theyve been doing this shit since the 1960s-1980s.
let me guess. 10hz to 20khz, which was the functional hardware limitation of your old 1/8″ headphone/speaker jack.
wireless, bluetooth, hdmi, usb etc can go much higher for the 20khz-80khz ranges in the newer patents for subliminal audio which i have already said quite a lot about.
pink noise aka “muh tinnitus” as if it’s a fucking medical condition.
This “flat spectral distribution” is what Richard from targetedjustice and I arrived at different conclusions about, but it turns out it was part of the spec in 1987. My findings that i interpreted as “jamming” are the “flat spectral distribution”, indeed, every single one of these bands, has “pink noise” on it from 10hz all the way up to 40khz although this is the first time I have seen an explanation for why.
And oh yeah, I’m going into all sorts of commercial real estate and public entertainment venues with a sound meter hidden in my bra.
I can capture this “pink noise” which you can see here across all bands from 8.2k to 21.8k which computes out to an artificially strong generated signal at 8.7khz or 19.8khz in this example from PLC even though there’s nothing at that frequency or amplitude.
All I have to do next is figure out how to make something along the lines of a police scanner for the alleged subliminal audio tracks.
I’m not going out of my way to find or participate in demonstrations or protests for causes I don’t support but if you bring that shit to me I’ll be strapping cellphones to a plank and collecting hours of data.
The US banking industry is one enormous and enormously overrated professional check-kiting racket.
You have to hand it to them: we’d all have been emaciated and dead or wearing fishnets under a streetlight 15+ years ago if they weren’t making account maneuvers that would put me in jail.
You have the “I can save her!” crowd and then you have “well quite frankly I’m surprised she didn’t go tits up in 1986.”
Idk how many times I’ve given people the “oh yeah the whole house of cards is coming down in our lifetime for sure” talk but so much of that stuff goes in one ear and out the other when y’all are high af.
The dollar is still comatose, brain dead and on a ventilator but you almost have to admire the fight it still has in it to cling on to life.
A lot of what you see going on today is the fallout from institutions and institutional investors/opportunists who had bet on its demise, stood to gain a lot from its demise (i.e. Soros with Asian markets and the Bank of England in the 1980s) and expected it to have already bottomed out. In some cases they’re trying to “pull the plug on it” because they have a lot to lose from these “bets.” To go back to Soros as an example: He lost 2 billion in 1990s dollars trying (unsuccessfully) to do that to Russia. This one must have looked like a lock and had trillions of dollars riding on it.
I switched to a credit union this year and it’s weird being on a first-name basis with the guy who peers through everyone’s charges and calls them up asking if they made it or what it was for. The alternative was my “oops, we just casually lost a trillion dollars on bad commercial real estate deals” bank I’d been with for 25 years.
There are things you can do as a community: Like volunteering at the food pantry, hauling stuff from farm to market, or bringing boxes of t-shirts and goods from another town. Hell it’s like that here and the shit hasn’t even hit the fan yet.
My “digital branch” 2000 miles away isn’t going to help with that.
Daily reminder: Coins are issued by the US Treasury. Bills aren’t.
Don’t stuff federal reserve notes under the mattress.
Do keep your coins though.
I’m forecasting anywhere from a 1:100 to a 1:1500 valuation.
“Hurr durr hurr we can’t pay off the debt!”
Sure we can! In coins. For $1,500 on the dollar. 22 Billion. Easy.
That’s only 3/4 of the “money” we allocated for California to not build a commuter rail that doesn’t go anywhere!
If we’re ever in a position where the US Treasury won’t consider coins legal tender, it’s bad. So bad, the dollars aren’t going to help either.
Don’t have any of this “oh we’ll just print a trillion dollar coin” nonsense either. It’s totally getting smuggled to Europe on a plane in some communist traitor’s bra and you’re going to inflate the dollar away to nothing as well.
The ship has sailed away for punitively taxing “millionaires,” you’re all about to be “millionaires” in the same sense that I’m an Argentinian “millionaire.” You’ll be taxed at 50% just like Europe with a 14 billion dollar budgets for the redcoats and revenuers to come collect it from you at gunpoint, the actual 1% will pay nothing as usual, and you’ll need a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a shitty loaf of wonder bread.
Wired News Report | Business | November 16, 1998 12:00pm
Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London’s Sunday Times. The report, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources, says that scientists are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus.
The “ethno-bomb” is reportedly Israel’s response to the threat that Iraq may be just weeks away from completing its own biological weapons.
The “ethno-bomb” program is based at Israel’s Nes Tziyona research facility. Scientists are trying to use viruses and bacteria to alter DNA inside living cells and attack only those cells bearing Arabic genes.
The task is very complex because both Arabs and Jews are Semitic peoples. But according to the report, the Israelis have succeeded in isolating particular characteristics of certain Arabs, “particularly the Iraqi people.”
Dedi Zucker, a member of the Israeli parliament, denounced the research in the Sunday Times. “Morally, based on our history, and our tradition and our experience, such a weapon is monstrous and should be denied.”
Last month, Foreign Report claimed that Israel was following in the ignominious footsteps of apartheid-era research, in their supposed efforts to develop an “ethnic bullet.”
Our hero: Iraqis applaud their leader but yesterday he capitulated to allow the weapons inspections to continue Photograph: Jockel Finck
Israel planning ‘ethnic’ bomb as Saddam caves in by Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin November 15, 1998
ISRAEL is working on a biological weapon that would harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military and western intelligence sources.
The weapon, targeting victims by ethnic origin, is seen as Israel’s response to Iraq’s threat of chemical and biological attacks. Yesterday Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi leader, backed away from the brink of war and agreed to resume co-operation with the inspection teams seeking his suspected chemical and biological weapons plants.
Kofi Annan, the United Nation secretary-general, said he believed Iraq had met UN requirements. As Britain and America stood by to bomb Saddam, however, Tony Blair’s office said compliance must be unconditional. The White House, which is threatening Iraq with the biggest onslaught since the Gulf war, said President Bill Clinton’s advisers were assessing whether Iraq’s offer was adequate.
The Pentagon is ready to bomb within days. Last week Downing Street warned Labour MPs that Saddam could be only weeks away from completing the construction of offensive biological weapons mounted on Scud missiles. Israel was hit by Scuds during the Gulf war and fears it would be the prime target.
In developing their “ethno-bomb”, Israeli scientists are trying to exploit medical advances by identifying distinctive genes carried by some Arabs, then create a genetically modified bacterium or virus. The intention is to use the ability of viruses and certain bacteria to alter the DNA inside their host’s living cells.
The scientists are trying to engineer deadly micro-organisms that attack only those bearing the distinctive genes. The programme is based at the biological institute in Nes Tziyona, the main research facility for Israel’s clandestine arsenal of chemical and biological weapons. A scientist there said the task was hugely complicated because both Arabs and Jews are of semitic origin.
But he added: “They have, however, succeeded in pinpointing a particular characteristic in the genetic profile of certain Arab communities, particularly the Iraqi people.”
The disease could be spread by spraying the organisms into the air or putting them in water supplies. The research mirrors biological studies conducted by South African scientists during the apartheid era and revealed in testimony before the truth and reconciliation commission.
The idea of a Jewish state conducting such research has already provoked outrage in some quarters because of parallels with the genetic experiments of Dr Josef Mengele, the Nazi scientist at Auschwitz.
Dedi Zucker, a member of knesset, the Israeli parliament, denounced the research yesterday. “Morally, based on our history, and our tradition and our experience, such a weapon is monstrous and should be denied,” he said.
Some experts said that although the concept of an ethnically targeted weapon was feasible, the practical aspects of creating one were enormous.
Dr Daan Goosen, head of a South African chemical and biological warfare plant, said his team was ordered in the 1980s to develop a “pigmentation weapon” to target only black people. He said the team discussed spreading a disease in beer, maize or even vaccinations but never managed to develop one.
However, a confidential Pentagon report warned last year that biological agents could be genetically engineered to produce new lethal weapons.
William Cohen, the American defence secretary, revealed that he had received reports of countries working to create “certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic-specific”.
A senior western intelligence source confirmed last week that Israel was one of the countries Cohen had in mind.
The “ethno-bomb” claims have been given further credence in Foreign Report, a Jane’s publication that closely monitors security and defence matters. It reports unnamed South African sources as saying Israeli scientists have used some of the South African research in trying to develop an “ethnic bullet” against Arabs.
It also says Israelis discovered aspects of the Arab genetic make-up by researching on “Jews of Arab origin, especially Iraqis”.
The British Medical Association has become so concerned about the lethal potential of genetically based biological weapons that it has opened an investigation, which is due to report in January.
Dr Vivienne Nathanson, who organised the research, said: “With an ethnically targeted weapon, you could even hit groups within a population.
The history of warfare, in which many conflicts have an ethnic factor, shows us how dangerous this could be.”
Porton Down, Britain’s biological defence establishment, said last week that such weapons were theoretically possible. “We have reached a point now where there is an obvious need for an international convention to control biological weapons,” said a spokesman. Additional reporting: Matthew Campbell in Washington, Hugh McManners
in case you’re wondering why im like “well i dont WANT to work for some tyrant who polices my speech, demands i get that fucking vaccine, and/or just absolutely hates my guts on principle.”
i’d rather drive a dump truck than accept these terms.
“why doesn’t anyone want to work?”
well thats some fantastically deluded horseshit, i love working. nobody wants to work for you, and won’t until you care about why.
the pendulum is going to swing the other way very soon.
personnel issues out there in national headlines as a humiliating struggle session for everyone involved?
fucking over people with 20 years on the job or just inches away from retirement or “making an example of them” for refusing that fucking jab and then openly congratulating yourself for that?
all these decisions will go down in history as being even more disastrous for your recruitment and staffing than the decision to put dylan mulvaney on a beer can was for anheuser busch. i say that, not to condemn that or pile onto that controversy. i say that to give you some foreshadowing about what it’s going to cost companies.
its on my mind a lot because i’m in better health and i’m bored.
but not quite to where i can go slang a wrench in the sun all day.
i’d be so fucking far up the road if i could.
i will be so fucking far up the road when i can.
i know a thing or two about crawling on broken glass with skinned knees and i’m not going to be as fucked up by this as some people who didn’t have like , endless strife, hadn’t lost a job or a home or a car or two or five or whatever already.
i’ve got one more in me.
If you want to stick me in a cage and put tape around my beak and completely suck the song out of me – or get into who i voted for, who i pray to, or who i’m sleeping with, that’s slavery and yeah, i would rather pick fruit or clean toilets or drive a truck for someone who blatantly doesn’t ask a lot of questions or g.a.f.
Because I enjoy that as well and I don’t consider it “beneath me.”
There was a lot in here about the group being your attacker and your savior, about icing someone out cold after being of service a long time and “throwing them in the trash” which has been a recurring topic here. And more of the whole sabotaging interpersonal, romantic, and/or recovery relationships whether inside or outside of “the group”, not to mention some of the kookier/more esoteric/1st century “””christianity””” stuff.
I wasn’t into it immediately until he started talking about how insane people were at the sober living.
Like most mind control cults, sometimes they “tear you down and rebuild you into something else” (like the military) and then sometimes they just “tear you down” and indeed, throw you in the garbage.
You’re told to stop talking to your “old” friends and then after you’ve shut the door on them as instructed they start to sabotage and chip away at your new ones with gossip and ‘warnings’ or they do shit like this to you with people outside of the group and you’re like “how do you know that?”
Like any abusive relationship, there’s always an implied threat that “if you leave, you will relapse and die” “you have to keep coming no matter how badly anyone treats you and silently endure absolutely anything they do to you” “i will take all your friends away and isolate you” “i will tell them you’re crazy and lying” “if you ever tell anybody what i did to you i will beat you / stalk you / k*ll you” everything those people did to me is what domestic abusers do.
On the surface it was allegedly a reprieve for people “who had been harmed by organized religion” but much like organized religion, chock full of Harper Valley hypocrites crowing pridefully about their “spiritual progress”, “god helping me find a parking spot at the mall” and other such “miracles“, (“i guess that god’s not that great”) or their so called “clean time ” as they go home to drink alcohol, beat or fuck their kids and wives, and drag them down the stairs by their hair. I had seen many such cases in the Jehovahs Witnesses in their plastic “Sunday church nice” and knew what they were like when they didn’t have to smile for the group anymore. I was hard to fool, and yet, enough of a fool to not like… run… immediately.
One of the reasons I even took a “service commitment” in that hellhole was because the people who ran it at the time were obscenely giddy about taunting newcomers and using them as “punching bags” with about as much empathy and respect for them as one of the guests might receive on Bill O’Reilly’s show. They found a girl in an alley, a 13 year old was said to have committed suicide over his ban and nothing and i mean nothing stirred their conscience. I wasn’t having a better time in what had been my face to face groups at the time and I’ve already said plenty about that.
No wonder these people were volcanic and absolutely threatening to beat me, murder me, and incarcerate me for documenting in detail exactly what kind of fucking garbage they do to people.
Professor John Wilson Sr (apparently substantiated by Texas law enforcement) taunted me that he’d have group members anonymously mass report me and file frivolous “cyber tips” with the FBI and DEA to have me surveilled and harassed as a “””drug trafficker””” , may he rest in piss. They not only threatened to do that to me, they, in fact, did it and there is absolutely no way to review or appeal it or even get them to admit I’m on that list. I had formerly supported Donald Trump right up until he was on TV talking about executing all the “drug traffickers” and I realized “well, according to some list they’re going to hand him, that means me.” There is nothing I can do about that designation or his apparent desire to execute everyone so designated and that is terrifying.
The guy who sits on truth social 24/7 moaning that the prosecutors and courts are “rigged” and “unfair” and “corrupt” and engage in “witch hunts” , that the DOJ is “weaponized” is … going to take their word for it and start killing everyone else on their “list” ? “ohhh ok they seem like really nice people, im sure none of the rest of this is politically or personally motivated!” /s Obama and his “lists” and their extrajudicial killings were what Trump campaigned on ending.
I don’t want to be that one character in Aeon Flux who tries to scale the wall and escape from her 15-minute Smart City, only to get her leg sliced off by one of the robot laser arms she was assembling in her factory job.
And that’s just something some asshole (supposedly) in NA (supposedly) with years clean who you never met and do not know can call up some “good ole boy” from one of your ceepee chats over there in Mississippi and do to you over an internet grudge. Welcome to America: Land of the free. Employer of the federal fascist.
I remember reading a book about one persons early experience going it alone against cult advice. She had a website and a small following of people who also weren’t having a great time or a safe experience in those meetings. In her book she only had one tactful statement to say about AA itself, and it was simply “I tried it and it wasn’t something that worked for me.” maybe to not alienate people who were in AA or found it helpful but fuck being lukewarm.
I don’t know why she shut her website down and withdrew from the public eye – I did the same because it was a toxic and endless fucking nightmare, so I don’t assume anything – but the rumors were practically flying around nationwide that she’d “relapsed” and shut it all down in “shame” and people were pleased to spread the news, like “see, another one tried to get away and failed!”
The reality is that many addicts and alcoholics would rather drink, use, and or die than ever crawl back to their abusers. Many do. I’ve said this several times because it is funny to me but you can go all the way back to the late 1800s when Joseph Rutherford was on the speaker circuit giving his “millions now living will never die” speech to the masses: Even then the public wryly remarked “millions now living would rather die than listen to Judge Rutherford speak.”
Maybe that author knew she’d be flamed resented or punished in some way if she dared say anything “bad” beyond “I tried it and it’s not something that worked for me” but even that set them off.
They apparently do this shit to a lot of people and the gig is up if we all start comparing notes.
As I go through old entries I’m removing a number of lengthy and/or detailed entries where I’ve used way too many words to say this.
The program consisted of people claiming i was “using” when i was clean – even going as far as publishing that shit on their front page under the “na” logo , it consisted of being detained and hassled and thanks to John Wilson and Stanley Schumacker from Mays Landing NJ. Due to their defamation and life ruin it involved things like being profiled, pulled over and searched by cops nationwide , accused of trafficking drugs, being yelled at and asked where the “fentanyl” or “weed” are as I stared the pricks down like,“I’m sober, my car is clean, you’re wasting my fucking time, go right ahead.”
This is still happening to me to this day in the United States and these people are “tired of” me “complaining about it.” Oh just get over it. “Please stop telling them what I did to you!” Apology? Amend? Ha. That rat faced fucking bastard had the gall to say I behave the way I do “because mommy didn’t breast feed me.”
The truth is an absolute defense for “slander” or “defamation.” Stan and John did that to me and I will not back down no matter what he threatens. Any cult member who screams that I’m in the wrong or violating someone’s “anonymity” here is a huge part of the problem.
For a so-called “amend” Stan can pick up a phone and undo whatever the fuck those two did to me. If he can’t because John died then fine. Turn yourself in, confess, and go atone for it in prison.
Copyright Disclaimer | Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. No copyright infringement intended.
Atrocity propaganda is the spreading of information about the crimes committed by an enemy, which can be factual, but often includes or features deliberate fabrications or exaggerations. This can involve photographs, videos, illustrations, interviews, and other forms of information presentation or reporting.
The inherently violent nature of war means that exaggeration and invention of atrocities often becomes the main staple of propaganda.[1]Patriotism is often not enough to make people hate the enemy, and propaganda is also necessary.[2] “So great are the psychological resistances to war in modern nations”, wrote Harold Lasswell, “that every war must appear to be a war of defense against a menacing, murderous aggressor. There must be no ambiguity about who the public is to hate.”[3] Human testimony may be unreliable even in ordinary circumstances, but in wartime, it can be further muddled by bias, sentiment, and misguided patriotism.[4]
According to Paul Linebarger, atrocity propaganda leads to real atrocities, as it incites the enemy into committing more atrocities, and, by heating up passions, it increases the chances of one’s own side committing atrocities, in revenge for the ones reported in propaganda.[5] Atrocity propaganda might also lead the public to mistrust reports of actual atrocities. In January 1944, Arthur Koestler wrote of his frustration at trying to communicate what he had witnessed in Nazi-occupied Europe: the legacy of anti-German stories during World War I, many of which were debunked in the postwar years, meant that these reports were received with considerable amounts of skepticism.[6]
Like propaganda, atrocity rumors detailing exaggerated or invented crimes perpetrated by enemies are also circulated to vilify the opposing side.[7] The application of atrocity propaganda is not limited to times of conflict but can be implemented to sway public opinion and create a Casus belli to declare war.
“C’mon, Uncle Tom, just get over it and wish Obama good luck and pray for him. You bigot.”
So in the 2008 election Obama’s campaign would come on IRC or whatever and spam us and call us names directly if we didn’t pledge our vote to some dude nobody had even heard of.
Seriously. I lived in Illinois at the time and was like, “uhm, who?”
So the guy had a vicious and evil campaign based on pressure, smears, identity politics and personal slurs in 2008. I went that guy is a fucking dick and so are his campaign staff. Never liked him and maybe it was a gut instinct or intuition at play here because that was long before he was in office making lists of US citizens he wanted/planned/intended to engage in the extrajudicial killing of.
But thank heavens you’re not a racist and properly love yourself!
By 2012, they had Facebook and brainwashed you into calling us names, “splitting” on us, accusing us of ruining holidays for them.
Because they knew it would “hurt” more when “you” punished us and called us names, disowned us, shunned us, and uninvited us.
And despite whatever they said about whatever they “learned” from it once their candidate won that round and they got their way…
“Oh haha well we’re cool now, I’m so sorry, let’s get lunch someday.”
Or so, the Scorpion said to the Frog. See you next election, I guess.
You didn’t “unfriend me over my beliefs.”
You never asked me what they even fucking were.
If we’re going to use words like “traitor” and “uncle tom” then let’s just go here and stipulate that the basis of most of those so-called “friendships” at that time in my life was either, “I got high with you once upon a time” or “I got sober with you once upon a time.”
Someone running a campaign here might graph out peoples social connections and start inferring things like, “ok he lives in a major metropolitan area, about 80 percent of his connections are gay. Of those, there would be about a 80 percent prevalence of substance abuse. Of those, there would be about an 75 percent prevalence of mental illness, and then of THOSE about 50 percent would have a severe and intractable personality disorder.” I’m using easier – inexact – numbers from class, don’t quote or source those it’s for the sake of a calculation and I’ll get to that in a second here.
And those are going to be the most susceptible to influencing with this whole “If you ____, then you ______” and “if you don’t vote for ___ youre dead to me, unfriend me now” sorts of stuff, that’s “splitting.”
That’s black or white thinking that trauma victims or BPD/NPD have.
If said social graph was all of 100 people – in my case you’d only have to weaponize about 24 of them with this type of behavior and convince them they were justified in all of their behavior, or to love their own woke reflection in the news feed in order to totally fucking ruin everything and spill into/interfere with my other relationships.
You don’t need to persuade a clean 50% majority at the ballot box on election day – you can take 25% and do a lot of damage this way. Those 25% don’t even have to support your candidacy as long as they fight and bicker with each other all day and keep your name fresh in the news feed all day every day for the entire campaign , and ideally, do shit to punish you in real life like icing you out of queer spaces – FOREVER – or telling people not to date you, cancelling thanksgiving and so on. That is what social graphing “algorithms” do , in addition to curating your “likes” and what content you’ll click on – even if theyre not ON Facebook, you’ve clicked a prompt and let them download your entire phone book and graph your “friends” who aren’t on facebook and didn’t consent to you giving them their name, address, work number, email, “notes” about them. They have it all thanks to you.
Cambridge Analytics will then launder shadowgate data from an illegal FISA mirror and figure everything out about those people too. You should have a problem with that. That data is only supposed to be available in the event of probable cause where there is evidence of foreign terrorism connections and this is a fourth amendment violation, unreasonable warrantless search and seizure without probable cause and, these guys – Twitter, Facebook, etc – are downloading the whole fucking thing from an illegal mirror of the data so they can rig worldwide elections. Now you have “HAMAS” up your ass, tell me – did this FISA court or this “patriot act” make you “safe” from “the terrorists” ? Why do we have “terrorists” if those laws work? What the fuck is this surveillance even FOR, then? Are they trying to say that surrendering privacy and freedom doesn’t actually accomplish “safety” ?
And that the guy who created these programs and laws – joe biden – is now the “president” ? what are the odds? not ANY safer from terrorism or crime than we were on 9/11 – if anything, manifestly worse:check. and the guy who made these laws? president.
Mark Zuckerburg or Jack Dorsey made billions dollars off of that stolen data – this idea that you could “just make your own facebook” and do what they’re doing with “””algorithims””” is a crock of shit, even more so that Elon Musk could buy that whole house of cards with its illegally sourced consumer data and somehow make an honest woman or a legitimate 250 billion dollar a year financial institution out of that – really – a worthless and utterly discredited company this entire country hates? – or determine your “social credit” when they have had access to the same shit the foreign terrorism surveillance court has on your internet activity, please. The lies you have been told about American “success stories” and tech “entrepreneurs” handed their companies by DARPA.
Elon over there blames his predecessors for “back doors” and “rogue code that nobody understands” for banning people right, “oh it’s not MY fault we have all this mystery unauthorized code and all these backdoors that do things we can’t even detect, find, characterize, audit, or stop – and we have absolutely no control whatsoever over bad actors, saboteurs, and disgruntled employees in our code:
BUT GO AHEAD AND DEPOSIT ALL YOUR MONEY, OUR SITE IS TOTALLY SAFE and SECURE LOL” and you dumb shits are going to do it, aren’t you?
Before long the same tactics are being used – by the same goddamn people I might add – to coerce you to shove a vaccine or two or five in your arm, to cooperate with “papers, please” or to take a “side” in the never ending saga of “jews v muslims” (is it time for the Eighth Crusade already?) – when you’re neither! – whatever, as long as both teams enjoy themselves, I’m not really into war or sports.
Anyway, you imposed your beliefs on me.
And then you unfriended me, disowned me, shunned me, and called me absolutely every fucking name and insult imaginable over your “beliefs” and “convictions” if you had any or knew what they were, besides “I want the black one!” or “I want the one with a vagina!” and “If you don’t agree with me, then I’m going to have a really big tantrum and kick my legs and cry and punish you forever!”
You straight up fucking punished me and abused me over yours.
I think a lot of you overstepped some boundaries, considering that I did not know you very well and that I knew the candidate you were pressuring me and punishing me for not “supporting” even less.
Who could have ever imagined that someone with a personality type that is susceptible to that would overstep personal boundaries?
Find an example of a time I ever said an unkind word to one of you.
Now you know the only meaningful difference between us.
Fuck your “friendship.”
Okay so like any addict, I don’t respond predictably or favorably to ultimatums and I might be all too happy to accept your terms.
At some point I changed my profile photo to one where I was wearing the red hat, clutching a gun and a budweiser, with three cigarettes dangling out of my mouth.
Tragic, I know. I only had a few “in real life” friends who were like “I think he’s fucking around, he doesn’t drink and he has three cigarettes in his mouth.” Guns, meh, it turned Fred on and that was good enough for me. I didn’t and don’t care what other dudes think. He moved and moved on and hates me just like everyone else now.
That one hat, of all the funny hats, made heads explode.
Bitch, I wish I had a yarmulke.
Now if there other pictures of me in a pussy hat, or a kufi hat , or a turban , or a rastafari wig with African colored beads in it whether on social media, my US drivers license (durka durka), or my fair share of work- related Zoom calls I wasn’t thrilled about joining — and there were — these people were so dumb about my cosplay and costumes they just zeroed in on one and melted the fuck down.
AA, NA, and its ilk are ostensibly based on Buchmanism and tenets of the Oxford Group, itself modeled against first century christianity. And that was more about people exchanging stories about their sins and their stains and sharing strength and experience about being delivered from that. I am pretty sure that Jesus ministry to others in his lifetime did not consist of “I’m gonna die for your sins bro!” He was alive, so , that whole deal about transmutation, sacrifice, whatever , that was not what he was going around telling people. Get real.
Those groups are infiltrated by open and avowed satanists, ****, and masons who despise any kind of spiritual practice or inclination and do everything in their power to deter you from that, drive you out, discourage you from that and drill this endless stream of drivel into your head about how none of it is good enough and you will fail.
You have people like Janis stating she’s a “sorcerer” and can “cast a spell to ruin your life” you have Stan the Jew screaming about murdering and beating and ruining people, and the endless scheming over power and authority. Or jews like Joel who arent drug addicts – the dude’s a “””food addict””” who pays lip service to drug addiction so that he may pretend that he is eligible/qualified to either be 1) in there in the first place, or 2) to counsel you on an addiction he himself doesnt have or 3) “set you straight” on “god.” “g-d” in your parlance.
When “Joel” deigns to address you about “god” know that he is not an addict or working the program or even “qualified” to be in attendance in the first place. Everything he deigns to insult your intelligence with, with regard to “god” has absolutely nothing to do with the “program” that garbage is all heresy from the synagogue of satan, and when i forcefully reject that manipulative, heretic, jewish garbage – and y’all go around saying im “anti program” you can go fuck yourselves, too.
Food addict, please. You can talk to me when you hit rock bottom and have to suck someone’s dick in an alley for a pepperoni calzone.
When they aren’t busy being an extension of freemasonic slander networks and threatening people within an inch of their life, sabotaging their recovery, begging them for money, or trying to fuck them, remember to ask them what step theyre working on right now.
And the fucked up thing about these satanic fucking cultists is that when you disobey them or decide they are mentally ill abusive degenerates who do more dope than you do, and find it within yourself to leave that environment, “oh he took his will back from GoD.” And they cheer when the “disobedient” relapse and die.
Your failure , your death, and your despair provides more wind underneath their wings than your recovery ever could have.
It’s not a teaching moment for what they’ve done to people.
It’s a celebration and an opportunity to martyr themselves “oh ive had to attend sooooo many funerals, poor poor me. oh my burden.”
They are saboteurs who don’t even believe in god, scolding you about how “god” works and how everything you do to question them is an affront or rebellion against “god” its sick people who lie in order to impose their “spiritual authority” “muh 8 years clean! glug glug glug SNORRRT glug glug glug one day at a time SSSNIFFFF” and predate on people sexually and financially or emotionally blackmail them. Their big endless rebellion to gain control over the ban hammer is because nothing and i mean nothing delights the cultists more than icing you out from your only form of support left on this planet with absolutely zero compassion empathy or mercy, they even think it’s funny.
Like any other cult that shuns and dissociates “apostates” and “wrong doers” , ignoring child fuckers, elders who beat on their wives etc.
They get as much delight from raping a child as they do from bewildering, ostracizing, and abusing the doe eyed newcomer, kicking them out, driving them back to drugs or an alleyway to die in.
“Oh well, it works for meeeeeeeeeeeee.”
I grew up in one of those cults and I could always see through you.
Due to hair splitting on whether Christ is a man or a deity, or whether Christ and Mary are intercessionaries (and I very much believe in intercessionaries) or , lets say, the Teotl… Christian beliefs do not offend me even if it’s very likely that mine will offend them. I am not going to apologize for beliefs that are in line with those of my ancestors, which they have tried dearly to indoctrinate and brainwash out of us for > 350 years.
I shall honor no other gods ancestors or tribes or histories but yours.
But IMO you could solve a lot of problems in “recovery” by literally opening the meeting praising and giving testimonials to Christ the intercessionary working through others and watch how many of those bastards shriek like the melting Wicked Witch and run.
Mormons and JWs are the same cult: Mormons map out everyones geneaology and figure out who the israelites and other “bloodlines” they want subjugated or outright exterminated are, then the Jehovahs “randomly” and aggressively go door knocking on their targets to brainwash them and pervert them with heresies and blasphemies such as passing around a bread and a juice at passover and refusing to partake of it in an open ritualistic denial of their christ connection.
Raping their children and ritualistically traumatizing them until they off themselves is one of their most exquisite delicacies.
No, we’re not the same thing.
No, we are not equals.
We are not here for the same reason you pharisees and hypocrites.
While Nadia Bolz-Weber and her writings about “god’s tent” being big enough for everyone – or St Therese of Liseaux and her musings about Jesus’s garden and how every single bloom in it was beloved to her and to him… “sound nice ” …
Therese never said that the weeds were beautiful to her or to Jesus.
Someone who is punching you in the face can leave the fucking tent.
You didn’t even have to be EVIL for jesus to spit you out of his mouth.
You only had to be LUKEWARM for him to spit you out of his mouth.
127 garbage threads on the middle east last night, thanks Kevin, thanks MTG. Lindsay. Best propaganda 8 billion dollars can buy. I tried to reach in deep and dig up any empathy for a people who have been taunting us about castrating or raping our kids and replacing/ “killing white people” for the last 7 years — who are absolutely giddy about raping me with a needle, silencing or unpersoning me. or for their brothers and sisters who have failed to rebuke even one of them.
For neighbors in Chicago whose lips would curdle in disgust if I said hello to them on the street.
Oh! I am OBLIGATED to be concerned and compassionate for them.
PSA: Being prescribed certain antibiotics for illness (or STDs) wrecks bacteria in your gut and intestines that produce biotin.
This makes you more susceptible to malaria and/or “hiv.”
I have seen numerous people on 4chan postulate that promiscuity and repeat antibacterial treatment increase your susceptibility to “hiv.”
If true, this is the apparent mechanism: Biotene decimation.
Without biotene, liver stages of malaria can’t develop.
So they stay latent forever.
With biotene, they hatch into blood stages.
Which “protease inhibitors,” ivermectin, and CQ/HCQ/others can treat.
A normal daily intake for someone without deficiency is 8-80mcg/day.
It’s not enough if you’re eating for two. (you and malaria) 😛
While zithromax is a zinc ionophore, it’s not the best one for malaria, because biotene decimation makes you more susceptible to malaria.
I previously endorsed Zelenko’s protocol. I can’t with this information.
Ivermectin and HCQ are both zinc ionophores that don’t destroy biotin.
Unrelated correction: “siRNA” is short interfering RNA, which blocks viral (and viral vector “vaccine”) access to nucleotides as previously described. It is not “silicon” and i’m not sure where I got that from.
Searching for whether biotene availability facilitates siRNA synthesis came up with next to no information on that. Another time. where I’m going with that, is wondering 1) whether biotene depletion is responsible for unresolved/unrepaired/unencoded “telomeres” and 2) do you give up on attempting to encode that stuff after awhile? I’m thinking that it could be a non-productive exhaustion of biotene.
Uptake is almost exclusively in the hSMVT system if I have that right.
What that might portend, is that “siRNA” is isolated to attempts at repairing or having an autoimmune reaction against liver stages.
What is “insertional octogenesis” ? I am not qualified to evaluate or comment on the bulk of this article while we use different terminology and concepts here, I only want to go into this authors section “2: linearized plasmid dna” .
I want to remind you that the “circular plasmid dna” applies to the apicoplast in falciparum. It has its own dna, separate from the host.
Here’s what Dr. Syed says about the process:
What the “GAG envelope” (gp120) supposedly even is, is a dna repair checkpoint, it’s not even pathological – it’s a valid shortcut on the dna wheel. Some people make this nucleotide substitution (see: “g6pd”) and others don’t. That does not mean that it is pathological: I might make a nucleotide substitution when I put nutrasweet in my tea, that you don’t when you put nutrasweet in your tea. Because of conditions such as g6pd which cause nucleotide substitutions, you cannot say that a vaccine or gene therapy targeting nucleotides will behave the same in two different people, whether due to g6pd or other genetic adaptations that produce as yet undiscovered nucleotide substitution.
Follow the encoding for GAG , it’s GLU(E) , its glutamic acid. It stimulates DNA repair and neuron resiliency. That is gp120/gp41.
A full 1/3 of what they call “hiv” isn’t even infectious or a “virus.”
You enter at GUA, that’s your start codon, then you follow G -> A – > G and that’s your “envelope” at gp120. next to the smaller “G” is “A” meaning that G – > A – > G and G – > A – > A are functional analogs for the same genetic shortcut that are going to be explained by innate (or artificially induced) nucleotide substitutions.
GAG is an analog shortcut that is identical to GAA.
These sequences represent the protein coding region of the gaa cDNA ORF which is encoded by the open reading frame (ORF) sequence. ORF sequences can be delivered in our standard vector, pcDNA3.1+/C-(K)DYK or the vector of your choice as an expression/transfection-ready ORF clone.
To say that “hiv” is somehow intelligent and “evades your immune or surveilance system” is false. If GAG/GAA are invoked, your dna checkpoint process is well aware that its encoding is unstable.
A person with the condition you call “hiv” could just as easily be expressing GAA rather than GAG due to nucleotide substituion (GAA and GAG are functional analogs) – and you’d call them “hiv negative.”
Well, it’s not “nonsense” I am explaining to you plain as day what GAG/GAA are.
I previously wrote that the discovery of these extraneous ORFs in 2019 (they thought there were two ORFs prior to 2019. There are ten.) proves that “stop/superstop” isn’t always at the “end” of the payload and that sometimes it could even be in the middle. In other words, “stop” means “stop,” unless it doesn’t.
GAG observed alone — by itself — in conditions that are not “hiv,” which is why it’s not part of the “hiv test.”
GAA, being the same thing as GAG, is not considered “hiv.”
But it’s in “covid.” Under “N1” it’s in the “forward primer” (acute infection/exposure) and then under “N2” it’s in the reverse primer and then ultimately the probe (seroconversion/latent infection).
This is supposed to be where “interfering rna” is in place to block nucleotide access to “rna viruses” and even “rna vaccine” access to the nucleus of your cells.
Go back to Dr Syed:
That is what the “siRNA” does in this checkpoint/repair process.
Your body creates cells from copies of your chromosomes.
It knows that these “fragments” are foreign and not in your host chromosome and so, it invokes GAG/Glutamic Acid/DNA repair to create siRNAs to block nucleotide access. It needs biotene for this.
That’s why it’s attempting to interfere/block nucleotide access to things that don’t belong there. Treating viruses and vaccines equally.
This whole idea with “mRNA” is to bypass that and force it to encode.
I’d go on but this is already speculative enough and needs more work.
But off hand, I would implicate the human liver as being responsible for the nucleotide substitution in question.
It is after all the liver that metabolizes and converts “analogs” – such as when you enjoy a nice, refreshing cup of industrial floor cleaner at a circuit party and your liver metabolizes GBL into GHB.
Or if you’re hanging around with some friends, and someone’s like “Hey! I have an idea. Let’s drink some circuit board cleaner” and your liver converts 1,4-butenediol to GHB.
They’re “different chemicals” going into your liver, but they’re the same after they’re metabolized and thats what “drug analogs” are.
Nothing to see here.. just Queen Elizabeth lighting up a triple helix that runs up the tree of life to commemorate 90% of the human genome being triple helix’ed. I guess we were the last to know.
Be careful and remember Genesis when they promise you life:
What was Queen Elizabeth celebrating? Suppression of the G-Quadruplex, the way they’d suppressed the triple helix for the last century? [Note; this is hardly groundbreaking: The triple helix was Crick and Watson’s original “dna” proposal they came up with while tripping on LSD in the 1950s. It’s the G-Quadruplex that’s “news” here.] Are we even having a “disease” outbreak or are people just… evolving?
1776 is a lie, we’ve been taxed and lorded over by unelected unaccountable unremovable overseas tyrants , foreigners, and oligarchs longer than I’ve been alive. Everything they’re up in the headlines threatening to deprive you of or do to you is “why” that’s “bad.” We were supposed to have “checks and balances” on them.
Whatever else I’ve said, there are some things in that book that people said for a reason.
Like tattooing: On one hand, it’s very anti-tribal to rail against tattoos, on the other hand, you will have macrophages tied up and attacking it until it’s gone or you die.
Maybe someone had the idea of walling off a city and only allowing entry or commerce or access to accommodations to “clean” people who had a chunk of metal embedded in their hand or something like that. Couple caveats: 1) they didn’t know that malaria could relapse and 2) they didn’t know sharing needles transmits disease. But an outside observer with any common sense might have noticed something bad was happening to everyone who agreed to it even if they all decided that the root cause was that “God was angry.”
Shit, maybe he was. What the hell do I know?
On an unrelated note:
Spleen confirmed as a “reservoir” of malaria that is not even known or agreed to by most malariologists. But I am telling you, to do an ultrasound on your sickies. They’re going to have splenomegaly. It’s another thing that I arrived at “because reasons” but a growing body of researchers and doctors have started agreeing with only as recently as maybe 2018.. 20/21 or so .. and which has not received a lot of attention for no other reason than preoccupation with covid:
The spleen: “epicenter” in malaria infection and immunity
Tetracyclines help with sustained splenic clearance even if they have a few other drawbacks. Since nobody is thinking about the spleen, this is being completely overlooked.
Okay so, ambitious and overarching theories are not “misinformation.” They are ideas.
When “antifa” can say that “antifa is just an idea” and that ideas cannot be criminalized or prosecuted, please go fuck yourself when you attempt to criminalize my ideas.
Here’s an idea:
Suppose that “hiv” was an outright fraud or even a misunderstanding and it is/was malaria.
“Protease inhibitors” would eventually cease to work because malaria would begin to adapt to strip IPPs directly.
Which would mean “prep” would stop working and people would start transmitting a form of it that strips IPPs without an apicoplast.
Having one form that uses an apicoplast to process IPPs and another form that strips IPPs on its own would be a co-infection. With BOTH infections competing for resources with your body’s own cells.
I’ve been celibate for over two years now, and I don’t know what to tell you. They keep saying “undetectable = untransmissible” and if I sincerely don’t believe that, at all then it’s on me to put it away.
I’m not one of the people going around saying “drink turpentine,” in fact they scare the hell out of me. These infections are hard on your liver, please do not do that. (NAC? Replaces gluthiaone that malaria robs you of, and repairs your liver) But remember, always ask “okay. why the fuck do they say that?” terpenes are IPPs.
So are your tocopherols , heme, your tocopherol-quonones, and other things that malaria absolutely fucking robs you of, and of which, the resolution of, magically helps with “covid” and “aids.”
jikkyleaks is on it again, and while I cant reply to the good mouse, ive already covered this with the falciparin/cathespin substitution, it is the same thing he is talking about.
the original and now extinct “coronavirus” appears to be an hiv/malaria vaccine attempt targeted at l-cathespins. Luc Montagnier had said the same thing. I think it may even work, but it could cause the same anemia/ARDS/OI problems as any other malaria treatment if you have already seroconverted.
We need a renewed discussion on what that means, and why this is malaria and not ‘aids’ or this will never ever ever ever be over.
it would cause but “flu symptoms” or a sniffle in the uninfected.
tocopherol quinones are an antimalarial degradation byproduct of alpha-tocopherol.
p. falciparum hijacks your tocopherol synthesis, using it as a food and keeping it from producing tocopherol quinones that threaten it.
GMO basedbeans, GMO goyslop, and GMO corn contain gamma-tocopherol, which is retained in your bodily tissues and lipids whereas alpha-tocopherol is soluble and readily excreted. -consuming alpha-tocopherol expels the gamma-tocopherol and makes you excrete it rapidly.
“vape lung” was blamed on “vitamin e,” specifically alpha-tocopherol and tocopherol quinones.
“vape lung” was (likely) ARDS/anemia precipitated by the combo of 1) alpha-tocopherol quinones and 2) the route of administration (think of it as “nebulizing” rather than “smoking”).
this (likely) causes a transient period of hypertension in the myocardium/BBB (all treatment does). ordinarily you would adapt/adjust over 24-72 hours or so almost like your ECU “relearning” new operating parameters in your car. (doubt? what happens when you go to a high altitude?) maybe it was too much/too soon for them.
The predicted/observed incidence of organ failure in that timeframe may have had more to do with predominately gamma-tocopherol addled lipids being rapidly metabolized/excreted by the nebulization of alpha-tocopherols.
The fact that nicotine inhibits apoptosis has an unpredictable / unexplored co-factor (translation: alpha-tocopherol quinones are antiparasitic, yet nicotine says “don’t destroy the cell yet”)
note: its not all good news, rapid onset or exacerbation of severe atherosclerosis from “vaping” is the on-the-record / ostensible reason that vaping is banned in Mexico.That said, p falciparum can occlude your left/right mains or even your ocular retina causing temporary blindness which is clinically indistinguishable from heart disease or congenital blindness if you’re not looking for it.
mimicking, eh?
This won’t make it into the IPFS build/publish today but when I was in Los Angeles, after years of being gaslit and dismissed and told I ‘looked fine’ i had a cardiologist who ‘pitied’ me or whatever – i guess, and I derive that from a comment he himself made when he wrote out another referral – enough to actually take a look. He found my left and right mains were both closed down to about 40% and stented me.
But my pulse continued to clock in around 120bpm and I was just “way off” mentally still. He said a lot of his patients benefited from.. get this .. vitamin E/fish oil supplements .. and sent me to a pharmacy run by his family to get a particularly high quality form of it. I only took it for 2 or 3 days because I was getting violently ill and shitting/puking my brains out from it. I discontinued it and neither of us thought anything of it.
I don’t want to get too graphic here but yeah, the alpha-tocopherol does indeed seem to displace the gamma-tocopherol. Remember Olestra, the “weight loss drug” that makes you shit out fats? You’re literally shitting out your bodyload of gamma-tocopherol from GMOs and replacing it with alpha-tocopherols. You don’t even ‘need’ Olestra, alpha-tocopherol does the exact. same. thing. Nice racket they have going on here poisoning you with GMO goyslop you can’t metabolize and then selling you a prescription drug that does the exact same thing “real food” should have done.
They are poisoning us, we are chronically ill, obese, infertile, racked with every “syndrome” and “ism” in the book but REEEE-ROOOOOO get the full weight and force of the FDA in here for my vocabulary.
Findings: People who consume alpha-tocopherol, which is rich in sunflower oil and olive oil, have better lung function. In the U.S., the average blood plasma level of gamma-tocopherol is four or more times higher than those of European and Scandinavian countries that consumer sunflower and olive oil.
You’re saying .. they don’t feed gamma-tocopherols to nations with socialized /single payer health care? Why not!??!
“heh heh heh, Vitamin E is GoOd FoR YoU!”
That kind of “Vitamin E” might as well be a different chemical altogether and no, it’s not good for you, it makes you obese, it causes amyloid beta buildup, and it gives you Alzheimers. It’s in almost all of your big box fast food. The “Vitamin E” in alpha-tocopherols (in agriculture found in Russia, Japan, China) (in NON SEED OILS) reverse AB buildup and has a protective effect against Alzheimers.
Gee whiz, I bet they don’t use GMO cornsyrup full of gamma-tocopherol my body can’t metabolize in Woka-Cola. /s
I’m still fumbling around for an answer about “co-infection” between “hiv” and p. falciparum. I have a weak hunch that this is two differentiated manifestations of the same illness.
Now I keep calling this one p falciparum, and I believe that the 3D7 strain of it is exactly what HIV is/was.
It’s going extinct. Good riddance, bitch.
It didn’t have to become something even worse. A lot of things have happened here that simply didn’t need to.
But its worth saying that of all acknowledged cases in 2012, they were almost 50% p falciparum and almost 50% “unknown.” That might be your “””swine flu.””” So 2012 is the new 1976 and 2020 is the new 1981 do you follow?
oh look ! another military blip in malaria in 1993 for “gulf war syndrome” and the new 1993 cdc definition of “aids.” shady fucking accounting trickshmm youre missing the 4000+ acknowledged military cases in 1971 and 1972 that you see in the other graph
At temperatures > 41.6 , p falciparum switches from “latent infection” mode to “escape the host” mode. It could end up in sewage, it could be excreted in blood or bodily fluids. We already know that in the case of “hiv” infection its no longer in that mode (as far as we know) but if untreated/uncleared it could revert again, which would mean that prep and pep are indeed a flawed premise.
Malaria got its name “bad air” because of observations that fresh air and sunlight “cured” patients. “flu” goes away in summer. “sunlight” helps with “covid” it’s all the same fucking illness and you’d probably live for a very long time if it were eradicated.
A number of “hiv” medicines do in fact work on malaria liver stages.
Doxycyline is 75-100% curative. They’ll never call this “malaria” because 1) that would undermine Rockefeller’s malaria foundation – they will never let go of the lie that it “ended malaria in the US in 1951” which is a load of crap, Vietnam brought it back in the 1970s and most statistics begin in 1973 to conceal the fact that thousands of annual cases were military and nearly zero were civilian before 1973.
… and 2) they can’t patent new drugs for “new” illnesses and get a $40 million dollar check.
Bactrim (hay gurl, if you’re old i know you know that one) is not an “anti parasitic” per se. However. In a latent p falciparum infection, the parasite gets some folic acid and you, the host, get some.
In chronic drug abuse, which often comes with starvation – or illness and eating disorders (eating on chemo sucks) – there is less folic acid for either of you and the scale tips towards the parasite. This would be a nutrition/drug related factor. This isn’t news, you’ve been told this for the last 40+ years.
What Bactrim does, is tip the scales back towards you so that you can supplement with folic acid and have it resuscitate you, not the parasite.
I may replace this with a more concise entry later. I have more questions about the interplay and some other as yet unresolveds.
Oh, here’s one more. Male castration causes malaria treatment failure. You might want to hold off on that “affirming life saving bottom surgery” until the CDC/NIH/DOD stop lying about malaria.
This is going to be closely related to why esprilactona appears to help with “heart” function. Which was the question I actually had.
The heart dysfunction is the symptom.
I have some questions about 2017 and kinda wish I was not stented.
I’m still nuts as a bunny but I seem to be on a better cognitive keel.
I don’t have the time to delve into tuberculosis right now. I suspect that we are on approximately 40 year cycles for malaria and that this could very well explain why everyone in Weimar Germany was psycho and apparently totally passive about whatever was going on.
Anyone capitalizing on our collective misfortune is a malaria pirate.
I don’t care what you call them or what they call themselves.
Anyway .. offhand .. without getting into the weeds .. the tuberculosis crowd is possibly differentiation in people who cleared an infection and if it mysteriously rears its head again in *checks watch* idk right about nowwwwww , be sure to ask “but i thought pasteurization eliminated that?”
It sure did a good job of sterilizing humans.
In 2022, 8,300 TB cases were reported in the United States, compared with 7,874 cases reported in 2021. TB incidence also increased slightly in 2022 (2.5 cases per 100,000 persons). Reported TB cases and TB incidence in the United States are returning to pre-pandemic levels, following a substantial decline in 2020, likely due to factors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic including missed or delayed diagnoses.
Up to 13 million: estimated number of people in the United States living with latent TB infection
Well if the CDC says its 13 million then it’s 130 million. LOL.
So at this point vietnam vets would be like … 72 years old right?
And the original 50,000 civilians who died as a result and were called “aids cases” and demonized as homos addicts and sinners all passed away like 40 years ago.
If 2012 extrapolates to the “new 1976” then every single death from 2012-2021 was swept under the rug and called some other bullshit so they could kick the can down the road to another administration.
To some new bullshit name for the same disease the Rockefeller’s malaria foundation from 1913 declared “mission accomplished” on.
Over and over and over so they don’t have to compensate dead veterans or collateral civilian casualties they brought it home to.
Your miasma is stacked miles high and its defrauded every nation.
So it’s an escape artist.
If your body’s an Escape Room then mine’s the basement from that movie “Saw.”
The premise behind “pep” (post exposure prophylaxis) for “hiv” is that you take it (for 28 days) within 72 hours of a single exposure.
Presumably this acts on blood stages before they can invade apicoplasts. I’m not sure if this does anything about the apicoplasts – if it doesn’t then it means that “pep” and “hiv diagnosis” are flawed.
All “hiv” medicines treat blood stages, not apicoplasts. apologies if i have the exact nomenclature for how it infects rbcs and liver stages wrong. but once the blood stages of the parasite get inside of the apicoplasts in an rbc or a liver stage, current meds dont touch it. it stops the “import” it blocks the “protease” it doesnt fix the apicoplast to the best of my current understanding – this part i admit is a little tentative right now and up until today I didnt know that these apicoplasts were in both RBCs and in liver cells. please accept my apologies if prior entries “sound like i didn’t know that.”
Bear in mind when these soldiers came home with p. falciparum in the 1970s we still wouldn’t know what an “apicoplast” even was for several more decades so don’t even give me that “nooooo the science was already settled” shit:
In fact despite our repeated assertations that Bob Gallo and Luc Montagnier had “discovered the virus” and “the science” thought they already knew about what to target in p. falciparum, that is just not true. We had pronounced it “treatment resistant” in 1975 but we didn’t even know what to treat until 1991.
So after the “mycoplasma incognitos” hoax and the “aids” hoax they “redefined aids” quietly in 1993. Enter the CDC’s “surveillance” program (a word we got from the french that means “monitor the dissidents”) which did little more than take notes on results and disease progression/fatal outcomes for another decade or so. If they ever did figure it out 2001 ended up being one of the worst years.
Your body has a defense mechanism against certain foreign substances.
It produces ROS (reactive oxygen species) to kill anything in your blood that is not biologically compatible with you.
“p43” – now known as AIMP1 in other topics- is when your body is diving into your immature bone marrow to help fight infection because your primary sources are already overwhelmed or depleted.
Lower parasitaemia has been attributed to the strict tropism of Pv for reticulocytes [16], a population of erythrocyte precursors originating in the bone marrow and found at low levels in peripheral blood.
This is where you get sweaty, where you cough from hydrogen, and you have fever and other “cold/flu” symptoms.
When it’s not malaria, and you are not “immunocompromised” this usually works and you clear your illness in 48-96+/- hours.
Apicoplasts are resistant to ROS.
So your body keeps producing ROS trying to get rid of them.
This does not work.
Rather, it does not work well enough for p. falciparum and its numerous other brand and trademark names the US Army and NIH/CDC use for it. I’m not implying everyone is evil or making money or in some great big “conspiracy” here.
It is extremely plausible AND likely that yes, there was in fact a “conspiracy” to cover up p. falciparum cases from vietnam that resulted in 50,000 deaths over a few years.
Deaths that nobody cried for because it was homos and addicts.
You bet your ass they saw the writing on the wall in 2001 when they decoded the human genome and the genome for p. falciparum.
Due to silos, compartmentalization, and “state secrecy” we have ended up with no accountability and a bureaucracy where one hand doesn’t know what the other one is doing. We now have an administration that lies so much it believes itself.
Researchers and physicians around my age have been told a story their entire life about what the “virus” is and “how it works.” I believed it too, until they pulled this stunt on us with the covid. If you believed (and still) believe it, I am not accusing you of anything.
This all started with a “joke” i made on facebook about “airborne aids” at the end of 2019 or early 2020. BAM. INSTANT ban. I don’t know what to tell you. I immediately suspected that this was bullshit and that they were in on it.
So you are overwhelmed by ROS and cough yourself ragged. It is a really dry and unproductive burning cough, right? Like you are built out of tissue paper and ripping yourself to shreds. That was one of the things that got me hooked on hydrocodone syrup in the 00’s.
You exhale the peroxide/ROS.
This does enough damage that you get “pcp pneumonia” and other fungal infections in your lungs that are seen in “hiv,” “covid,” and/or malaria. These fungal infections in and of themselves were AIDS DEFINING under the original CDC definitions.
And no, we did not even know it was a fungus at that time let alone which species.
Do you understand that all these cases and deaths (+/- 50,000) that were swept under the rug as “aids” from 1981-1985 based on “pcp pneumonia” would NOT meet the “aids” criteria today?
These covid cases would meet the 1982 “aids” criteria.
Wearing a mask and inhaling that again is the worst thing you could do. Your body is doing a lot of work to excrete, expel, and exhale it.
And you’re going to go and keep inhaling it again?
If you’re sick the best thing you can do to protect yourself and others is to stay home.
“8 out of 11” p falciparum malaria cases would have been “inappropriately” diagnosed as influenza if the 2009 (UK) “flu” season diagnostic criteria had been applied to them 3 years later. (archive )
So what happened to them? did they get treatment? No.
And what happens to people who arent treated for it in 10-12 years?
When its called ‘aids’ they start dying from opportunistic infections , cancer, and have next to no t-cells … right about now.
Would 2012 happen to be the same year “influenza” jumped from 9,300,000 to 34,000,000 ?
Could that mean that 24 million of our “flu” cases in 2012 had p falciparum in a country that “eliminated malaria in 1951” ?
But its your fault you didn’t follow the arrows on the grocery floor!
They learned about “inunction” and “anointing” (see Homer and the Old Testament) from the serpent. Its fangs were hollow and it delivered a venom to its victims that way.
The story of Eve: “It’s the woman’s fault, she cursed me.”
The story of Saul Paul Ehrlich Jr: “Nobody FORCED you to take the swine flu vaccine, it was VOLUNTARY, no refunds, we arent liable.”
We didn’t have ringers solution and “sterile saline” then, they used oil as a delivery mechanism for poisons and drugs.
methemoglobinemia is a condition that arises:
from arsenic poisoning. (snow white and her cursed apple.) greeks loved injecting people with everything to see what it would do. just like they liked putting peoples brains in jars in the pyramids. youd “consent” to a procedure and they did god only knows what to people. you “agreed to it.” Burning bushes talking snakes and all. they figured out what killed, sedated, and intoxicated people.
nitrate poisoning from agricultural runoff, certain pesticides, and nitrates in tap water.
During the “aids crisis” they said it was from “poppers” which were amyl nitrate. Then why didn’t the “tops” get it? Why didn’t straight people huffing poppers to Gloria Gaynor in Studio 54 get it? Because “bottoms” were shoving a hose of nitrate polluted tap water up their hoohaa to clean it out.
During the “aids crisis” they said it was from injecting drugs, which may have contributed but the missing piece here is that they were injecting nitrate polluted tap water with their drugs.
methemoglobinemia is a condition that, indeed, directly/indirectly arises from drug use and malnutrition – as every aids activist ever tried to tell you. we knew that somehow for some reason they could not absorb nutrients: nutrients being eaten by p. falciparum
methemoglobinemia is the underlying reason for “why” malaria is starves your macrophages and RBCs of heme and nutrients. the heme is stripped off and discarded.
Thats where you get a “hemophiliac” , oh “they have aids too!”
Natural and “acquired” infection (the “a” in aids) acts differently from “vaccination.”
SARS-COV would be the first generation of people who got their underlying melanoma directly as a result of SV40 in the contaminated polio vaccine – which innoculated the original recipients against a single molecule causing their myeloma – or as a result of the 1976 swine flu vaccine.
SARS-COV2 would be the second generation of people who had either of those passed down congenitally or sexually or by other means. They have the additional ORFs , ORF3, ORF4, ORF5, ORF6, ORF7, ORF8, ORF9, and ORF10 because it was passed genetically not through a “voluntary” “vaccination.” Thus SARS-COV is not COV2.
SARS-COV2 will be people born after 1976, before 1976 who did not receive the “swine flu” vaccine, or who did not receive the SV40 contaminated polio vaccine.
The only reason you are brainwashed into “hoping boomers die” is because they’re the only people who will remember any of this and confirm or deny their recollection when they hear this story.
They came up with the “influenza vaccine” in 1892 from the nasal swabbings of “flu” infected patients. Until 1937 the “flu vaccine” was aimed at influenza of a bacterial origin.
What did everyone die from in 1918? Bacterial pneumonia.
And everyone swore it was from the ‘flu vaccine.’
Reuters to the rescue again:
Oh really? Because that isn’t what the World Health Organization says.
They injected people with a completely useless “flu” vaccine for 45 years , from 1892 to 1937 – and all claims about its “safety” and “effectiveness” were fraudulent. OR,
“Flu” actually was bacterial.
They didn’t start using sterile/disposable needles until the Korean War. That (1950s) is obviously when the DoD realized that sharing needles for blood was responsible for disease transmission.
I don’t think everyone was on the same page about sharing needles for vaccinations yet. MEPS assumed their recruits were tested for diseases and “clean” and continued using the vaccine guns. It wasn’t until Vietnam when they realized some of the troops had a little heroin problem and had been sharing needles with a treatment resistant form of malaria.
But nobody came out and said that so we had 50 million people sharing needles for a 10-dose vaccine vial in the 1976 “pandemic.”
“Polio” and the so called “flu” and every other form of myeloma arose from pasteurization.
The bacterial “flu” vaccine stopped working in or around 1937.
Chloroquine stopped working on malaria around the 1940s.
Not because of some “super flu” or “super malaria.”
Because pasteurization started stripping amino acids out of our diet.
And every single one of them is listed under “coronavirus target” named “SARS-CoV2.”
How does that work?
There are TWELVE different types of cathespins!
And the one related to the “SARS-CoV2” is a specific cathespin in group “L,” e.g. “Cathespin-L”
P. Falciparum’s falcipains 2a, 2b, and 3 are not cathespin-L, they are “cathespin L-like.”
They are not “cathespins.”
And malaria is not “chloroquine resistant.”
This is an iatrogenic form of malaria created in Frankfort.
Why are they “like marburg?”
Because none of this shit is a “bioweapon.”
They are all failed vaccine efforts by Merck, the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the Crimea lab (Ukraine) and the US Dept of Defense going back to the 1960s when they infected everyone with SIV and Marburg in the quest for a “polio” vaccine (no such thing its mutltiple myeloma from pasteurization). Every single one of these diseases are myeloma.
Why are they “myeloma” and not merely “malaria?”
Because they are one laboratory fuckup after another after another.
That threatens Jonas Salk and his “polio vaccine success story.”
I am not saying anything TPTB don’t already know.
I am not saying anything the DoD, NIH, or CDC don’t already know.
This “mrna vaccine” doesnt treat or cure any disease. It is 100% about compliance and contact tracing. They have this information. But you can’t have it unless “she” is in the white house, unless “he” gets paid, unless “they” implement world communism under 100% false pretenses. And they want you silenced, disarmed, and deprived of all your civil rights / constitutional / bill of rights first.
Nobody is an “anti vaxxer” they just know they’re being lied to.
They know these people are disgusting and have ulterior motives.
“You don’t deserve a hospital bed if you don’t comply!”
“You don’t deserve an organ transplant if you don’t comply!”
Let me tell you what YOU deserve for what you have done to us.
What does “digital currency” have to do with a pandemic?
But they are holding your life, your health, your sovereignty, everything you own and every “right” you presently enjoy hostage until they get everything on their RANSOM list.
And everyone who fucking did this will be your fucking landlord.
If > 50% of the population has an enlarged spleen it’s “hyperendemic.”
You’re going to find this.
In addition to your myocardium , that’s one of the other places it hangs out. In sticky damaged infected cells clinging to your vessel walls and your organs. They’re not being recycled by your spleen because they’re sticking to it. This is called malaria sequesterization, and Tony Fauci calls it “hiv reservoirs” which is totally false, because HIV and Dr Fauci are fraudulent.
So what do the “greeks” do when they have a hot new malaria strain they can use to maraud and pillage and ruin your civilization? Start a “war” and bring in infected “refugees.” Even on treatment, even asymptomatic, even on ivermectin or abendazole — which they are, they’re getting as they’re being airlifted from Afghanistan and dropped off here – they can have it, you can’t— they still have spores that mosquitos can suck up and transmit to you.
But you can’t have prophylactic treatment “for some reason.“
That “reason” is: that this is biological warfare and subjugation, which your treasonous government is doing on purpose, deliberately, with forethought and malice. Do you think these people care if we live or die? They’re laughing all the way to fucking 24 million dollar mansion in the fuckin Galapagos or whatever. The answer to this is to immediately require that all government business, all votes in Congress in the Senate, ALL transactions be done IN PERSON not “from home,” not “through a representative,” NOT “over a webcam” ever again.
A little sexual emergency here, a little gang rape there, a needle here, and now you have a problem, which you are a “racist” if you notice. Epidemologists SHOULD “notice things” or they’re not very fucking good at their JOBS.
Now I don’t mean to talk down to ALL of you like you’re idiots, I’m sorry, I think some of you DO know EXACTLY what the fuck is going on here.
And you’re putting them on buses to Martha’s Vineyard.. and New York .. and Chicago .. and Los Angeles … LOL!
“But you’re a Sanctuary City! Refugees Welcome!”
“Let’s send them to Washington DC!”
“Even better yet, how about KAMALA’S HOUSE!”
Texas I am so sorry when I clean up the archives, i’m taking it all back, that is so unfathomably fucking based I could just about piss myself.
You can’t tell them why you don’t want the “refugees” in Marthas Vineyard.
But you know.
And they know.
And they know you know. But no one’s going to come out and say it.
They’re just going to gaslight the fuck out of you right back and ask “you’re not XENOPHOBIC are you?” (wheres that word from!)
“A- a- are you … are you RACIST?”
All kidding aside, knowingly shipping malaria infected people through central america and all through the united states is bioterrorism and biolgical warfare. It is also the textbook definition of human trafficking. If they are taking advantage of people who don’t realize they may be carrying blood stages that can be transmitted to others, despite a lack of apparent symptoms, these trafficked humans are victims here.
I don’t feel bad for Europe at all, the crown’s been terrorizing and subjugating the colonies with hoards of Muslims for hundreds and hundreds of years. The East India Trading Company, whose flag is the basis for ours, had 200,000 mercenaries going around taxing, terrorizing and cheating the world. Your turn.
Doxycycline will clear up the splenomegaly in 2-6 months, lasting up to a year.
If it were “holoendemic,” it would affect older people less severely, and that is not what you’re seeing.
The reason doxycycline isn’t mentioned is because it specifically targets p. falciparum apicoplasts.
They’re denying p. falciparum is in the USA at all.
For them to admit that doxycycline is effective is to admit that this is a lie.
A 55 year old, multi trillion dollar lie than bankrupted and ruined our country and took away your loved ones and destroyed life as we knew it.
They’ve lied about everything else so far.
They don’t want it to be “over” they’re still robbing the Treasury like they did Rome. They still have to implement their “digital currency”, which has fuck all to do with epidemology and infectious diseases, but the pandemic isn’t over until they’ve robbed the bank, disarmed you, and then told you you have to get your UBI or reparations or whatever from Twitter’s banking app and any dissenters won’t get fed and will probably be welded inside their homes like China.
If you’re offered “doxy pep” I think you should do it. Just lie to the county or your case manager and say you fuck someone every day.
When they look up from their little clipboard and ask “with who?” I want you to get all pissy and roll your eyes and say “I have no idea!” And then when they’re like “well where do you meet them?” you say “shit i don’t know. popeyes chicken. the city impound when i go to pay my parking tickets. the gym. maybe outside in the waiting area after we’re done.”
“sir this is an STD clinic-“
“better make mine 200mg a day.”
It’s like when I had pneumonia and got told to eat shit by the ER in Phoenix. I rolled my eyes, marched into the county STD clinic, and said “oh no i just had sex on Grindr and now it burns when I pee.”
“Combo drugs” target different stages of malaria, just enough to keep a suppressed infestation of 20-30%. When you discontinue your “hiv” meds, the liver stage (so called “hidden reservoir”) is active enough to reproduce and cause a “detectable” (no longer suppressed) infestation.
CQ has a near- 100% clearance if it’s not a CQ resistant strain.
Ivermectin and doxycycline are effective against asexual parasites but not liver stages.
“HIV” was the trial run for the perfect illness nobody could cure or solve, which “required” a lifetime subscription of $3000/mo meds.
As long as there are no cases of transmission with Anopheles mosquitoes (USA, Russia, Canada, basically anywhere away from the equator and mid latitudes) HIV is just malaria that’s spread by other risk factors.
“Climate change” introduces Anophles and mosquito transmission, exposing the fraud.
Taking CQ, HCQ, “doxy pep” (long enough rather than just after sexual contacts) or Ivermectin *might* knock that 60-70% to 100% and some people will have some explaining to do.
They don’t want to explain it, they want to lie even more than they already have. You can go right ahead and believe CNN and their “experts” who are all under a GAG ORDER from the united states government idgaf!
Under no circumstances am I in any way denying that the illnesses and clinical presentations that we refer to as covid, hiv/aids, and malaria , are deadly and disabling and devastating. Call them whatever you want, it’s going to fuck you up and possibly kill you if it is not kept in a functional remission or cured.
They knew it was p. falciparum 50 years ago.
They just wanted to deny some vets their benefits pay and disability and gaslight them about their symptoms.
The military suspected ivermectin might help with treatment and clearance in 2014.
They could have said something.
It was confirmed in November 2019.
They could have said something.
Why do I have to be the one telling you this?
Something you may be interested in, or need to know about: In an actual malara infection, the parasite hijacks the cellular mechanism that makes your red blood cells. It creates genetic material similar to heme , that it can use as building blocks for itself. Heme/RBCs are one of the things your body can’t develop an immune response against – or you die.
The ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) seen in “covid” patients occurrs after they have successfully fought off the infection and a bunch of infected RBCs are tagged for destruction. This is what happened to AZT patients when they got sick and died “from AZT.” The “pcp pneumonia” of the 1980s that was the hallmark of “aids” was later found to be fungal and this too, happens in “covid.” This the reason the study linked above shows some ivermectin-treated mice as dying, and if there is a good reason to not go at it 100% , it is going to be that , a targeted therapy that aggressively clears out all infected RBCs leaves you with no blood cells (ARDS, anemia, etc).
It would be the same thing with the “covid vaccines” even if they DO work. It will be people with a latent infection who have catastrophic outcomes like ARDS and anemia. Taking an aggressive course of HCQ tags all infected/non naive cells for destruction. The easiest way to screen for this is to see if your spleen is inflamed/enlarged (splenomegaly). It is a likely indicator that damaged/destroyed RBCs are not being recycled and returned to circulation. Secondary symptoms will be muscle wasting and so called “soy arms.”
In this situation, you would want someone on doxycycline or something along these lines that takes approximately three “generations” to sterilize / clear out sexual forms of the parasite. It penetrates the blood and brain barrier readily. It would take a minimum of a month to six months to get the splenomegaly down and to have circulating RBCs that are not hijacked.
Until you hit the third generation of “sexual” /reproduction capable forms , iron supplementation , red meat etc can cause a rebound/resurge and further multiplication.
Then and only then can you administer a treatment that aggressively tags damagaed/hijacked cells for apoptosis (destruction) without running the risk of .. well.. destroying them all and dying from that directly (ards, volume loss) or an opportunistic infection (fungal pneumonia). The labwork on splenomegaly is easy. A secondary sign of improvement would be that nutrition is restoring lost wasting/mass.
Denying what this is – and what to do about it – will just kill more people than you already have. I really think 50,000,000 is enough.
Who knew, “capitalism” killed more people than “communism” after all LOL. (really, corporate socialism, where they privatize the profits and then “socialize” the losses by taxation at gunpoint or other forms of violence and coerction if necessary) But that wasn’t real capitalism, right, real capitalism has never been tried before(tm).
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In this house, I believe: I live in a society that destroys its sentinels. The difference between a "conspiracy theory" and a "scandal" is approximately two years. Censorship is brute force deprivation of knowledge, and thus, power. To deprive others of power by coercion and force is violence. You have two types of people in the world: Those who would want to make everyone suffer the way they do, and those who would do anything to make sure no one else ever has to suffer the way they do. My favorite conspiracy theory is the one where people think everyone is going to be okay. There is nothing left out there for me in trash world. Los socialistas viven con miedo a las consecuencias de sus actos. "I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air."