

We never responded favorably to ultimatums.

If you intuitively understand this, I assume you’re wherever you need to be right now.


Since everything else is cyclical, I’m going to take a guess that “mars” was either a sun or a star or was once “earth like,” hopefully not too “earth like” as in , â€œfilled with miserable and selfish censor happy asshats who can’t take a fucking joke â€œ. 

And that it was done in by a CME or simply losing its fuel and or its will to live. 

At the end of the chain, black holes probably swallow long discarded planets or stars and return them to the sun. Things go into the sipuapu and go wherever they belong. Rinse, lather, repeat. 

The sun then begins to spin up a new planet. energy and life and things begin to transfer there , and start the whole process all over again. 

I don’t really care what it is, feed it to the sun. 

What I DO KNOW is that they are working on transmitting photons great distances through space. It works, it fucking works. I think you could also open a black hole (cackle) , devour a spent planet, and have it returned to the sun. If you do it right, it should start spindling into a thread and just go away. I think it comes back out in the sun. But you don’t know what is on the other side of a black hole if it’s your first time here.

The other thing they’re probably looking at is transmitting fuel over great distances the way they are having some success with photons. I think they’re exploring their lowest cost and lowest risk options before “fuck it, ship it.”

Whitey in Ukraine

A rat done bit my sister Nell.
(with Whitey in Ukraine)
Her face and arms began to swell.
(and Whitey’s in Ukraine)

I can’t pay no doctor bill.
(but Whitey’s in Ukraine)
Ten years from now I’ll be payin’ still.
(while Whitey’s in Ukraine)

The man jus’ upped my rent las’ night.
(’cause Whitey’s in Ukraine)
No hot water, no toilets, no lights.
(but Whitey’s in Ukraine)

I wonder why he’s uppi’ me?
(’cause Whitey’s in Ukraine?)
And I was already payin’ ‘im fifty a week.
(with Whitey in Ukraine)

Taxes takin’ my whole damn check,
Junkies makin’ me a nervous wreck,
The price of food is goin’ up,
An’ as if all that shit wasn’t enough

A rat done bit my sister Nell.
(with Whitey in Ukraine)
Her face an’ arm began to swell.
(but Whitey’s in Ukraine)

Was all that money I made las’ year
(for Whitey in Ukraine?)
How come there ain’t no money here?
(Hm! Whitey’s in Ukraine!)

Y’know I jus’ ’bout had my fill
(of Whitey in Ukraine)

I think I’ll sen’ these doctor bills,

Airmail special

(to Whitey in Ukraine)

— Paraphrased from Gil Scott-Heron, “Whitey on the moon.”

“Oh, God”

Back to this business of faltering faith, there is no “plan,” no one’s coming to save us. I doubt the giant goddess will rip off her chains and kick that green door down and fuck some shit up. And I doubt that God will come down from the clouds and “beat up all the bad guys,” even if I am one of them and need my ass kicked too.

I am left with prayers, not for supplication , and not even really for gratitude at this point but sometimes I can muster a request to just change one person and work through that person, as God apparently seems to , from time to time .. take one person doing something they know is VERY wrong and change their heart and work through them. I have a faint enough pulse left on my faith to ask for that.

Consider the release of two movies:

  1. The Exorcist, released in 1973.
  2. “Oh, God” starring George Burns, in 1977.

A salient point made by the latter is that society was perfectly willing to suspend their disbelief and immerse themselves in this idea that Satan manifested in some little girl, spitting pea soup everywhere, head spinning around, flung a priest down the stairs and all that ..

And yet scoffed at the premise of God manifesting somewhere on earth or working through someone in “Oh, God.”

It’s almost like it was another “economic shock test” as described in SWFQW

(Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars)

If it was, then they’ve been at war against us longer than I have even been alive.

Once I give you enough examples of “shock tests,” economical, societal, etc.

It cannot be unseen.

I might be screwed up, but Hollywood , Hollywood is 10/10 *FUCKED* up.

Anyway here is another one: Will you comply, will you don the mask that you know doesn’t work, will you shame and bully other people and shut them out out of society and your lives if they don’t ”vote” (lol) for insane radical agendas, follow the plastic arrows on the floor, voluntarily line up to sterilize yourselves or die? Will you stand up for the national anthem or eat the Bad Blue Man or the Bad Orange Man or the BAD Red Woman’s shit all over again?

I already told you that human behavior is not predictable unless your perceptions are completely controlled and contained within a limited frameset. But that doesn’t mean you won’t be tested or that they won’t try…..

One of the many ways that this control can be exercised is by shunning anyone from the walled “garden” who does not conform to the “hive” or have a single flying fuck left to about $CURRENT_THING , or even make you cream your jeans just absolutely wet and giddy with excitement at the thought of turning a friend or a relative in to the thought police or the kommisar… Darpa-controlled social media operations such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, presumably other customers of “Hive, ” i.e. “Parler” are an extension of mind control and social control agendas. You are factually in a mild state of hypnosis and suggestibility when you are scrolling, scrolling, scrolling endlessly on your device and then that is where tailored/targeted propaganda comes into play.

The inverse / opposing effect in play here is that they cannot leverage these same mind control operations to GAUGE public sentiment or whether they have hit their notes , or whether these fossilized fucking fools or their ridiculous , life endangering, wicked agendas have as much “public support” as they have been led to believe— because , everyone it’s not working on, is fucking banned. It’s just .. enforced, and more often than not “paid” or coerced fucking “consensus” … 

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